
A class for handle json in a better way.

1.3.1 2019-04-08 10:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 00:07:03 UTC


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A class for handle json in a better way.


Install this package via Composer.

composer require "aalfiann/json-class-php:^1.0"



require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');
use \aalfiann\JSON;

$data = [
    'result'=>'just make a test!',
    'data' => [
        'id' => '1',
        'user' => 'your name',
        'email' => 'your_email@gmail.com',
        'website' => 'http://yourdomain.com',
        'non-utf8' => 'السلام علیکم ورحمة الله وبرکاته!'

header('Content-Type: application/json');
$json = new JSON;


require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');
use \aalfiann\JSON;

$data = '{"result":"just make a test!","data":{"id":"1","user":"your name","email":"your_email@gmail.com","website":"http://yourdomain.com","non-utf8":"\u00d8\u00a7\u00d9\u0084\u00d8\u00b3\u00d9\u0084\u00d8\u00a7\u00d9\u0085 \u00d8\u00b9\u00d9\u0084\u00db\u008c\u00da\u00a9\u00d9\u0085 \u00d9\u0088\u00d8\u00b1\u00d8\u00ad\u00d9\u0085\u00d8\u00a9 \u00d8\u00a7\u00d9\u0084\u00d9\u0084\u00d9\u0087 \u00d9\u0088\u00d8\u00a8\u00d8\u00b1\u00da\u00a9\u00d8\u00a7\u00d8\u00aa\u00d9\u0087!"},"logger":{"timestamp":"2018-09-17 13:53:12","uniqid":"5b9f95a812c0f"}}';

$json = new JSON;
echo var_dump($json->decode($data,true));


You can easily debug with set property debug to true.

require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');
use \aalfiann\JSON;

header('Content-Type: application/json');
$json = new JSON;

Chain Usage Example

require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');
use \aalfiann\JSON;

header('Content-Type: application/json');
$json = new JSON;
echo $json->withSanitizer()->withLog()->encode(['user'=>'yourname'],JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);


  • $withlog=false,$sanitize=false,$ansii=false,$debug=false,$makesimple=false,$trim=false;

Chain Function

  • withSanitizer($sanitize=true) this will sanitize your data array before execute json_encode.
  • withTrim($trim=true) this will trimmed your data array or string before execute json_encode or json_decode.
  • withLog($withlog=true) this will append the logger data into your json.
  • setAnsii($ansii=true) this will make sanitizer works to handle ANSII chars.
  • setDebug($debug=true) this is for debugging purpose.
  • makeSimple($makesimple=true) this will hide the additional data in debug output.

Main Function

  • encode($data,$options=0,$depth=512) encode array or string to json format.
  • decode($json,$assoc=false,$depth=512,$options=0) decode json string to stdClass/array.
  • isValid($json=null) to determine json string is valid or not.

Helper Function

  • convertToUTF8($string) convert string to valid UTF8 chars.
  • convertToUTF8Ansii($string) convert string to valid UTF8 chars (support ANSII chars).
  • trimValue($string) trim the data array or string to strip the whitespace or any characters consider to blank value.
  • debug_encode($string,$options=0,$depth=512) debugger to test json encode.
  • debug_decode($json,$assoc=false,$depth=512,$options=0) debugger to test json decode.
  • errorMessage($jsonlasterror,$content) case error message about json.
  • fixControlChar($string) Most common fixed hidden control char in json string which made json decode fails.
  • modifyJsonStringInArray($data,$jsonfield,$setnewfield="") modify json data string in some field array to be nice json data structure.
  • concatenate($data,$escape=true,$options=0,$depth=512) concatenate json data
  • minify($json) Minify the json string