
PHP Database Tools

0.1.8 2024-09-09 11:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 12:33:10 UTC


SigmaPHP-DB is a collection of PHP Database Tools. That support primarily MySQL RDBMS (Other RDBMS support will be added in future). Including migrations with rollback , seeding , query builder , ORM and much more , all these features can be used through an elegant CLI script in your terminal.


composer require agashe/sigmaphp-db


After installation , you should create a new config file , to include your database connection parameters , and also edit other options like migrations / seeders paths.

To generate new config file , run the following command :

php ./vendor/bin/sigma-db create:config

A new config file with name database.php wil be created in the root of your project's directory.

You can simply change the name and the location of the config file , but this will require you , to pass the config file path , when use the CLI script :

php ./vendor/bin/sigma-db migrate --config=/path/to/my-config.php


CLI Usage

In the table below , you can find all available commands :

Command Description
create:config {path} Create new config file, if no path was provided , a default config file (database.php) will be created in the root of the project's folder.
create:migration {migration name} Create new migration file. It's recommended for the migration file to follow class naming rules , like using only nouns and PascalCase .. etc. Also no need to add .php extension , "Migration.php". will be appended automatically to the file name.
create:model {model name} Create new model class. In addition this command will generate a migration file for creating the corresponding table.
create:seeder {seeder name} Create new seeder file. Please note that , the same rules for naming the migration file is also applied to the seeder.
drop Drop all tables in the database. A confirmation message will ask you to confirm before executing this command.
fresh Drop all tables in the database. then will run all migrations and seed the database. (will ask for confirmation)
help Print a list by all available commands.
migrate {migration name} Run all migrations files. Optionally you can pass migration file name , to run specific migration.
rollback {date} Rollback latest migration. or choose specific date to rollback to.
seed {seeder name} Run seeders. or run specific seeder.
version Print the current version of SigmaPHP-DB Package.
truncate Delete the data in all tables. (will ask for confirmation)

And here few examples on how to use the commands:

php ./vendor/bin/sigma-db create:migration UsersTable
// will create UsersTableMigration.php file into /path/to/migrations

php ./vendor/bin/sigma-db create:seed UsersRolesSeeder
// run seeder UsersRolesSeeder.php

php ./vendor/bin/sigma-db create:rollback 2023-1-20
// rollback all migrations up to 2023-1-20 , the migrations running dates all saved into the migrations logs table (default name is db_logs). And of course you can change it in the config file

php ./vendor/bin/sigma-db drop
// to drop all tables

php ./vendor/bin/sigma-db fresh --config=/path/to/db-testing-config.php
// to drop all tables then migrate and seed , and in this example we assume that you have put the config in your path of choice


(SigmaPHP-DB) released under the terms of the MIT license.