
Fix to core Magento scheduled indexing to avoid inconsistent index data

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1.0.1 2023-01-24 04:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-25 04:25:32 UTC


This module is designed to fix a common issue around the scheduled "mview" indexing within Magento 2.


When indexers are set to update by schedule, the scenario is as follows:

  • Each indexer has a corresponding changelog database table.
  • Each indexer subscribes to a number of database tables - when a change is made in a subscribed table, a record is added to the changelog table for the indexer.

Additionally, some indexers use the data created by another indexer. For example, the catalogsearch_fulltext indexer may use indexed category and price data.

Indexed data is updated via the indexer_update_all_views cron job. This job loops through all scheduled indexers and updates its data based on the latest changelog record for each one.


When indexer_update_all_views runs, it will get the changelog information for a single indexer, process it, and then move on to the next one. Consider the following scenario:

  1. The mview_state table has version_id of 100 for both catalog_product_price and catalogsearch_fulltext records.
  2. Both catalog_product_price_cl and catalogsearch_fulltext_cl changelog tables are also at version 100.
  3. The prices of 10 products are updated
    1. This adds 10 records to catalog_product_price_cl and catalogsearch_fulltext_cl
    2. Latest version in the changelog tables is now 110
  4. indexer_update_all_views begins, and starts to process the catalog_product_price indexer.
    1. It determines that it needs to process changelog records 101-110
  5. Before the price indexer has finished processing, 10 more product prices are updated.
    1. 10 more recrds are added to catalog_product_price_cl and catalogsearch_fulltext_cl
    2. Latest version in the changelog tables is now 120
  6. indexer_update_all_views finishes processing the price indexer, and moves on to catalogsearch_fulltext
    1. It determines that it needs to process changelog records 101-120
  7. indexer_update_all_views completes
  8. The next run of indexer_update_all_views processes records 111-120 for the price indexer.

After this, everything seems to be up to date - this is not the case. Since the catalogsearch_fulltext indexer uses indexed price data, when it processed records 101-120, it did not have up-to-date data for 111-120, as these had not yet been processed by the price indexer.

The products corresponding to these last 10 changelog records will not be updated by the catalogsearch_fulltext indexer again until either:

  • The index is invalidated and a full re-index is performed.
  • The product gets updated again in some way.


In order to avoid timing issues relating to updates happening at the same time as index processing, this module does the following:

  • Before indexer_update_all_views begins processing, a snapshot of all changelog tables is taken, recording the (at the time) latest version number.
  • An around plugin is added to the ChangelogInterface->getVersion function, so that the snapshot version is returned
    • If a snapshot does not exist, it is looked up from the database as per normal functionality

By doing this, any new changelog records that are created while the job is running will be ignored, and instead processed by the next run.


To install this module, the following commands can be run:

composer require aligent/magento2-indexer-fix
bin/magento module:enable Aligent_IndexerFix
bin/magento setup:upgrade