
Convenient wrapper around symfony console

0.0.34 2025-01-31 15:15 UTC


Create a symfony/console PHP cli app with a minimum of configuration.


At times a project might need a cli tool to perform some configuration, installation or maintenance work. It shouldn't be much effort to get one running. This package is a convenience wrapper around the PHP's symfony/console framework and aims to simplify the creation of cli apps. It provides:

  • a fluent interface to create (nested) commands
  • selectable (sub) commands and command arguments
  • reusable actions
  • helper functions for input, output and process execution


Install via composer as usual. Most probably you use the cli for dev purposes:

composer require afeefa/cli-app --save-dev


See the examples below for inspiration and head over to the documentation pages:


  1. Basic Workflow
  2. Command Actions
  3. Command Arguments
  4. Nested Commands

Example 1: Basic workflow

The most basic example shows the workflow of cli-app. You create one or more commands (usually in a separate file) and add those commands to the application instance by providing a command name and a description.

File: pets.php


require_once __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';

use Afeefa\Component\Cli\Cli;
use Afeefa\Component\Cli\Command;

class Cats extends Command
    protected function executeCommand()
        $this->printList(['Kitty', 'Tiger', 'Meow']);

class Dogs extends Command
    protected function executeCommand()
        $this->printList(['Laika', 'Lassie', 'Goofy']);

(new Cli('Pets App'))
    ->command('cats', Cats::class, 'Show cats')
    ->command('dogs', Dogs::class, 'Show dogs')

Run the example:

git clone
cd cli-app
composer install

# examples/pets/pets cats


Example 2: Command Actions

The examples shows three things:

  • an action, which is kind of a lightweight command, that can be called from any command or action
  • a prompt, which lets the user select from a list of choices
  • and a possibility to reuse a command by giving it a mode
use Afeefa\Component\Cli\Action;

class Names extends Action
    protected function executeAction()
        $pet = $this->getArgument('pet');
        $names = $pet === 'cat'
            ? ['Kitty', 'Tiger', 'Meow']
            : ['Laika', 'Lassie', 'Goofy'];
        return $this->printChoice("Select a $pet", $names); // prompt

class Feed extends Command
    protected function executeCommand()
        $pet = $this->getCommandMode();
        $name = $this->runAction(Names::class, ['pet' => $pet]);
        $this->printBullet("Feed <info>$name</info>");

class Cuddle extends Command
    protected function executeCommand()
        $name = $this->runAction(Names::class, ['pet' => 'cat']);
        $this->printBullet("Cuddle <info>$name</info>");

(new Cli('Pets App'))
    ->command('feed-cat', [Feed::class, 'cat'], 'Feed a cat') // 'cat' = mode
    ->command('feed-dog', [Feed::class, 'dog'], 'Feed a dog')
    ->command('cuddle-cat', Cuddle::class, 'Cuddle a cat')

Run the example:

git clone
cd cli-app
composer install

# examples/feed/feed feed-dog
# examples/feed/feed cuddle-cat


Example 3: Command Arguments

Command arguments are a basic cli feature. If you want to help the user by providing a list of argument values to choose from, you can use selectable arguments. The example shows:

  • using and consuming selectable arguments
  • setting a default command
use Afeefa\Component\Cli\SelectableArgument;

class Walk extends Command
    protected function setArguments()
        $this->addSelectableArgument( // selectable argument
            'pet', ['cat', 'dog'], 'The pet to walk with'

        $this->addSelectableArgument( // dependent argument
            function (SelectableArgument $argument) {
                $pet = $this->getArgument('pet');
                $argument->choices = $pet === 'cat'
                    ? ['Kitty', 'Tiger', 'Meow']
                    : ['Laika', 'Lassie', 'Goofy'];
                $argument->description = 'The name of the ' . $pet;

    protected function executeCommand()
        $pet = $this->getArgument('pet');
        $name = $this->getArgument('name');

        if ($pet === 'cat') {
            $this->printBullet("<info>$name</info> does not walk with you");
        } else {
            $this->printBullet("<info>$name</info> is happy to walk with you");

(new Cli('Pets App'))
    ->command('walk', Walk::class, 'Walk with a pet')

Run the example:

git clone
cd cli-app
composer install

# examples/walk/walk
# examples/walk/walk walk dog
# examples/walk/walk walk dog Laika


Example 4: Nested Commands

The example shows:

  • the configuration of nested commands
  • the ability to inspect a commands or a command parent's name.
use Afeefa\Component\Cli\Definitions\GroupDefinition as Group;

class Play extends Command
    protected function executeCommand()
        $action = $this->getLocalName();
        $pet = $this->getLocalParentName();
        if ($pet === 'cat') {
            $this->printBullet("<info>Cat</info> does not like <info>$action</info>");
        } else {
            $this->printBullet("<info>Dog</info> likes <info>$action</info>");

(new Cli('Pets App'))
    ->group('cat', 'Play with cat', function (Group $group) {
        $group->command('hide-seek', Play::class, 'Hide and seek');
    ->group('dog', 'Play with dog', function (Group $group) {
            ->command('fetch', Play::class, 'Fetch the stick')
            ->command('cuddle', Play::class, 'Cuddle the dog');

Run the example:

git clone
cd cli-app
composer install

# examples/play/play
# examples/play/play dog
# examples/play/play dog:fetch
