
Add notifications Template into Models

1.0.0 2024-04-25 06:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 12:07:14 UTC


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This package helps you organized and save template messages for each model that included it. each message depends upon key, language, and channel.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require abather/model-notification

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="model-notification-migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="model-notification-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    "fallback_lang" => env("MODEL_NOTIFICATION_FALLBACK_LANG", "ar"),

    "variable_starter" => "[",

    "variable_ender" => "]",

    "relationship_variable_symbol" => "->",

    "file_name" => "file",

    "prevent_including_file" => false,

    "file_variables" => [

Override Global Configuration:

You can prevent including files for specific models if you wish by adding the variable prevent_including_file in the model:

public static $prevent_including_file = true;

If you want to use specific file variables for the model, you can add the file_variables variable:

public static $file_variables = ["document"];


You can use this package with any Model by implementing the Notifier interface and using the Notifier trait:

namespace App\Models;

use Abather\ModelNotification\Contracts\Notifier;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Bill extends Model implements Notifier
    use \Abather\ModelNotification\Notifier;

Now you can create, call, or update message templates as described below.

Create new template for a model:

To create a new template for any model, you can use the makeTemplateMessage() method. You must specify key, lang, channel, and template:

    ->template("You have a new bill [id], with an amount of: [amount]")

Including variables in the template text:

The template() method can include any attribute present in the model. The attribute value will replace the attribute name. For example, [amount] will retrieve the value of the attribute named amount. To change the symbols representing the variable names, you can modify the variable_starter and variable_ender in the config file.

Including attributes from relationships:

The template() method can also include values from supported relationships, such as [user->name]. It behaves like including attributes and supports belongsTo and hasOne relationships.

Including file path in the template text:

You can include the file URL in the template by adding any key defined in the config("model-notification.file_variables") or defined in the model $file_variables. Additionally, you need to use includeFile() when creating the template message:


You can change the URL returned by overriding the getFilePath() method in your model.

Adding extra data for the template message:

You can pass any extra data to prob([$key => $value]). Each value will go through the same process as the template to replace the attributes with data for attributes, relationship attributes, or file URLs.

    ->prob(["title" => "New bill generated with number [id]", "icon" => "bill"]);

Getting Template Messages:

You can use the getTemplateMessages() method to get all messages related to the model:


If you want to get messages for a specific channel, language, or key, you can use the forChannel($channel), forLang($lang), or forKey($key) scopes with the notificationTemplates() query builder:


This will return a collection of NotificationTemplate.

If you want to get a specific Template Message, you can use the getTemplateMessage method by passing key, lang, and channel:

Bill::getTemplateMessage("anyKey", "ar", "sms");

This method will return a NotificationTemplate instance.

If you want to get the text message, you can use the getTemplateMessageText() method by passing key, lang, and channel:

Bill::getTemplateMessageText("anyKey", "ar", "sms");

This will return a string ready to use with your notification, with all variables, relationship variables, and file paths replaced.

To get prob for a specific template, you can use the getTemplateMessageProb() method and pass key, lang, and channel:

Bill::getTemplateMessageProb("anyKey", "ar", "sms");

This will return an array with each prob ready to use and handled. If you want to get the value of a specific prob, you can pass a fourth parameter, prob:

Bill::getTemplateMessageProb("anyKey", "ar", "sms", "title");

This will return a string of the value of the given prob or an empty string if it does not exist.

If the file is included with the template, you can get the file URL or the file object by using the () method and passing key, lang, and channel:

Bill::getFile("anyKey", "ar", "sms");

This will return the file URL. If you want to get the file parameter, you have to pass a fourth parameter as false:

Bill::getFile("anyKey", "ar", "sms", false);

This will return a file parameter. Keep in mind that you have to configure the getFileObject() method inside your model.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.