
Oempro API integration

1.1 2017-09-07 12:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 18:00:37 UTC


This SDK is intended to facilitate the integration with OEMPRO

Basic config for integration

$oemproApiKey = '9291-0e9a-b2b1-c9b4-ea1e-3450-a718-1234';
$oemproListId = '1';
$oemproUrl    = 'https://example.com/';
$oempro       = new Api($oemproUrl, $oemproApiKey);

Manage subscriber information

Search email in list

$subscriber = $oempro->get('Subscriber.Get', [
    'ListID' => $oemproListId, 
    'EmailAddress' => $email
    ], 'array');

Verify if email exists in list

if ($subscriber['Success']) {
    $sId = $subscriber['SubscriberInformation']['SubscriberID'];

Set data in Custom Fields

    $fields = [
        '1'  => 'Fist Name',
        '2' => 'Last Name',

Insert subscriber

$this->oempro->get('Subscriber.Subscribe', [
    'ListID'       => $oemproListId,
    'EmailAddress' => $email,
    'IPAddress'    => '1234',
    'fields'       => $fields,
], 'array');

Update subscriber

$this->oempro->get('Subscriber.Update', [
    'SubscriberListID' => $oemproListId,
    'SubscriberID'     => $sId,
    'EmailAddress'     => 'email',
    'IPAddress'        => '1234',
    'fields'           => $fields,
], 'array');

Manage campaigns with html content

1 - Create a email

$email = $oempro->post('Email.Create', [], 'array');

2 - Update a email with html content

$email = $oempro->post('Email.Update', [
    'EmailID' => $email['EmailID'],
    'ValidateScope' => 'Campaign',
    'FromName' => 'John',
    'FromEmail' => 'john@gmail.com',
    'ReplyToName' => 'Jhon',
    'ReplyToEmail' => 'john@gmail.com',
    'Subject' => 'My subject',
    'Mode' => 'Empty',
    'HTMLContent' => $html
], 'array');

3 - Create a campaign

$campaign = $oempro->post('Campaign.Create', [
    'CampaignName' => 'Best price'
], 'array');

4 - Update a campaign schedule and list

$campaign = $oempro->post('Campaign.Update', [
    'CampaignID' => $campaign['CampaignID'],
    'RelEmailID' => $email['EmailID'],
    'RecipientListsAndSegments' => '1:0', #'2:5'
    'ScheduleType' => 'Immediate'
], 'array');