Integration of Symfony's Asset component into Nette Framework.

v3.3.4 2024-08-05 23:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 02:07:18 UTC


Integration of symfony/asset into Nette Framework.

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The best way to install 68publishers/asset is using Composer:

$ composer require 68publishers/asset


Simply register a compiler extension into DIC:

	asset: SixtyEightPublishers\Asset\Bridge\Nette\DI\AssetExtension

	# your configuration

Configuration options are described in official Symfony documentation

Usage in Latte templates

{* Use default package *}
<img src="{asset 'my/awesome/image.png'}" alt="..."></a>
<p>Version: {asset_version 'my/awesome/image.png'}</p>

{* Use "foo" package *}
<img src="{asset 'my/awesome/image.png', 'foo'}" alt="..."></a>
<p>Version: {asset_version 'my/awesome/image.png', 'foo'}</p>

You can also use a function equivalent. For example if you want to store result in variable:

{var $asset = asset('my/awesome/image.png')}
{var $asset = asset('my/awesome/image.png', 'foo')}

{var $version = asset_version('my/awesome/image.png')}
{var $version = asset_version('my/awesome/image.png', 'foo')}


Before opening a pull request, please check your changes using the following commands

$ make init # to pull and start all docker images

$ make cs.check
$ make stan
$ make tests.all