
Download magnet url's using a local Transmission Daemon, and upload using sftp

Installs: 23

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 2

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0


v0.0.3 2016-07-07 15:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-23 05:22:03 UTC


Magnet downloader

This application has just one purpose: download torrents and sftp them to another machine.

Install the application

You can CLI tool globally for your user, using composers global feature.

composer global install afk11/magnetdl

It can be upgraded using: composer global update

NB: You need to add ~/.composer/bin to your $PATH for the application to be found.

echo "export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc # this is done automatically when you log in


  • magnetdl [magnet url]: Starts upload procedure
  • magnetdlconfig: Print a default config file to STDOUT

Install as a library

Add an entry to your composer.json, or run this in your proect directory:

compose require afk11/magnetdl


You need to configure the software to run it. After installing globally run these:

mkdir /home/you/.magnetdl
magnetdlconfig > /home/you/.magnetdl/config.json
nano /home/you/.magnetdl/config.json

Set up the config values and you're good to go!

Setup Requirements

You will need:

  • your local machine, running transmission-daemon with the RPC configured.
  • remote machine with SSH (via keyfile authentication), with some folder you want to write to. om o Disclaimer: The software expects an unencrypted private key as an identity file, as we use exec() and can't provide an additional password. If you're worried about compromising the remote machine, the following instructions should help lock things down.
  1. Create a group for your user: shared-jail

  2. Create a new user: youruser, and add him to the shared-jail group: usermod -a -G shared-jail youruser

  3. Create an SSH key on your local system, and add the public key to the remote users /home/youruser/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

  4. Check you can login via SSH from the remote machine: `ssh youruser@yourhost -i /path/to/privatekey

  5. Create a basic chroot skeleton, and expose the folder you want to upload to using mount --bind /sharedfiles /chroot/sharedfiles. You may need a home directory, but it can be empty.

  6. To auto-bind the shared files to the chroot on startup, add this to /etc/fstab.

    /sharedfiles /chroot/sharedfiles none bind

    Be cautious with this one, errors can cause systems not to boot.

  7. Add this to the very bottom of your sshd_config:

    Match Group shared-jail ChrootDirectory %h ForceCommand internal-sftp AllowTcpForwarding no

  8. Before you log out from the remote system, do service ssh restart.

  9. Try log in over SSH, you should now get: 'This service allows SFTP connections only.'

  10. Try log in over sftp: sftp youruser@yourhost -oIdentityFile=/path/to/privatekey and check you're in the chroot, and the folder is accessible.

TLDR: Someone with the key can log into the chroot only, and can do anything with the files depending on file permissions.