
A simple media management package for Laravel.

v1.0.1 2024-07-11 18:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 19:16:35 UTC


This package provides a unit tested API to manage different types of files which can be related to Eloquent models (many to many relationships). Each type of file can be associated to its own resource for additional processing and manipulation. For instance, images are processed with the Image resource and manipulated with Intervention Image. API's are provides for creating your own resources.


  • Media Eloquent Model and Migrations.
  • Mediable trait to relate any eloquent model to the Media model.
  • Resource API to add support for additional types of media.
  • Plugin API which adds optional features, like color extraction for images.
  • Uses File Storage to manage files.
  • Uses Intervention Image to manage and manipulate images.
  • Unit tested


  • Laravel 9.x+
  • PHP 8.x+
  • Intervention Image 2.x+
  • GD or Imagick

Getting Started

Install via Composer

composer require actengage/media

Publish the config file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config

Optional, publish the migration files

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config

Resource Factory

The resource factory provides a unified interface for creating a variety of resources. You can even create your own resource classes and register them in config/media.php. By default, there are two types of resources: Image and File. For instance, you could define an Audio or Video resource. Resources are processed in the order they are defined.

use Actengage\Media\Facades\Resource;
use Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile;

// Create a resource from a path.
$resource = Resource::path('some/file/path/image.jpeg');

// Create a resource from request() instance.
$resource = Resource::request('image');

// Create a resource from an \Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile instance.
$resource = Resource::make(
    new UploadedFile('some/file/path/image.jpeg', 'image.jpeg')

Resource Methods

Every resource share a set of standard methods. And each type of resource may define its own method. Methods are chainable.

use Actengage\Media\Facades\Resource;

// Chain methods on the Resource facade to build the resource.
// This will save the resource to the `public` disk in the `images`
// directory. This resource is assumed to be an image and will be
// filtered using `greyscale()`.
$resource = Resource::request('image')
    ->title('Hello World!')
    ->caption('This is my first resource.')

// Save the resource to the disk and return the `Media` model.
$media = $resource->save();

Conditional Resource Methods

Sometimes you may not know what kind of resource you are creating. You can use the is() method to conditionally chain methods to a specific resource types. Use the key configuration in config/media.php for matching or fully qualified class name.

use Actengage\Media\Facades\Resource;
use Actengage\Media\Resources\Image;

$resource = Resource::request('image')
    // When the resource is an image, make it greyscale.
    ->is('image', function($resource) {
    // You may also use the literal class as a match...
    ->is(Image::class, function($resource) {
    // When the resource is a file, do something else...
    ->is('file', function($resource) {
        // Do something here...

You may also need to check for true and false values before executing code on a resource. For these scenarios, you may use when() and not() methods to conditionally chain methods to the resource.

use Actengage\Media\Facades\Resource;
use Actengage\Media\Resources\Image;

$resource = Resource::request('image')
    // When the value is `true` execute the callback.
    ->when(true, function($resource) {
        // This will only be called when `true` is passed to the first argument.
    // You may also use a callback to check for a `true` value.
    ->when(function($resource) {
        return true;
    }, function($resource) {
        // This will only be called when `true` is returned from the first callback.
    // When the value is `false` execute the callback.
    ->not(false, function($resource) {
        // This will only be called when `false` is passed to the first argument.
    // You may also use a callback to check for a `false` value.
    ->not(function($resource) {
        return false;
    }, function($resource) {
        // This will only be called when `false` is returned from the first callback.

## Resource Context, Meta, Tags

Contextual data can be used to search and filter `Media` models.

use Actengage\Media\Facades\Resource;

$resource = Resource::request('image');

// Context allows you to give a simple string to assign from context to 
// resources. For example, if you want to notate a resource is an image.

// Meta data is a key/value store that is saved as JSON in the database.
// Similar to context, but this allows you to associate custom meta data
// with a resource instance.
    'some_key' => 'Some value goes here.'

// Meta can be also added using individual arguments.
$resource->meta('another_key', 'Another key goes here.');

// Tags add an array of keys as context to a resource.
$resource->tags(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// Tags can be added using individual arguments or an array.
$resource->tags('d', 'e', 'f');


Similar to Eloquent events, Resource event handlers work the same way. There are two ways to bind events, globally to a Resource class, or on the instance of a resource. The difference is global event binding is handled for all resources, whereas the instance methods are only fired for that instance.

Global Methods

use Actengage\Resources\Image;

Image::creating(function($resource, $model) {
    // This method is fired for the every Image resource before it
    // has been saved, similar to the `creating` Eloquent event.

Image::created(function($resource, $model) {
    // This method is fired for the every Image resource after it
    // has been saved, similar to the `creating` Eloquent event.

