
Create vocabularies and terms with this bundle.

dev-master 2015-05-02 08:47 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 08:52:16 UTC




  • Add activelamp/taxonomy-bundle as a dependency to your project.
  • Register the bundle:
   $bundles = array(
       new ActiveLAMP\TaxonomyBundle\ALTaxonomyBundle(),
  • Update your database schema (i.e., run php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force)
  • Add the following lines to your app/config/routing.yml file to expose the back-end administration for taxonomies and terms:
    resource: "@ALTaxonomyBundle/Resources/routing.yml"
    prefix : /manage-taxonomies #This can be whatever you want.

#Entity set-up

You have to set-up your entities before you can start using them with taxonomies. This is done by adding a few annotations to the entity class and the properties you want to use taxonomies with. The annotations you are going to be using resides in the \ActiveLAMP\TaxonomyBundle\Annotations namespace.

  1. Declare that your entity is a termed entity by tagging it with the @Entity annotation.
  2. Mark the properties which are going to be using vocabulary terms with the @Vocabulary annotation.
  3. Stub the vocabulary fields when necessary (more on this in the example below.):

namespace Foo\BarBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use ActiveLAMP\TaxonomyBundle\Annotations as Taxn;

 * The identifier defaults to "id". However, since this entity uses the userId field
 * as its primary key, then we should set identifier to "userId", like below:
 * @Taxn\Entity(identifier="userId")
class User

      * @ORM\Id
     protected $userId;
     * This will contain an array of ActiveLAMP\TaxonomyBundle\Entity\Term objects 
     * from the "languages" vocabulary that are linked to the entity.
     * @Taxn\Vocabulary(name="languages")
    protected $languages;
     * This is a field that will contain a singular taxonomy term value instead
     * instead of an array of them. 
     * See the singular=true setting in the annotation below.
     * This will contain a singular ActiveLAMP\TaxonomyBundle\Entity\Term object
     * from the "organizations" vocabulary that is linked to the entity.
     * @Taxn\Vocabulary(name="organizations", singular=true)
    protected $organization;
    public function __construct()
         * You might want to stub non-singular vocabulary fields with 
         * an instance of ArrayCollection so that you can add, remove terms 
         * on a non-managed/detached instance of this entity class.
         * i.e. 
         * $user = new User();
         * $user->getLanguages()->add($term);
        $this->languages = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
    public function getLanguages()
        return $this->languages;
    public function setOrganization(\ActiveLAMP\TaxonomyBundle\Entity\Term $organization)
        * The taxonomy system would inject an instance of
        * \ActiveLAMP\TaxonomyBundle\Entity\SingularVocabularyField
        * into your entities during certain points in the entity's lifecycle.
        * You might also want to check for this field as well and deal with terms
        * appropriately.
        * Although this is NOT necessary at all, it saves the taxonomy system
        * some trips to the database in certain cases.
       if ($this->organization instanceof
       \ActiveLAMP\TaxonomyBundle\Entity\SingularVocabularyField) {
       } else {
           $this->organization = $organization;
   public function getOrganization()
         * Nothing extra here, as SingularVocabularyField will just
         * act like a Term object. So as far as you are concerned, treat
         * this as a Term object.
        return $this->organization;

#The taxonomy service

The taxonomy service can be retrieved from the service container at al_taxonomy.taxonomy_service.

#Common operations

###Retrieving vocabularies


//Via the service:
$languages = $service->findVocabularyByName("languages")

//Via the vocabulary field of a managed entity:

$user = $em->find('Foo\BarBundle\Entity\User', 1);
$languages = $user->getLanguages()->getVocabulary();

//From detached entities:

$user = new User();
$languages = $user->getLanguages()->getVocabulary();

###Retrieving terms


//From a vocabulary object:

$languages = $service->findVocabularyByName("languages");

$french = $language->getTermByName('french');
$filipino = $language->getTermByName('filipino');

/* Will throw a \DomainException for non-existing terms. */
$klingon = $language->getTermByName('klingon'); 

###Looping through an entity's taxonomy terms

//With a managed entity:

$user = $em->find('Foo\BarBundle\Entity\User', 1);

foreach ($user->getLanguages() as $languageTerm) {
     echo $languageTerm->getLabelName();

//With a detached entity:

$user = new User();

//This will yield nothing.
foreach ($user->getLanguages() as $languageTerm) {
    exit("Something you won't see.");

 * You would have to call TaxonomyService#loadVocabularyFields before 
 * you can loop through attached terms.

foreach ($user->getLanguages() as $languageTerm) {
     echo $languageTerm->getLabelName();

###Persisting taxonomies

//Managed entities:
$user = $em->find('Foo\BarBundle\Entity\User', 1);
$languages = $user->getLanguages()->getVocabulary();



//How about detached entities?

$user = new User();

$user->setName("Albert Einstein");
$service->saveTaxonomies($user); //No problem!