
Scope attributes to specific elements within your Blade components.

v0.2.0 2025-02-25 21:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 16:37:47 UTC


Scopes for Laravel Blade Components

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Scopes for Laravel Blade Components

This package allows you to scope attributes to specific elements within your Blade components.

<label {{ $attributes->scope('label')->merge(['class' => 'text-gray-500']) }}>


Requires php 8.2+ and Laravel 10+

First, install Scopes for Laravel Blade Components via composer:

composer require abdelhamiderrahmouni/blade-component-scopes


This package adds a scope() macro to Laravel's ComponentAttributeBag, allowing you to namespace your component attributes for different elements of your component.

Basic Example

<x-forms.input name="first_name"
               label:class="flex flex-col"
               container:id="name-input-container" />

In your component view, access scoped attributes using the scope() method:

// forms.input.blade.php
<div {{ $attributes->scope('container')->merge(['class' => 'flex gap-y-2']) }}>
        <label {{ $attributes->scope('label')->merge(['class' => 'text-gray-500']) }}>
            {{ $label }}

    <input {{ $attributes->scope('input')->merge(['class' => 'border-b']) }} />

How It Works

The scope() method filters attributes based on the prefix. For example:

  • The label's class in label:class="font-bold" becomes available when using $attributes->scope('label')
  • The input's ID in input:id="first-name-input" becomes available when using $attributes->scope('input')
  • The container's class in container:class="mt-4" becomes available when using $attributes->scope('container')

This allows you to:

  1. Organize attributes for different elements/parts of your component
  2. Create more intuitive component interfaces
  3. Maintain cleaner component templates


  • 🎯 Better organization of component attributes
  • 🔍 More explicit attribute targeting
  • 🧩 Cleaner components with less clutter
  • 💪 Fully compatible with Laravel's existing attribute merging

If you want to benifit from the scope method in your Blade views without installing this package, here is the magic sauce:

Add the following code to your AppServiceProvider:

// AppServiceProvider.php
use Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag;

public function register(): void
    ComponentAttributeBag::macro('scope', function (string $scope): ComponentAttributeBag {
        $prefix = $scope . ':';
        $prefixLength = strlen($prefix);

        $scopedAttributes = [];
        foreach ($this->getAttributes() as $key => $value) {
            if (str_starts_with($key, $prefix)) {
                $scopedAttributes[substr($key, $prefixLength)] = $value;

        return new ComponentAttributeBag($scopedAttributes);


Thank you for considering contributing to Scopes for Laravel Blade Components! The contribution guide can be found in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.

Scopes for Laravel Blade Components is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.