
Features for Nette Components and Presenters. Authorization via annotations, template resolving and overloading etc. ...

v1.0.0 2022-12-12 01:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-12 06:10:51 UTC


This package adds some useful features for Nette Presenters and Components, such as authorization for Presenters, their actions and signals using PHP8 attributes, authorization for component signals using attributes, and resolving of component template files.

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The best way to install 68publishers/smart-nette-component is using Composer:

$ composer require 68publishers/smart-nette-component

Authorization attributes

To use the authorization attributes, you need to register a compiler extension.

    component_authorization: SixtyEightPublishers\SmartNetteComponent\Bridge\Nette\DI\ComponentAuthorizationExtension

# The default configuration (you don't need to define it) is as follows:
    cache: %debugMode%
    	- %appDir%
    scanComposer: yes
    	- *Presenter
    	- *Control
    	- *Component

Attributes can be cached when folding the DI container to avoid using reflection at runtime. The extension will create a classmap and a map of all attributes automatically, it just needs to know where to look for Presenters and Components. This is done with the scanDirs, scanComposer and scanFilters options, which behave similarly to nette/application.

Now add the following trait to your BasePresenter and BaseControl:

use Nette\Application\UI\Presenter;
use SixtyEightPublishers\SmartNetteComponent\Bridge\Nette\Application\AuthorizationTrait;

abstract class BasePresenter extends Presenter
    use AuthorizationTrait;
use Nette\Application\UI\Control;
use SixtyEightPublishers\SmartNetteComponent\Bridge\Nette\Application\AuthorizationTrait;

abstract class BaseControl extends Control
    use AuthorizationTrait;

From now, you can use authorization attributes in your Presenters and Components:

use SixtyEightPublishers\SmartNetteComponent\Attribute\LoggedIn;
use SixtyEightPublishers\SmartNetteComponent\Attribute\Allowed;

final class AdminProductPresenter extends BasePresenter
    #[Allowed('product_resource', 'add')]
    public function actionAdd(): void {}

    #[Allowed('product_resource', 'delete')]
    public function handleDelete(): void {}
use SixtyEightPublishers\SmartNetteComponent\Attribute\LoggedIn;
use SixtyEightPublishers\SmartNetteComponent\Attribute\Allowed;

final class EditOrderControl extends BaseControl
    #[Allowed('order_resource', 'delete_item')]
    public function handleDeleteItem(): void {}

The Presenter/Component throws the exception SixtyEightPublishers\SmartNetteComponent\Exception\ForbiddenRequestException if any of the conditions in the attributes are not met.

The package includes the following attributes:

  • Allowed
  • InRole
  • LoggedIn
  • LoggedOut

If you would like to react somehow to the thrown exception, you can overwrite the onForbiddenRequest() method in a Presenter/Component.

protected function onForbiddenRequest(ForbiddenRequestException $exception): void
    # `$exception->rule` contains failed attribute
    $this->flashMessage('You don\'t have access here!', 'error');

Custom authorization attributes

You can register your own attributes in the following way:

use SixtyEightPublishers\SmartNetteComponent\Attribute\AttributeInterface;
use SixtyEightPublishers\SmartNetteComponent\Authorization\RuleInterface;
use SixtyEightPublishers\SmartNetteComponent\Authorization\RuleHandlerInterface;
use SixtyEightPublishers\SmartNetteComponent\Exception\ForbiddenRequestException;

final class CustomRule implements AttributeInterface, RuleInterface
    # ...

final class CustomRuleHandler implements RuleHandlerInterface
    public function canHandle(RuleInterface $rule): bool
        return $rule instanceof CustomRule;

    public function __invoke(RuleInterface $rule): void
        assert($rule instanceof CustomRule);

        if (...) {
            throw new ForbiddenRequestException($rule);
        autowired: no
        factory: CustomRuleHandler

Template resolving

You don't need to register any compiler extension to use this feature, just use the TemplateResolverTrait trait in your BaseControl.

use Nette\Application\UI\Control;
use SixtyEightPublishers\SmartNetteComponent\Bridge\Nette\Application\TemplateResolverTrait;

abstract class BaseControl extends Control
    use TemplateResolverTrait;

The base render() method is already declared in the trait. To assign variables to the template, we can use the beforeRender() method. You can also define custom render*() methods that are called for rendering using {control myControl:foo}.

final class MyControl extends BaseControl
    protected function beforeRender(): void
        # assign variables into the template here

    public function renderFoo(): void

The template for the base render method will be resolved as COMPONENT_DIRECTORY/templates/myControl.latte or COMPONENT_DIRECTORY/templates/MyControl.latte.

The template for the foo render method will be resolved as COMPONENT_DIRECTORY/templates/foo.myControl.latte or COMPONENT_DIRECTORY/templates/foo.MyControl.latte.

Of course, you can set a template file manually:

final class MyPresenter extends BasePresenter
    protected function createComponentMyControl() : FooControl
        $control = $this->myControlFactory->create();

        $control->setFile(__DIR__ . '/path/to/file.latte');
        # or relatively from a component's directory:

        # you can change the template for a specific render type:
        $control->setFile(__DIR__ . '/path/to/myControl.latte', 'foo'); # template for `renderFoo()`

        return $control;


Before opening a pull request, please check your changes using the following commands

$ make init # to pull and start all docker images

$ make cs.check
$ make stan
$ make tests.all