
This is a simple PHP library that makes communication with activeCollab API easy

1.0.5 2014-06-27 06:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-05 00:56:48 UTC


This is a simple PHP library that makes communication with activeCollab 4 API easy. If you are looking for a library that works with Active Collab 5 and newer, use this package instead.

First Connection

Pull down the latest tag (1.0.x) for the following example. The develop branch is not to be used with activeCollab 4.2.x!

In order to connect, you will need API URL and API token.

To get these details, go to your user profile in your activeCollab and select API Subscriptions from Options drop-down. Click on New Subscription button and fill the form (client name is name of your app that will communicate with activeCollab via API). After you create API subscription for your application, click on the magnifier glass icon to open a dialog that will show you API URL and token for that subscription.

Now that you have API token and URL, you can test out this simple example:


  require_once 'ActiveCollab/autoload.php';

  use \ActiveCollab\Client as API;
  use \ActiveCollab\Connectors\Curl as CurlConnector;
  use \ActiveCollab\Exceptions\AppException;

  API::setConnector(new CurlConnector);

  print '<pre>';
  print '</pre>';

This example will contact activeCollab and ask for application and user info. Response is a simple associative array with a lot of details about the system that you are communicating with.

Using Composer

If you choose to install this application with composer instead of pulling down the git repository you will need to add a composer.json file to the location you would like to pull the repository down to featuring:

    "require": {
        "activecollab/activecollab-sdk": "1.0.*"

Run a composer update to install the package. To test the API add the following to a php file and run it.


  require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

  use \ActiveCollab\Client as API;
  use \ActiveCollab\Connectors\Curl as CurlConnector;
  use \ActiveCollab\Exceptions\AppException;

  API::setConnector(new CurlConnector);

  print '<pre>';
  print '</pre>';

Making API Calls

Listing all tasks in project #65 is easy. Just call:


This example shows how you can create a new task in a selected project:

try {
  API::call('projects/65/tasks/add', null, array(
    'task[name]' => 'This is a task name',
    'task[assignee_id]' => 48,
    'task[other_assignees]' => array(3, 1),
  ), array(
} catch(AppException $e) {
  print $e->getMessage() . '<br><br>';
  // var_dump($e->getServerResponse()); (need more info?)
} // try

call() method can take four parameters:

  1. command (required) - API command,
  2. extra command parameters (optional) - Extra variables that will be attached to the command. Most commands don't require any extra command parameters, but some do (like dont_limit_result param for Tracked time and expenses listing command),
  3. POST variables - array of POST variables. Note that you do not need to add submitted variable (it is automatically added for you),
  4. attachments - List of file paths that should be attached to the object that is being created or updated.

For full list of available API command, please check activeCollab API documentation.