
A library to read and write files.

v3.0.0 2025-01-27 01:03 UTC


A small library to edit and read files.

This used to be part of my json-lines library, but I decided to move to a separated repository for the sake of organization.


use AdinanCenci\FileEditor\File;

$file = new File('my-file.txt');


foreach ($file->lines as $lineN => $line) {
    echo "$lineN: $line <br>";


Adding a line to the end of the file


Adding a line to the middle of the file

$lineN = 5;
$line  = 'foo-bar';
$file->addLine($line, $lineN);

If the file has less than $lineN lines, the gap will be filled with empty lines.

Adding several lines to the end of the file

$lines = [
    'foo: bar',
    'bar: foo',


Adding several lines in the middle of the file

$lines = [
    2 => 'foo: bar',
    6 => 'bar: foo',

$file->addLines($lines, false);

Replacing an existing line

$lineN = 10;
$line  = 'foo-bar';
$file->setLine($lineN, $line);

The difference between ::addLine() and ::setLine() is that the latter will overwrite whatever is already present at $lineN.

Replacing multiple lines

$lines = [
    0 => 'foo: bar',
    5 => 'bar: foo',


Retrieveing a single line

$lineN = 10;
$line  = $file->getLine($lineN);

Returns null if the line does not exist.

Retrieving multiple lines

$linesN = [0, 1, 2];
$lines  = $file->getLines($linesN);

Deleting a single line

$lineN = 10;

Deleting multiple lines

$linesN = [0, 1, 2];


The library also provides a way to query the file.
Instantiate a new Search object, give it conditions and call the ::find() method, it will return an array of matching lines indexed by their position in the file.

$search = $file->search();
$search->condition('content', 'value to compare', 'operator');
$results = $search->find();

Equals operator

$search->condition('position', 10, '=');
// Will match the 11th line in the file.

In operator

$search->condition('content', ['Iliad', ' Odyssey'], 'IN');
// Will match lines that match either "Iliad" or "Odyssey" 
// ( case insensitive ).

Like operator

$search->condition('content', 'foo', 'LIKE');
// Will match lines that contains the word "foo"
// e.g: "foo", "foo bar", "foofighters" etc ( case insensitive ).

$search->condition('content', ['foo', 'bar'], 'LIKE');
// It also accept arrays. This will match match 
// "fool", "barrier", "barista" etc.

Regex operator

$search->condition('content', '#\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}#', 'REGEX');
// Will match lines against a regex expression.

Number comparison operators

It also supports "less than", "greater than", "less than or equal", "greater than or equal" and "between".

  ->condition('position', 2022, '<')
  ->condition('position', 1990, '>')
  ->condition('position', 60, '<=')
  ->condition('position', 18, '>=')
  ->condition('length', [10, 50], 'BETWEEN');

Negating conditions

You may also negate the conditions.

  ->condition('content', 'Iliad', '!=') // Different to ( case insensitive ).
  ->condition('content', ['Iliad', ' Odyssey'], 'NOT IN') // case insensitive.
  ->condition('length', [10, 50], 'NOT BETWEEN')
  ->condition('content', ['foo', 'bar'], 'UNLIKE');

Multiple conditions

You may add multiple conditions to a search object. By default all of the conditions must be met.

$search = $file->search();
  ->condition('content', 'Iron Maiden', '=')
  ->condition('position', 2000, '<');
$results = $search->find();
// Will match entries for Iron Maiden, before the line 2000.

But you can make it so that only one needs to be met.

$search = $file->search('OR');
  ->condition('content', 'Blind Guardian', '=')
  ->condition('content', 'Demons & Wizards', '=');
$results = $search->find();
// Will match entries for both Blind Guardian and Demons & Wizards.

Condition groups

You may also group conditons to create complex queries.

$search = $file->search('OR');

  ->condition('content', 'Angra', '=')
  ->condition('position', 2010, '<');

  ->condition('content', 'Almah', '=')
  ->condition('position', 2010, '>');

$results = $search->find();
// Will match entries for Angra from before line 2010 OR
// entries for Almah from after that


You may also order the results by different properties.

$search = $file->search();

$search->orderBy('content', 'ASC');
// Order search results alphabetically.
$search->orderBY('length', 'DESC');
// Order results by the line's length decrescently .

How to install it

Use composer.

composer require adinan-cenci/file-editor
