
Automate deployment for git pushes to GitHub and Gitea

3.0.1 2024-03-07 07:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 16:05:41 UTC


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Automate deployment for git pushes to GitHub and Gitea using webhooks.

Automatically push your git repository changes to any website.


  • git clone the repository
  • start a local php development server: php -S localhost:80 demo.php
  • run the curl request which simulates the webhook request
curl \
    --request POST \
    --header "content-type: application/json" \
    --header "X-HUB-SIGNATURE-256: 2d8e4a6f3114e41f09a65195b2d69b5844e7a1a9284cdb2671354568304dd7a6" \
    --data '{"ref":"refs/heads/master", "before":"fc7fc95de2d998e0b41e17cfc3442836bbf1c7c9", "after": "fc7fc95de2d998e0b41e17cfc3442836bbf1c7c9", "total_commits":1, "repository":{"name": "site"}}' \


composer require 8ctopus/git-hook

GitHub usage

  • Create a new page such as this one in a public part of your website (in this example https://example.com/api/myhook/index.php)
use Apix\Log\Logger\File;
use HttpSoft\ServerRequest\ServerRequestCreator;
use Oct8pus\GitHubHook;

// assuming script is in DOCUMENT_ROOT/public/api/myhook/index.php
$documentRoot = __DIR__ . '/../../..';

require_once $documentRoot . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$commands = [
    // repository name eg. https://github.com/8ctopus/site
    'site' => [
        // directory in which commands will be executed
        'path' => $documentRoot,
        'commands' => [
            // adjust to your flavor
            '/usr/bin/git pull',
            '/usr/local/bin/composer install --no-interaction --no-dev',

// the logger is optional but provides useful information (any PSR-3 logger will do)
// to use this logger, composer require 8ctopus/apix-log
$logger = new File(sys_get_temp_dir() . '/git-hook-' . date('Y-m-d-His') . '.log');

try {
    $logger->info('Git hook...');

    $request = ServerRequestCreator::createFromGlobals($_SERVER, $_FILES, $_COOKIE, $_GET, $_POST);

    (new GitHubHook($request, $commands, 'SAME_SECRET_KEY_AS_IN_GITHUB_ADMIN', $logger))

    $logger->notice('Git hook - OK');
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    if ($exception->getCode() !== 0) {
        // informs the webhook that the command failed

        echo $exception->getMessage();
  • In the GitHub project, go to Settings > Webhooks > Add webhook.
  • Set Payload URL to https://example.com/api/myhook/
  • Set Content type to application/json
  • Set Secret using a strong password (same as in the script SAME_SECRET_KEY_AS_IN_GITHUB_ADMIN)
  • Set Just the push event
  • Check Active
  • Click Add Webhook
  • Once added, click on it and scroll to the bottom to check the first delivery. If the first delivery succeeded you are all set. If it failed, review the response error and click Redeliver once you think you fixed it.

Note: Also read the important notes below.

Gitea usage

  • Create a new page such as this one in a public part of your website (in this example https://example.com/api/myhook/index.php)

use Apix\Log\Logger\File;
use HttpSoft\ServerRequest\ServerRequestCreator;
use Oct8pus\GiteaHook;

// assuming script is in DOCUMENT_ROOT/public/api/myhook/index.php
$documentRoot = __DIR__ . '/../../..';

require_once $documentRoot . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$commands = [
    'site' => [
        'path' => $documentRoot,
        'commands' => [
            // adjust to your flavor
            '/usr/bin/git pull',
            '/usr/local/bin/composer install --no-interaction --no-dev',

// the logger is optional but provides useful information (any PSR-3 logger will do)
// to use this logger, composer require 8ctopus/apix-log
$logger = new File(sys_get_temp_dir() . '/git-hook-' . date('Y-m-d-His') . '.log');

try {
    $logger->info('Git hook...');

    $request = ServerRequestCreator::createFromGlobals($_SERVER, $_FILES, $_COOKIE, $_GET, $_POST);

    (new GiteaHook($request, $commands, 'SAME_SECRET_KEY_AS_IN_GITEA_ADMIN', $logger))

    $logger->notice('Git hook - OK');
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    if ($exception->getCode() !== 0) {
        // informs the webhook that the command failed

        echo $exception->getMessage();
  • update your gitea configuration in order to allow to send webhooks to your domain
ALLOWED_HOST_LIST = example.com
  • In the Gitea project, go to Settings, select Gitea from Add webhook.
  • Set Target URL to https://example.com/api/myhook/
  • Set HTTP Method to POST
  • Set Post Content Type to application/json
  • Set Secret using a strong password (same as in the script SAME_SECRET_KEY_AS_IN_GITEA_ADMIN)
  • Set Trigger On to Push Events
  • Set Branch filter to master or any branch you want to trigger the script
  • Check Active
  • Click Add Webhook
  • Once added, click on it and scroll to the bottom and click Test Delivery
  • If the delivery succeeds you are all set. If it fails, go to the server and check the log.

important notes for both github and gitea

Note: for git pulls to work using user www-data (the apache typically runs under that user), you probably will need to:

  • make sure the upstream is set, so git knows where to pull from
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master
  • make sure user www-data is the owner of the git repository. If not, you will get the error message
[2023-05-05 16:23:21] ERROR fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '...'

Note: If you are concerned about weaker security, you can consider giving user www-data permissions to run git as another user such as ubuntu. This way, your webserver files can be owned by ubuntu and www-data can only read them. I'm not security specialist, so be warned.

sudo -H -u ubuntu -- /usr/bin/git pull;

Note: for git pulls to work using user www-data (the apache processes typically run under that user), you probably will need to:

- include the user and password (must be url encoded) inside the git remote url

- git remote set-url origin https://user:password@example.com/gitea/site.git


Callbacks can be implemented per command or for every command:

$commands = [
    'site' => [
        'path' => $path,
        'commands' => [
            'git status' => commandCallback(...),
            'composer install --no-interaction',
        'afterExec' => globalCallback(...),

Both callbacks have the same signature

function callback(?LoggerInterface $logger, string $command, string $stdout, string $stderr, string $status) : bool

Returning false aborts the deployment


The deployment script can be easily debugged locally using ngrok.

  • run ngrok ngrok http 80
  • update the Payload URL for Github or Target URL for Gitea to the ngrok address, similar to this one https://6daf-31-218-13-51.ngrok-free.app
  • run the php local server php -S localhost:80 demo.php
  • start visual studio code debugging and set a breakpoint in demo.php
  • resend the webhook request

clean code

composer fix(-risky)


composer phpstan


composer phpmd