
Monolog handler sending Microsoft Teams notifications with an Incoming Webhook

V1.3.0 2022-08-26 11:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 16:56:19 UTC


Package Version

A PHP package that defines custom Monolog handler to send Microsoft Teams notifications with an Incoming Webhook. The package aims to provide global messaging & log system that uses Microsoft Teams "MessageCard" notification and uses Monolog logging library.


  • Monolog wiring with Microsoft Teams channel
  • Application error notifying
  • Simple messaging


$ composer require actived/microsoft-teams-notifier

Since version 1.1 of the package, "symfony/monolog-bundle" was removed and replaced with "monolog/monolog" dependency that makes Actived Microsoft Teams Notifier more flexible for global use:

Please consider running composer suggest command to install required and missing dependencies related to framework you use (ex. Symfony):

$ composer suggest
actived/microsoft-teams-notifier suggests:
 - symfony/monolog-bundle: The MonologBundle provides integration of the Monolog library into the Symfony framework.

Microsoft Teams Webhook setting

Follow these steps to set up new Webhook:

  • In Microsoft Teams, choose More options (⋯) next to the channel name and then choose 'Connectors'
  • Find in the list of Connectors the 'Incoming Webhook' option, and choose 'Add'
  • Provide required information for the new Webhook
  • Copy the Webhook url - that information will be used to configure the package with ACTIVED_MS_TEAMS_DSN

Symfony configuration

Place the code below in .env file:

###> actived/microsoft-teams-notifier ###
###< actived/microsoft-teams-notifier ###

Register ActivedMicrosoftTeamsHandler.php as a new service with the code below:

// config\services.yaml

+    actived_ms_teams_handler:
+        class: Actived\MicrosoftTeamsNotifier\Handler\MicrosoftTeamsHandler
+        arguments:
+            $webhookDsn: '%env(ACTIVED_MS_TEAMS_DSN)%'
+            $level: 'error'
+            $title: 'Message title' 
+            $subject: 'Message subject' 
+            $emoji:  '&#x1F6A8'  
+            $color: '#fd0404' 
+            $format: '[%%datetime%%] %%channel%%.%%level_name%%: %%message%%'

Microsoft Teams webhook url

the minimum level for handler to be triggered and the message be logged in the channel (Monolog/Logger class: ‘error’ = 400)

$title (nullable):
title of Microsoft Teams Message

$subject (nullable):
subject of Microsoft Teams Message

$emoji (nullable):
emoji of Microsoft Teams Message (displayed next to the message title). Value needs to reflect the pattern: ‘&#x<EMOJI_HEX_CODE>’

$color (nullable):
hexadecimal color value for Message Card color theme

$format (nullable):
every handler uses a Formatter to format the record before logging it. This attribute can be set to overwrite default log message (available options: %datetime% | %extra.token% | %channel% | %level_name% | %message%).

Modify your Monolog settings that will point from now to the new handler:

// config\packages\dev\monolog.yaml
// config\packages\prod\monolog.yaml

+        teams:
+            type: service
+            id: actived_ms_teams_handler

handler type (in our case this references custom notifier service)

notifier service class \Actived\MicrosoftTeamsNotifier\LogMonolog

Laravel configuration

Place the code below in .env file:

###> actived/microsoft-teams-notifier ###
###< actived/microsoft-teams-notifier ###

Modify your Monolog logging settings that will point to the new handler:

Att: definition of ALL parameters is compulsory - please use NULL value for attributes you want to skip.

// config\logging.php


use Monolog\Handler\NullHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\SyslogUdpHandler;

return [
    'channels' => [
        'stack' => [
            'driver' => 'stack',
-            'channels' => ['single'],
+            'channels' => ['single', 'custom'],
            'ignore_exceptions' => false

+       'custom' => [
+            'driver' => 'custom',
+            'via' => \Actived\MicrosoftTeamsNotifier\LogMonolog::class,
+            'webhookDsn' => env('ACTIVED_MS_TEAMS_DSN'),
+            'level'  => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'), // or simply 'debug'
+            'title'  => 'Message Title', // can be NULL
+            'subject'  => 'Message Subject', // can be NULL
+            'emoji'  => '&#x1F3C1', // can be NULL
+            'color'  => '#fd0404', // can be NULL
+            'format' => '[%datetime%] %channel%.%level_name%: %message%' // can be NULL
+        ],


is a crucial part of each channel that defines how and where the log message is recorded. The ‘custom’ driver calls a specified factory to create a channel.

factory class which will be invoked to create the Monolog instance

Microsoft Teams webhook url

the minimum level for handler to be triggered and the message be logged in the channel (Monolog/Logger class: ‘debug’ = 100)

title (nullable):
title of Microsoft Teams Message

subject (nullable):
subject of Microsoft Teams Message

emoji (nullable):
emoji of Microsoft Teams Message (displayed next to the message title). Value needs to reflect the pattern: ‘&#x<EMOJI_HEX_CODE>’

color (nullable):
hexadecimal color value for Message Card color theme

format (nullable):
message template - available options: %datetime% | %extra.token% | %channel% | %level_name% | %message%


Correctly configured service in Symfony/Laravel will raise Logs in Microsoft Teams automatically accordingly to level assigned to.

Symfony - manual messaging

// LoggerInterface $logger
$logger->info('Info message with custom Handler');
$logger->error('Error message with custom Handler');

Laravel - manual messaging

// Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log
Log::channel('custom')->info('Info message with custom Handler');
Log::channel('custom')->error('Error message with custom Handler');


The code is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.