
Google Cloud Print Service Provider for Laravel 7

0.1.2 2017-02-23 17:56 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 07:57:45 UTC



Via composer :

composer require gnurlan/laravel-google-cloud-print

Then add the service provider class to your Laravel config/app.php :

'providers' => [
    // ...
    // ...

Also add the Facade alias if you intend to use it :

'aliases' => [
    // ...
    'GoogleCloudPrint' => Bnb\GoogleCloudPrint\Facades\GoogleCloudPrint::class,
    // ...


Set the env parameter GCP_CREDENTIALS_PATH to the absolute path (or relative to the laravel application root) of the servie account JSON file downloaded from Google Console.

Google service setup

Create a service account key (IAM) with a *** and download the JSON key file at Copy the file into the project at the configured env path.

You also need to allow print access to the generated email address on all the desired printers via the Google Cloud Print console at

This library will attempt to accept the invite if the Google API rejects the credentials. Indeed Google service accounts do not get the invitation email with the accept link and therefore need to use the API to complete the process.


Create a print task

Either use the Facade or the shortcut with one of the three provided content type to get a print task object :

$task = GoogleCloudPrint::asText()
$task = GoogleCloudPrint::asHtml()
$task = GoogleCloudPrint::asPdf()

// or

$task = app('google.print')->asText()
$task = app('google.print')->asHtml()
$task = app('google.print')->asPdf()

Configure and send the print task

Calling ->printer($printerId) is required. The $printerId is the printer's UUID you get on the printer details page at Google Cloud Print console (or in the printer URL).

The content can be provided in three way :

  • raw via ->content('A raw content').
  • local file via ->file('/path/to/my/file'). An exception is thrown if the file is not accessible
  • url via ->url(''). The content is downloaded locally before sending the print job. An exception is thrown if the URL does not begin with http(s)://

You can set any other Cloud Job Ticket option via the ->ticket($key, $value) method. Some helpers are provided :

  • range helper via ->range($start, $end) (start and end pages are included).
  • margins helpers via the ->marginsInMillimeters($top, $right, $bottom, $left) and ->marginsInCentimeters($top, $right, $bottom, $left).

If the job is rejected an exception is thrown.


$printerId = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx';

// Printing HTML from an URL

// Printing page 3 to 10 of a PDF from a local file
    ->range(3, 10)

// Printing plain text with a 1cm margin on each sides using
    ->content('This is a test')
    ->marginsInCentimeters(1, 1, 1, 1)