
Fixtures for Silverstripe.

Installs: 12 749

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 1

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 4

Forks: 4

Open Issues: 3


1.2.1 2024-07-24 22:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-24 23:09:25 UTC


Fixtures for all mixtures 👋


  • SilverStripe ^4.0 || ^5.0
  • PHP ^7.4 || ^8.0

Dev requirements

  • phpunit/phpunit ^9.5
  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer ^3.0


composer require adrhumphreys/silverstripe-fixtures dev-master

Installing as a dev only module:

When running dev/build Silverstripe framework will try to load all classes into it's ClassManifest to cache them and allow for functionality such as dependency injection. During that process it will try to load your Fixture class which will then try to load AdrHumphreys\Fixtures\AbstractFixture which doesn't exist. This will throw and exception and stop the dev/build process.

You have some options to remedy this, ranked from best to worst:

Option 1: Place your fixtures in the tests directory for your project: These are designed to be run on a test/dev environment only and the code is more reference than implementation specific. It therefore makes sense to move these files into this directory. Why? It's explicitly ignored when finding files via ManifestFileFinder

Option 2: Add _manifest_exclude to the fixture directory: This will ensure that ManifestFileFinder will ignore files in the directory. This is option 2 because it makes it easier for code that is test only to end up being relied upon by production code which should never be the case

Option 3: Add implements TestOnly to all fixtures If you are installing this as a dev dependency then all your fixtures will need to implement \SilverStripe\Dev\TestOnly this is specifically excluded from Silverstripes class manifest loader

How to use

The default setup is to run this as a task like so:

vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/load-fixtures directory=app/src/fixtures

You'll need to create your fixtures in the directory specified. Or you can implement your own task, look at the task LoadFixtures as an example. You can change ->loadFromDirectory to multiple calls of ->loadFixture($fixtureClassName)

A basic fixture looks like the following:


namespace App\Fixtures;

use AdrHumphreys\Fixtures\AbstractFixture;
use SilverStripe\Dev\TestOnly;

class PageFixture extends AbstractFixture implements TestOnly
    public function load(): void
        $page = \Page::create();
        $page->Title = 'Example title';
        $page->URLSegment = 'example-page';

    public function getClassesToClear(): ?array
        return [\Page::class];

load is called when creating the fixture and then getClassesToClear is called when purging the fixture. You can also implement unload which is function in which you can choose what to do and getTablesToClear which is a function similar to getClassesToClear but just tables.

Load order is first dependencies with no order requirement and no dependencies. Then ordered fixtures followed lastly by fixtures with dependencies.

Dependant fixtures

If a fixture depends on another fixture you can implement DependentFixtureInterface and the function getDependencies returns an array of classes that the fixture depends on.

An example from would be:


namespace App\Fixtures;

use AdrHumphreys\Fixtures\AbstractFixture;
use AdrHumphreys\Fixtures\DependentFixtureInterface;
use SilverStripe\Dev\TestOnly;

class MyOtherPageFixture extends AbstractFixture implements DependentFixtureInterface, TestOnly
    public function load(): void
        // Example

    public function getDependencies(): array
        return [PageFixture::class];

Ordered fixtures

You can also specify the order fixtures are loaded in by implementing the interface OrderedFixtureInterface the method getOrder returns an number which represents the order.


namespace App\Fixtures;

use AdrHumphreys\Fixtures\AbstractFixture;
use AdrHumphreys\Fixtures\OrderedFixtureInterface;
use SilverStripe\Dev\TestOnly;

class PageFixture extends AbstractFixture implements OrderedFixtureInterface, TestOnly
    public function load(): void
        // Example

    public function getOrder(): int
        return 2;

Referencing other fixtures

During the load you can store a reference to a fixture by adding it to the internal reference storage with $this->addReference(string $identifier, object $reference);. An example is:


namespace App\Fixtures;

use AdrHumphreys\Fixtures\AbstractFixture;
use SilverStripe\Dev\TestOnly;

class PageFixture extends AbstractFixture implements TestOnly
    public const PAGE_REF = 'my-page-ref';

    public function load(): void
        $page = \Page::create();
        $page->Title = 'Example title';
        $page->URLSegment = 'example-page';

        $this->addReference(self::PAGE_REF, $page);

You'd then use it by calling $this->getByReference(string $identifier). Example:


namespace App\Fixtures;

use AdrHumphreys\Fixtures\AbstractFixture;
use SilverStripe\Dev\TestOnly;

class PageFixtureTwo extends AbstractFixture implements TestOnly
    public function load(): void
        $refPage = $this->getByReference(PageFixture::PAGE_REF);

        $page = \Page::create();
        $page->Title = 'Example title';
        $page->URLSegment = 'example-page';
        $page->Body = 'PageID: ' . $refPage->ID;

Only running creation/purging

Run the task without purging:

vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/load-fixtures directory=app/src/fixtures append=true

Purge the data:

vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/load-fixtures directory=app/src/fixtures purgeOnly=true

Do literally nothing:

vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/load-fixtures directory=app/src/fixtures purgeOnly=true append=true

Quality of life functionality:


You can selectively run fixtures using the filter param:

vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/load-fixtures directory=app/src/fixtures filter=/PageFixtureTwo/

This will run any fixture matching the filter pattern and any dependencies. Note that you may filter out ordered fixtures and these won't be automatically resolved like dependencies.

The filter pattern must be a valid pattern for preg_match including a delimiter. The pattern is matched against the fully qualified class name (eg App\My\Fixture).

Creating assets

You can create assets really easily like so:

\AdrHumphreys\Fixtures\ReferenceManager::findOrMakeAsset('my-asset-id', 'file/path.jpg');

This will create the image, and store it with a reference of my-asset-id. You can also pass through as a third argument an array of params e.g. ['Title' => 'my asset title'] this will be translated to $image->Title = 'my asset title' so is case-sensitive. The function will also return the stored image. The fourth argument allows you to specify another Asset type eg SilverStripe\Assets\File.

You can then access the asset through $this->getByReference('my-asset-id')

Creating other DataObject's can be done like so (these are only written through ->write):

$ref = ReferenceManager::findOrMakeDataObject(
    'my-cool-page', // reference
    \Page::class, // object to create
        'Title' => 'My cool page', // params
        'URLSegment' => 'my-cool-page'


Development and contribution

Smash that pull request button 🥰