Recursively search child (or parent) directories of a given directory for files with regex pattern or filename

2.1.7 2022-06-03 15:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:21:24 UTC


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Find files using a regex pattern or exact filename.


  • Search the current directory for a file or files by exact filename or regex pattern
  • Search the current directory and then the parent directory for a file or files using a filename or regex pattern
  • Search the current directory and then recursively up through parent directories for a file or files using a filename or regex pattern.


Affinity4/File is available via composer:

composer require affinity4/file


    "require": {
        "affinity4/file": "^2.1"


Assuming folder structure is:

  |-- files
  |    |-- config.yml
  |    |-- config.php
  |    |-- 00
  |    |    |-- test00-01.php
  |    |    |-- test00-01.yml
  |    |    |-- test00-02.php
  |    |    |-- test00-02.yml
  |    |    |-- 01
  |    |    |    |    |-- test01-01.php
  |    |    |    |    |-- test01-01.yml
  |    |    |    |    |-- test01-02.php
  |    |    |    |    |-- test01-02.yml
  |    |    |    |    |-- test01-03.php
  |    |    |    |    |-- test01-03.yml
  |    |    |    |    |-- 02
  |    |    |    |    |    |-- YOU-ARE-HERE
  |    |    |    |    |    |-- test02-01.html
  |    |    |    |    |    |-- test02-01.css
  |    |    |    |    |    |-- test02-01.json
  |    |    |    |    |    |-- test02-02.json

To find numerous files you can use a regex pattern with the following delimiters /, @, #, ~ in the find() method. Then chain the in() method to start the search from that directory and use get() to return the results:

$file = new Affinity4\File\File;
$results = $file->find('/^test[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}.json$/')->in(__DIR__)->get();

$results[0]->getPathname(); // root/files/00/01/02/test02-01.json
$results[1]->getPathname(); // root/files/00/01/02/test02-02.json

You can also search the current directory and if no files are found matching the pattern search one level up by chaining the parent() method after in():

$file = new Affinity4\File\File;
$results = $file->find('/^test00-[\d]{2}.php$/')->in(__DIR__)->parent()->get();

$results[0]->getPathname(); // root/files/00/test00-01.php
$results[1]->getPathname(); // root/files/00/test00-02.php

You can also search the current directory and if no files are found matching the pattern search all parent directories by chaining the parents() method after in():

$file = new Affinity4\File\File;
$result = $file->find('config.yml')->in(__DIR__)->parents()->get();

$result->getPathname(); // root/files/config.yml

You can also specify if you only want the one item returned using the get() method. This will return the first SplFileInfo object in the array, and not an array with one SplFileInfo object.

$file = new Affinity4\File\File;

$result = $file->find('/^test[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}.php$/')->in(__DIR__)->parents()->get(1);

return $result->getPathname() // root/files/00/01/test01-01.php;

You can also specify exactly how many items you want returned in an array using the get() method. As long as the number is greater than one the result will be an array of SPLFileInfo objects:

$file = new Affinity4\File\File;
$results = $file->find('/^test[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}.php$/')->in(__DIR__)->parents()->get(2);

$results[0]->getPathname(); // root/files/00/01/test01-01.php; 
$results[1]->getPathname(); // root/files/00/01/test01-02.php;


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(c) 2017 Luke Watts (

This software is licensed under the MIT license. For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.