adyax_support / adv_audit
- blocktrail/cryptojs-aes-php: ^0.1.0
- drupal/coder: ^8.2
- google/apiclient: ^2.0
- kriswallsmith/buzz: ^0.16
- mikehaertl/phpwkhtmltopdf: ^2.3.1
- mpdf/mpdf: ^8.0
- php-http/curl-client: ^1.7
- sensiolabs/security-checker: ^5.0
- spirit-dev/php-sonarqube-api: ^0.0.4
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2024-09-02 08:13:55 UTC
Drupal 8 auditor tool developed by Smile.
The module allow checking important information about project.
To be able to set up this module on your project you will need following list of tools:
- composer
- Drupal installation via composer
Installation process
- Run
composer require smile_support/adv_audit
command. - Module will be installed to module/contrib directory with all the dependencies in project's
Instruction for writing a new plugin
Advanced Audit module uses plugin system where one plugin realizes one point for check.
The module uses own plugin type and it's plugin manager is src/Plugin/AuditPluginsManager.php
Plugins are placed in /src/Plugin/AuditPlugins/
Modules Requirements
Some plugins required appropriate modules. If these modules are not installed on a project, plugins will be skipped. The requirements are set in annotation of each plugin that need it:
* requirements = {
* "module": {
* "features",
* ...
Description for plugin annotation
id = "cron_settings",
label = @Translation("Cron settings"),
category = "performance",
requirements = {},
- id - The plugin ID (an unique machine name).
- label - The human readable name.
- category - The plugin's category id. All available category described in
- requirements - The array of requirements that are need for plugin. If requirements are not met, the plugin will be marked as SKIPPED.
Each plugin has own configuration file /config/install/adv_audit.plugins.{plugin_id}.yml
. This configuration files contain values:
description: "<p>This is description of plugin jobs</p>"
actions: "<p>Each key supports %placeholders</p>"
impacts: ""
fail: ""
success: ""
enabled: 1|0
severity: low|normal|high
help: ''
- messages - messages that are appeared in report depend on plugin's results. Can be overridden in plugin's settings form.
- settings
- enabled - Status of the plugin. Can be overridden in plugin's settings form.
- severity - The default level of severity. Can be overridden in plugin's settings form.
The main plugin's method perform()
should return status success()
, fail()
or skipped()
. If the plugin returns failed status the issues should be passed in the second argument:
return $this->fail('Reason why plugin has been failed', [
'issues' => [
0 => [
'@issue_title' => 'There are we have some problems in @some_string.',
'@some_string' => $some_string,
'%link' => Link::createFromRoute($this->t('pass placeholders to messages in config file'), 'needed.route')
The keys issues
and @issue_title
are required. Issues support placeholders. Also placeholders can be passed to messages as additional elements of the second argument:
'issues' => [$list_of_issues],
'%placeholder_for_messages' => 'Placeholder text',
'%second_placeholder_for_messages' => 'Or link',
- adv_audit
- adv_audit_issue
Audit reports are stored in adv_entity
and adv_audit_issue
entities (revisionable).
entity stores data about audit's results.adv_audit_issue
stores issues data which were created by plugins if some checkpoints returnedfailed
Report is run by batch. Also particular checkpoint can be run from it's own settings form.
Issues can be ignored if plugin's failed status is false-positive in a project's context.
Reports can be exported to pdf or Google docs.
Render reports
Each report is an particular adv_audit
loads data from entity storage and renders them to template.
Available checkpoints:
1. Performance
- Check php max_execution_time setting
- Cron settings
- ImageAPI Optimize
- Javascript & CSS aggregation
- Memcache/Redis settings
- Performance modules status
- Views performance settings
- Page caching performance
- Database usage
- Solr usage
- Memory usage check
- Page speed insights
2. Server Configuration
- Release notes & help files
- PHP Version
- Analyze Watchdog Logs.
- Check Opcache
3. Security
- Errors are written to the screen.
- PHP register globals
- Trusted Host Settings
- Check if users table contains anonymous user
- Unsafe extensions
- Admin pages access check
- No sensitive temporary files were found.
- Untrusted role's permission
- Security Code Review
- SSL test
- Dangerous Tags
- Check views are access controlled.
- Check Account settings
- PHP files in public directory cannot be executed.
- Anonymous user rights
- Allowed HTML tags in text formats
- Check must-have modules for security reasons
- Administrator's name check
4. Drupal core and contributed modules
- No database updates required
- Modules security updates
- Configuration Manager
- Patched Drupal core.
- Drupal core
- Modules non-security updates
- Patched modules.
- Features status
5. Architecture analysis
- Check if CI/CD exists on a project
- Check files structure on a project.
- Check if composer is used on a project.
6. Code review (custom modules and themes)
- Code audit by CodeSniffer
- Auditing code smells, code complexity. Code metrics and potential problems
7. Other recommendations
- Database tables engine check.
- Check environment settings.
- Check Seo recommendations: contrib modules and robots.txt.
- Check Ultimate cron module