Instance Methods

$resource = Resource::request('image')
    ->creating(function($resource, $model) {
        // This method is fired for the resource instance before it
        // has been saved, similar to the `creating` Eloquent event.
    ->created(function($resource, $model) {
        // This method is fired for the resource instance after it
        // has been saved, similar to the `created` Eloquent event.

Query Scopes

The Media model provides some convenient scopes for searching.

use Actengage\Media\Media;

// Search by one or more captions
Media::caption('Some Caption');
Media::caption('Some Caption', 'Another Caption');
Media::caption(['Some Caption', 'Another Caption']);

// Search by one or more contexts
Media::context('Some Context');
Media::context('Some Context', 'Another Context');
Media::context(['Some Context', 'Another Context']);

// Search by one or more disks
Media::disk('public', 's3');
Media::disk(['public', 's3']);

// Search by one or more extensions
Media::extension('jpeg', 'jpg');
Media::extension(['jpeg', 'jpg']);

// Search by one or more filenames
Media::filename('a.jpeg', 'b.jpeg');
Media::filename(['a.jpeg', 'b.jpeg']);

// Search by one or more filesizes
Media::filesize(2500, 3500);
Media::filesize([2500, 3500]);

// Search by meta key/values
    'a' => 1,
    'b' => 2,
    'c' => 3

// Search by one or more mime types
Media::mime('text/plain', 'text/html');
Media::mime(['text/plain', 'text/html']);

// Search by one or more tags
Media::tag('a', 'b');
Media::tag(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// Alias to tag() is tags()
Media::tags('a', 'b');

// Search by one or more titles
Media::title('Some Title');
Media::title('Some Title', 'Another Title');
Media::title(['Some Title', 'Another Title']);

// Search records without one or more tags
Media::withoutTag('a', 'b');
Media::withoutTag(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// Alias to withoutTag() is withoutTags()
Media::withoutTags('a', 'b');

Mediable Trait

The Mediable trait is used to associate Media models to your custom models. Media models are related using morphToMany relationships.



namespace App;

use Actengage\Media\Mediable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Document extends Model
    use Mediable;

Basic Usage

// Create a new `Media` model using the `request()` instance.
$media = Resource::request('image')

// Create a new Document
$document = new Document();
$document->content = 'Hello World!';

// Sync the model to the document

// Many to Many usage

// One to Many usage. This method will give the last `Media` model
// associated with the document model. This method is for convenience.


Plugins are used to add additional functionality to resources not provided by the core API's. This is an example of the ExtractImageColors plugin that extracts the common colors from an image and stores them in the model. A plugin has instance methods which apply to the specific resource that is being manipulated. Or as event handlers.

A Plugin class can be used in one of two ways. The first way is to bind it statically to the resource it should be used with. The second way is by defining it in the config/media.php file. In the config, plugins can be bound to specific resources or globally for all resources.

Static Binding

use Actengage\Media\Resources\Image;

// These plugins will only fire on Image resources.
    // This is a plugin without any options defined.

    // This is a plugin with options defined.
    [ExtractImageColors::class, [
        'colorCount' => 3,
        'quality' => 10



use Actengage\Media\Media;
use Actengage\Media\Plugins\ExtractImageColors;
use Actengage\Media\Plugins\HashDirectory;
use Actengage\Media\Plugins\HashFilename;
use Actengage\Media\Resources\File;
use Actengage\Media\Resources\Image;

return [

    // Resources are defined in key/value pairs. The key is the common name
    // and the value is the class. Plugins are matched to their common name.
    'resources' => [
        'image' => Image::class,
        'file' => File::class
    'plugins' => [
        // This plugins will apply to all resources and has no options.

        // These plugins will only apply to image resources
        'image' => [
            // This plugin has some options
            [ExtractImageColors::class, [
                'colorCount' => 3,
                'quality' => 10

        // These plugins will only apply to file resources
        'file' => [




namespace Actengage\Media\Plugins;

use Actengage\Media\Media;
use Actengage\Media\Resources\Image;
use ColorThief\ColorThief;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class ExtractImageColors extends Plugin {

     * Boot the plugin.
     * @param Collection $options
     * @return void
    public static function boot(Collection $options): void
         * Get the color palette of the image.
         * @param integer $colorCount
         * @param integer $quality
         * @param array|null $area
         * @param string $outputFormat
         * @param \ColorThief\Image\Adapter\AdapterInterface|string|null $adapter 
         * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
        Image::macro('palette', function(
            int $colorCount = 10,
            int $quality = 10,
            ?array $area = null,
            string $outputFormat = 'obj',
            $adapter = null
        ): Collection {
            return collect(ColorThief::getPalette(
        Image::creating(function(Image $resource, Media $model) use ($options) {
            $model->colors = $resource->palette(
                (int) $options->get('colorCount', 10),
                (int) $options->get('quality', 10)