
Akamai NetStorage

0.2.0 2019-05-06 22:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 22:26:56 UTC



Akamai does not maintain or regulate this package. While it can be incorporated to assist you in API use, Akamai Technical Support will not offer assistance and Akamai cannot be held liable if issues arise from its use.


This library provides the following NetStorage tools

  • a FlySystem adapter for NetStorage ObjectStore (\Akamai\NetStorage\ObjectStoreAdapter) and FileStore (\Akamai\NetStorage\FileStoreAdapter)
  • a request signer (\Akamai\NetStorage\Authentication)
  • a Guzzle middleware for transparently signing requests to the API (\Akamai\NetStorage\Handler\Authentication)

To Do:

  • A PHP streams layer, so you can use netstorage.fs://path with any built-in I/O functions (e.g. fopen, fread(), and fputs, or file_get_contents() and file_put_contents())


Installation is done via composer:

$ composer require akamai-open/netstorage

Using the Request Signer

$signer = new Akamai\NetStorage\Authentication();
$signer->setKey($key, $keyName);
$signer->setPath('/' .$cpCode. '/path/to/file');
$headers = $signer->createAuthHeaders();

    'X-Akamai-ACS-Auth-Data' => $authData,
    'X-Akamai-ACS-Auth-Sign' => $signature

Using the Guzzle Middleware

To use the middle, add it to the handler stack in the \GuzzleHttp\Client or \Akamai\Open\EdgeGrid\Client options:

$signer = new \Akamai\NetStorage\Authentication();
$signer->setKey($key, $keyName);

$handler = new \Akamai\NetStorage\Handler\Authentication();

$stack = \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack::create();
$stack->push($handler, 'netstorage-handler');

$client = new \Akamai\Open\EdgeGrid\Client([
    'base_uri' => $host,
    'handler' => $stack

// Upload a file:
// Request signature is added transparently
// All parent directories must exist (e.g. /path/to)
$client->put('/' . $cpCode . '/path/to/file', [
    'headers' => [
        'X-Akamai-ACS-Action' => 'version=1&action=upload&sha1=' .sha1($fileContents)
    'body' => $fileContents

Using the FlySystem Adapters

The simplest way to interact with NetStorage ObjectStore or FileStore is using the \Akamai\NetStorage\ObjectStoreAdapter or \Akamai\NetStorage\FileStoreAdapter for FlySystem.

$signer = new \Akamai\NetStorage\Authentication();
$signer->setKey($key, $keyName);

$handler = new \Akamai\NetStorage\Handler\Authentication();

$stack = \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack::create();
$stack->push($handler, 'netstorage-handler');

$client = new \Akamai\Open\EdgeGrid\Client([
    'base_uri' => $host,
    'handler' => $stack

$adapter = new \Akamai\NetStorage\ObjectStoreAdapter($client, $cpCode);
$fs = new \League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter);

// Upload a file:
// cpCode, action, content signature, and request signature is added transparently
// Additionally, all required sub-directories are created transparently
$fs->write('/path/to/file', $fileContents);

Please note that $key, $keyName & $host can be obtained from "NetStorage API Information" page: https://control.akamai.com/storage/customer_portal.jsp?content_page=ns_api_info.jsp