
Laravel event sourcing domain generator


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Laravel event sourcing generator adds a new Artisan command that can generate a full domain directory structure for Spatie event sourcing.

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What Version
PHP 8.2 / 8.3
Laravel 10.x / 11.x (*)
Spatie's event sourcing 7.x

(*) Package has been tested in Laravel 10, even it is not officially released for that version.


composer require albertoarena/laravel-event-sourcing-generator


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php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain <model>
  [-d|--domain=<domain>]                         # The name of the domain
  [--namespace=<namespace>]                      # The namespace or root folder (default: "Domain")
  [-m|--migration=<existing_migration_filename>] # Indicate any existing migration for the model, with or without timestamp prefix. Table name is sufficient
  [-a|--aggregate=<0|1>]                         # Indicate if aggregate must be created or not (accepts 0 or 1)
  [-r|--reactor=<0|1>]                           # Indicate if reactor must be created or not (accepts 0 or 1)
  [-u|--unit-test]                               # Indicate if PHPUnit tests must be created
  [-p|--primary-key=<uuid|id>]                   # Indicate which is the primary key (uuid, id)
  [--indentation=<indent>]                       # Indentation spaces
  [--failed-events=<0|1>]                        # Indicate if failed events must be created (accepts 0 or 1)
  [--notifications=<mail,no,slack,teams>]        # Indicate if notifications must be created, comma separated (accepts mail,no,slack,teams)
  [--root=<root>                                 # The name of the root folder (default: "app")

Show help

php artisan help make:event-sourcing-domain

Basic usage

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Documentation about basic usage

Generate a model with same name of the domain

php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal \

Generate a model with different domain

Read documentation with examples

php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Tiger \

Generate a model with different domain and namespace

Read documentation with examples

php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Tiger \
  --domain=Animal \

Generate a model from existing migration

Read documentation with examples

php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal \
  --migration=create_animal_table \

Generate a model from existing migration with PHPUnit tests

php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal \
  --migration=create_animal_table \

Generate a model from existing migration with failed events and mail / Slack notifications

php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal \
  --migration=create_animal_table \
  --failed-events=1 \

Domain and namespace

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Read documentation about directory structure

Specify the name of the domain

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php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal --domain=Tiger
php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal --domain=Lion

Specify the namespace

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php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Tiger --namespace=MyDomain --domain=Animal

Advanced usage

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Set primary key

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Default primary key is uuid. That will work with Aggregate class.

It is possible to use id as primary key:

php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal --primary-key=id

When importing migrations, primary key will be automatically loaded from file.

Generate PHPUnit tests

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php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal --unit-test

Generate aggregates

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php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal --aggregate=1

This is available only for models using uuid as primary key.

Generate reactors

Read documentation with examples

php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal --reactor=1

Generate failed events

Read documentation with examples

php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal --failed-events=1

Generate notifications

Read documentation with examples

php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal --notifications=<NOTIFICATIONS>

Specify indentation

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php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal --indentation=2

Specify the path of root folder

Read documentation with examples

php artisan make:event-sourcing-domain Animal --root=src

Limitations and future enhancements

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Blueprint column types

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