
Drush powered command line tools for working with Acquia Cloud Site Factory.

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11.0.1 2024-01-30 08:20 UTC


This tool is community-supported. Acquia does not provide any direct support for this software or provide any warranty as to its stability.


This project contains a set of drush scripts designed to ease administering an Acquia Cloud Site Factory multisite platform. While Drush provides many utilities to aid generally in Drupal administraton, multsite in general and ACSF in particular adds a lot of complexity when managing multiple sites that live in a shared codebase. These tools merge ACSF multisites concepts with the ease of Drush-based administration.

Install and Configuration:


For simpler projects with a single developer or very small teams, you can just clone this repository in your users' drush directory (e.g., ~/.drush).

For larger teams, we recommend adding this project as a composer library, e.g. composer require acquia/acsf-tools. See Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies if you're new to Composer.


Rename acsf_tools_config.default.yml as acsf_tools_config.yml and save it in the same directory. Replace the following values:

  • Site ID: This is the ID of your Factory. The easiest place to find this string is in the URL of your production factory. It is the subdomain immediately succeeding 'www' in the URL. E.g., for "", the Site ID is 'demo'.
  • Rest API User: This is your Factory username, which is displayed in the header after logging into your Factory.
  • Rest API Key: This is your Factory REST API key. After logging into the Factory, click on your username, then the 'API key' tab.
  • Rest Factories: This is an array of the URLs for your Prod, Test, and Dev factories. This should include a leading 'https://' as the protocol, and should not include a trailing slash.
  • Subdomain pattern: An optional config, used when staging custom domains from production, that allows you to define a custom subdomain pattern. E.g., '', where '{subdomain}-{env}' is the default.
  • Prod Web: The server ID for your main production server. This is found in your dashboard, under the servers tab. E.g., 'web-1234'.
  • Dev Web: The server ID for your development server. This is found in your dashboard, under the servers tab. E.g., 'web-1234'.

Note: The acsf_tools_config file is deliberately ignored via .gitignore. The idea is that most of these utility scripts should only be ran by a platform admin with the appropriate permissions on their local machines. You should not be committing API credentials to your repository.


Generate Drush Aliases

acsf-tools-generate-aliases (sfa): This command will query the ACSF REST API and store a list of all of the sites in your factory locally. It will then move a dynamic alias template into your drush folder. The template will load the list of sites when the drush cache is cleared and make a prod/test/dev alias available for every site in your factory. After running this command the first time, you should check in the generated '*.aliases.drushrc.php' (where * is your ACSF site ID) file to your repository. You will not need to check in anything else into your repo ever again, and can refresh the site list locally anytime you create/deploy a new site in ACSF.

Get Deployed Tag

acsf-tools-get-deployed-tag (sft): This command will fetch and display the currently deployed Git tag for the sites within a factory. E.g., drush @coolsites.local sft dev will display the currently deployed tag in the development environment.

Backup Sites

acsf-tools-sites-backup (sfb): This command will create a backup for a site or list of sites in your Factory. It accepts either a single site id, a list of ids, or 'all' to backup all sites. E.g., drush @coolsites.local sfb dev all will create a backup of all sites in your dev factory. You can get a list of site IDs in your factory by running drush @coolsites.01live acsf-tools-list.

Content Staging Deploy

acsf-tools-content-staging-deploy (sfst): This command will begin a content staging deploy from your Production factory down to one of the lower environments, i.e., dev or test. You can stage either a single site, a list of sites, or all sites. This is conceptually the same process as dragging your database and files from Production to Dev/Test in Acquia Cloud Enterprise/Professional (ACE/ACP), only the multisite equivalent for ACSF.

NOTE/WARNING: Content staging deploys will overwrite the current state of all sites in the lower environment. For example, if you are staging the production sites to the development server, this is will overwrite the databases that are currently running on the dev server with the contents of the production databases. Also note, if you are only staging a defined list of sites, this will replace the currently deployed sites in that environment with the sites selected in this command. If the list of sites you're staging is different from the sites currently deployed in that environment, the sites not included in your staging deploy will essentially be deleted in that environment.

Custom Domains Staging

acsf-tools-stage-domains (sfdo): Factory sites are given a default URL based on the user-defined ID, e.g., '' where the site ID is foo. In many business use cases, these default URLS are not desirable, and we need a custom domain, e.g., ''.

This command allows you to take the custom domains as defined in production, and stage them down to the testing or development environments to maintain consistency, i.e., '' and ''. This command will automatically detect the appropriate URL pattern, either based on the default 'www/test/dev' pattern, or a pattern you define in acsf_tools_config.yml.

Note: This script will stage domains for all sites in your factory, but will only applied to the sites that are actually present in that environment.

ACSF Tools

Note: The commands in this section are run remotely on a factory by remote drush alias, and do not require REST API authentication. E.g., drush @coolsites.01dev sfl will list all the sites in the development factory for the 'coolsite' subscription. This is the one exception to the 'always run local' rule. These commands do require SSH access via drush, same as any other drush remote execution script.

  • acsf-tools-list (sfl): This command will list the details (e.g., name, url, aliases) for all sites in your factory.
  • acsf-tools-info (sfi): This command will list site specific information (e.g., ID, Name, DB Name, Domain) for all sites in your factory.
  • acsf-tools-ml (sfml): This command will run any drush command against all sites in your factory. E.g., drush @coolsites.01dev sfml st will run the drush status command against all sites in your factory and return the output. This is useful for disabling clearing cache, or disabling a single module for every site in your factory.
  • acsf-tools-dump (sfdu): This command will create database backups for all sites in your factory.
  • acsf-tools-restore (sfre): This command will restore database backups for all sites in your factory.
  • acsf-tools-analyze (sfa): This command will extract information about modules, themes, entities, views from sites on a factory. It works with non-ACSF multisite installations as well.