
Package to access the API of a Google account authorised by a user, for Laravel 5.4+

1.0.0 2017-07-06 12:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-23 04:50:32 UTC


Quick Summary

This package is still in development, but I am using it in production. Here is a brief description of what the intended use-case is.

This is the Laravel glue and a wrapper for the Google API Client version 3. It provides routes for non-service account authorising and revodking, a model and storage for multiple authorisations that users may have on your application, and helper classes to load and configure the Google API Client.

It's purpose is to allow a Laravel user to authenticate their own Google account with your application, so that your application can access the Google APIs on behalf of that user.

Originally it was just for accessing Google Analytics for a remote site, but it can be used for any of the Google APIs through scopes.

It will support renewal keys, so will be able to access the API offline, i.e. when the user is not present.

The aim is that access token renewals will be invisible to your application. The way the Google API Client is written, this may not be entirely possible, but I hope with the right wrappers it will be.

Your application will need to be registered with Google, and will need to state up front what contexts it wants to access, i.e. which APIs. The end user providing authorisation for their APIs (with OAuth 2) will not need to set up anything special in their account.

Using this package, it is possoble for a single user to authorise access to a Google account, and then share that authorisation with multiple users. All required authorisation details are stored in a model storage rather than a user's session, so access to the model instance is all that is needed for an authorised access to and API.

I hope that sets the context of what this package is trying to achieve.


This package requires PHP >=5.6 and Laravel >= 5.4


Install via composer - edit your composer.json to require the package.

"require": {
    "academe/googleapi": "1.*"

Then run composer update in your terminal to pull it in.

Or use composer require academe/googleapi


To use in laravel add the following to the providers array in your config/app.php


There is no facade in this package at this time.

Using This Package

These are just rough developer usage notes.

  • Install the package and run the database migrations.
  • Set the Google API credentials (check out the config file), making sure the Analytics scope is enabled.
  • Start an authorisation by going to route('academe_gapi_authorise')
  • The first time you try it, Google will complain about the redirect URL. Just follow the instructions Google gives to add the redirect URL to the Google web aplication.

Sampele code:

Link that allows the current user to authorise the API to access Analytics, then return to the /home URL:

<a href="{{ route('academe_gapi_authorise', ['final_url' => url('home')]) }}">GAPI Auth</a>

You can set and add scopes too. For example:

// Or use "add_scopes" to add to the scopes already authenticated.
<a href="{{ route('academe_gapi_authorise', ['scopes' => [Google_Service_Analytics::ANALYTICS_READONLY]]) }}">GAPI Auth</a>

You should use POST for this route. If you use GET, then a simple form will be provided for the user to confirm.

All authorisation instances have a name, which is a unique list for each laravel user. The default name is "default". Specify a name when authorisating by adding the 'name' => 'name meanngful to the user' parameter to the authorise route.

Get access to the API and list Analytics accounts that can be accessed:

try {
    $client = \Academe\GoogleApi\Helper::getApiClient(\Academe\GoogleApi\Helper::getCurrentUserAuth('default'));
    $service = new Google_Service_Analytics($client);
    $accounts = $service->management_accountSummaries->listManagementAccountSummaries();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // Invalid credentials, or any other error in the API request.
    $client = null;

if ($client) {
    foreach ($accounts->getItems() as $item) {
        // You wouldn't really echo anything in Laravel...
        echo "Account: " . $item['name'] . " (" . $item['id'] . ") <br />";

Once authorised, the access token will be refreshed automatically, so long as the refresh token is not revoked.

The academe_gapi_authorise route will revoke am authorisation for the current user. Parameters include name to identify which authorisaition to revoke. This route should be called using the DELETE HTTP method. A simple confirmation form is provided if the GET method is used.

Other Notes

  • When a laravel user provide authorisation, we grab the Google user ID and their email address. This ID is unique to that Google account. With this we can find any Google user that is authorised more than once. While this is permitted, it does use up a limited number of tokens that Google will provide, so this allows any duplicates to be found and merged.
  • Each user can have about 25 active tokens, so a user can authorise the same application multiple times. We won't prevent this from happenening usng this package, but we provide a "name" to be able to distinguish between each authorisation instance.
  • The scopes are stored against each authorisation, so it can be extended if needed, with a reauthorisation to provide incremental authorisation.


  • Some way to handle an expired access token that we did not renew in time. This will result in an exception when it is used. The action will be to catch the exception, attempt to renew the access token, then try the same action again. How we would wrap that is not clear.
  • Think of a way to handle race conditions on access token renewals. It probably won't be a problem, as the renewal token can be reused, so an old access token will always be caught by exception and renewed.
  • The 'offline' and 'force' parameters force a new renewal token to be generated on every authorisartion. There may be times when the authorisation is not needed for offlne purposes. There may also be times when a "force" is not needed, and the current refresh token can continue to be used. If the scope changes, e.g. is added to, then a force is needed. Look into this.
  • A hook into the client creation (a factory?) will allow a client to be customised on creation.