
Vdm Ftp Transport

2.0.1 2024-01-02 16:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:24:33 UTC


Not maintained anymore : use VdmLibraryFlysystemTransportBundle instead with VdmLibraryBundle v3.x

This source can collect data from a ftp server.

Configuration reference

                dsn: "sftp://user:password@sftp.fr:2222"
                    max_retries: 0
                        enabled: true
                    mode: move
                        dirpath: path/to/your/files/
                        storage: path/to/your/storage/
Configuration Description
dsn the url you want to collect (needs to start by ftp or sftp)
retry_strategy.max_retries needs to be 0 because ftp transport does not support this feature
options.mode two mode available (move
options.ftp_options options to manage your ftp actions
options.ftp_options.dirpath path to your directory
options.ftp_options.storage If you choose option move you have to configure this path.
options.monitoring.enabled if true, hook up in the vdm library bundle monitoring system to send information about the FTP response

Custom ftp executor

A custom ftp executor allows you to customize how you call the ftp server. It's necessary if you have differents action to make on files.

Just create a class in your project that extends Vdm\Bundle\LibraryFtpTransportBundle\Executor\AbstractFtpExecutor. It will automatically replace the default executor.

If you have 2 custom executor. Only a single one will be used, the second is ignored.

namespace App\FtpExecutor;

use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Envelope;
use Vdm\Bundle\LibraryBundle\Model\Message;
use Vdm\Bundle\LibraryFtpTransportBundle\Executor\AbstractFtpExecutor;
use Vdm\Bundle\LibraryBundle\Stamp\StopAfterHandleStamp;

class CustomFtpExecutor implements AbstractFtpExecutor
     * @var LoggerInterface 
    private $logger;

    public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger) 
        $this->logger = $logger;

    public function execute(array $files): iterable
        $files = array_filter($files, function($file) {
            return (isset($file['type']) && $file['type'] === 'file');

        foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
            $file = $this->ftpClient->get($file);
            $message = new Message($file);

            yield $this->getEnvelope($files, $key, $message);

        yield new Envelope(new Message(""), [new StopAfterHandleStamp()]);

    private function getEnvelope(array $files, int $key, Message $message): Envelope
        $stamps = [];

        // Put the stop stamp on the last file
        if (array_key_last($files) === $key) {
            $stamps = [new StopAfterHandleStamp()];

        return new Envelope($message, $stamps);

There are 2 important things your custom executor needs to do :

  • yield a new envelope with a VDM Message instance
  • Add a StopAfterHandleStamp stamp to the yielded envelope if you want to stop after handling the last file (if not, the messenger worker loop over and will execute it once again).

Note : thanks to the yield system, you can implement a loop in your execute function and return items once at a time

Note : you can keep state in your custom executor so if it is executed again, adapt your ftp call


If you enable monitoring, it will track the following metrics :

  • Size of the Ftp file body
  • Counter the ftp error