0.2.0 2025-02-27 08:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 10:00:06 UTC


GitHub version

alibabacloud-oss-php-sdk-v2 is the Developer Preview for the v2 of the OSS SDK for the PHP programming language



  • This PHP SDK is based on the official APIs of Alibaba Cloud OSS.
  • Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) is a cloud storage service provided by Alibaba Cloud, featuring massive capacity, security, a low cost, and high reliability.
  • The OSS can store any type of files and therefore applies to various websites, development enterprises and developers.
  • With this SDK, you can upload, download and manage data on any app anytime and anywhere conveniently.

Running Environment

  • PHP 7.4 or above.


Install the sdk through composer

If you use the composer to manage project dependencies, run the following command in your project's root directory:

$ composer require alibabacloud/oss-v2

You can also declare the dependency on Alibaba Cloud OSS SDK for PHP v2 in the composer.json file.

"require": {
    "alibabacloud/oss-v2": "*"

Install from the PHAR File directly

$ require_once '/path/to/alibabacloud-oss-php-sdk-v2-{version}.phar'

Getting Started

List Bucket


use AlibabaCloud\Oss\V2 as Oss;

$region = 'cn-hangzhou';

// Loading credentials values from the environment variables
$credentialsProvider = new Oss\Credentials\EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider();

// Using the SDK's default configuration
$cfg = Oss\Config::loadDefault();

$client = new Oss\Client($cfg);

// Create the Paginator for the ListBuckets operation
$paginator = new Oss\Paginator\ListBucketsPaginator($client);
$iter = $paginator->iterPage(new Oss\Models\ListBucketsRequest());

// Iterate through the bucket pages
foreach ($iter as $page) {
    foreach ($page->buckets ?? [] as $bucket) {
        print("Bucket: $bucket->name, $bucket->location\n");

List Objects


use AlibabaCloud\Oss\V2 as Oss;

$region = 'cn-hangzhou';
$bucket = 'your bucket name';

// Loading credentials values from the environment variables
$credentialsProvider = new Oss\Credentials\EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider();

// Using the SDK's default configuration
$cfg = Oss\Config::loadDefault();

$client = new Oss\Client($cfg);

# Create the Paginator for the ListBuckets operation
$paginator = new Oss\Paginator\ListObjectsV2Paginator($client);
$iter = $paginator->iterPage(new Oss\Models\ListObjectsV2Request($bucket));

// Iterate through the object pages
foreach ($iter as $page) {
    foreach ($page->contents ?? [] as $object) {
        print("Object: $object->key, $object->type, $object->size\n");

Put Object


use AlibabaCloud\Oss\V2 as Oss;

$region = 'cn-hangzhou';
$bucket = 'your bucket name';
$key = 'your object name';

// Loading credentials values from the environment variables
$credentialsProvider = new Oss\Credentials\EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider();

// Using the SDK's default configuration
$cfg = Oss\Config::loadDefault();

$client = new Oss\Client($cfg);

$data = 'Hello OSS';

$request = new Oss\Models\PutObjectRequest($bucket, $key);
$request->body = Oss\Utils::streamFor($data);

$result = $client->putObject($request);

    'status code:'. $result->statusCode .PHP_EOL.
    'request id:'. $result->requestId .PHP_EOL.
    'etag:'. $result->etag. PHP_EOL

Complete Example

More example projects can be found in the sample folder

Running Example

  • Run composer install to download the dependent libraries.
  • Go to the sample code folder sample
  • Configure credentials values from the environment variables, like export OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your access key id", export OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET="your access key secrect"
  • Take ListBuckets.php as an example,run php ListBuckets.php --region cn-hangzhou command。
