
A simple Laravel 5 and lumen service provider for including the Oss PHP SDK for PHP.

v1.2.0 2017-08-03 03:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 05:08:28 UTC


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README of Chinese

Make a Reference in Your Laravel Project

  • Install the Laravel framework or the Lumen framework.

  • Create a Laravel or Lumen project, depending on the framework you have installed.

  • In the composer.json file of the new project, insert the following code:

        "require": {
            "aliyuncs/aliyun-oss-php-sdk-laravel": "~1.2.0"
  • Run the following command: composer update

For the Laravel Project

  • Edit the vendor/aliyun-oss/aliyun-oss-php-sdk-laravel/config/config.php file as follows:

    return [
        'id' => 'your id',
        'key' => 'your key',
        'endpoint' => 'your endpoint',
        'bucket' => 'your bucket'
  • Edit the config/app.php file and register OSS Service Provider:

    'providers' => array(
        // ...
  • Edit the config/app.php file to insert an aliases segment.

    'aliases' => array(
        // ...
        'OSS' => AliyunOss\Laravel\AliyunOssFacade::class,
  • Edit the routes/web.php file as follows:

    Route::get('/', function()
        $client = App::make('aliyun-oss');
        $client->putObject("your bucket", "your object", "content you want to upload");
        $result = $client->getObject("your bucket", "your boject");
        echo $result;

For the Lumen Project

  • Edit the vendor/aliyun-oss/aliyun-oss-php-sdk-laravel/config/config.php file as follows:

    return [
        'id' => 'your id',
        'key' => 'your key',
        'endpoint' => 'your endpoint',
        'bucket' => 'your bucket'
  • Edit the bootstrap/app.php file and register OSS Service Providers:

  • Edit the routes/web.php file as follows:

    $app->get('/', function () use ($app) {
        $client = $app->make('aliyun-oss');
        $client->putObject('your bucket', 'your key',  "content you want to upload");
        $result = $client->getObject("your bucket", "your boject");
        echo $result;

Run the Test Case

  • Set the following environment variables:
export OSS_ENDPOINT=''
export OSS_BUCKET=''
  • Switch to the project directory and run the following command: php vendor/bin/phpunit
