
Yii 2 Basic Project Template with environment settings

2.0.16 2019-01-31 00:00 UTC


Yii 2 Basic Project Template with environment settings

Yii 2 Basic Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for rapidly creating small projects.

Why .env?

You should never store sensitive credentials in your code. Storing configuration in the environment is one of the tenets of a twelve-factor app. Anything that is likely to change between deployment environments – such as database credentials or credentials for 3rd party services – should be extracted from the code into environment variables.

Basically, a .env file is an easy way to load custom configuration variables that your application needs without having to modify .htaccess files or Apache/nginx virtual hosts. This means you won't have to edit any files outside the project, and all the environment variables are always set no matter how you run your project - Apache, Nginx, CLI, and even PHP 5.4's built-in webserver. It's WAY easier than all the other ways you know of to set environment variables, and you're going to love it!

  • NO editing virtual hosts in Apache or Nginx
  • NO adding php_value flags to .htaccess files
  • EASY portability and sharing of required ENV values
  • COMPATIBLE with PHP's built-in web server and CLI runner



composer create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev ale10257/yii2-app-basic-with-env-settings .

After install

cd your/project
cp example.env .env

Edit your settings in .env file

# other environment settings ...

In your project, example:

'dsn' => 'mysql:host=' . $_ENV['DB_HOST'] . ';dbname=' . $_ENV['DB_NAME'];

Enjoy :)