
Library that helps create git sourced WordPress Language Packs from po files.

dev-master 2024-11-11 15:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 15:58:30 UTC


Requires PHP 7.0 or higher.

Uses class Language_Pack_Maker installed via composer into your local translation repository to create a directory of zip archives of translation .mo/.po/.json files and a language-pack.json file containing data to pass to Git Updater or Translations Updater library.

Install the package via composer.

Run the composer command: composer require afragen/language-pack-maker:dev-master


This library requires all .po files to be in a /languages directory located in the repository root.

  • It will copy all .po files from /languages to a temporary directory.
  • It will create .mo files from the .po files.
  • It will create .l10n.php files from the .po files.
  • It will create .json translation files for your javascript.
  • It will create zipfiles in a /packages directory in the repository root.
  • It will create a language-pack.json file in the repository root.
  • It will cleanup/remove the temporary directory when finished.

The format of the generated JSON file is as follows.

    "{language}": [
        "type": "{plugin|theme} from GitHub Updater",
        "slug": "{$slug}",
        "language": "en_US",
        "version": "from GitHub Updater",
        "updated": "PO-Revision-Date from .po file header",
        "package": "/packages/",
        "autoupdate": "1"

The update transient expects the $transient->translations in the following format.

$transient->translations( array(
	0 => array(
		'type'       => 'plugin',
		'slug'       => 'akismet',
		'language'   => 'de_CH',
		'version'    => '3.1.11',
		'updated'    => '2016-05-12 18:04:38',
		'package'    => '',
		'autoupdate' => 1,

) );

Git Updater or the Translations Updater library will merge the correlative plugin or theme data with the data retrieved from the language-pack.json to add data to the update transient. Language updates will appear in the WordPress dashboard.

To utilize the Language Pack Creator, you will need to open and run http://localhost/<my-translation-repo>/vendor/autoload.php in localhost. This will create the necessary .mo, .l10n.php, .json, zipfiles, and language-pack.json.

With the following added to your composer.json file, it will run the sequence described above on composer make-language-packs.

  "scripts": {
    "make-language-packs": [
      "php ./vendor/autoload.php"