
Gherkin to Dusk

v0.0.2 2017-05-24 19:21 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-06 09:53:26 UTC


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Converting Gherkin file to PHPUnit Compatible and Dusk Compatible files.

This will attempt to make an easy way to work with Dusk and PHPUnit from a Gherkin formatted file.

If you are familiar with Behat then this workflow might be similar.

Intro Video

Intro Slides



In this example I have written a feature 1 file and now I want to turn that into my first PHPUnit compatible test.

For example I make a file tests/features/profile.feature

Feature: Test Profile Page
  Can See and Edit my profile
  As a user of the system
  So I can manage my profile

  Scenario: Edit Profile
    Given I have a profile created
    And I am in edit mode
    Then I can change the first name
    And the last name
    And and save my settings
    Then when I view my profile it will have those new settings

One of the key aspects I will talk about later is how I can use one file to drive two types of tests, Integration then Browser. And how the Gherkin syntax can influence how I name my classes in line with the business writing of the feature 2.

NOTE: the above feature does not really summarize the goal in business terms it is still quite a bit focused on the web.

So at this point I can type, assuming you installed Pickle globally as I cover below:

pickle initialize tests/features/profile.feature 

or for a Browser test:

pickle initialize --context=browser tests/features/profile.feature

In this case let's focus on domain context eg Integration.

Now it will make a test for me in tests/Feature/ProfileTest.php

and I can start working on that file which would look something like this


class ProfileTest extends TestCase {

      * @group editProfile
    public function testGivenIHaveAProfileCreated() {
        //etc etc

    protected function andIamInEditMode() {
        $this->markTestIncomplete('Time to code');

    protected function andIamInEditMode() {
        $this->markTestIncomplete('Time to code');
    //and all the rest



Now this is just icing on the cake and you can just default back to the basics and it will all still work.

pickle run tests/features/profile.feature 

Or just go back to using PHPUnit

phpunit tests/Feature/ProfileTest.php

Or Dusk via Pickle

pickle run --context=browser tests/features/profile.feature 

Or via Dusk

php artisan dusk tests/Browser/ProfileTest.php

UI Example

After I am done with my Integration tests and all that work is in place I can start on the Browser tests.

So I run the command

pickle run --context=browser tests/features/profile.feature 

And I get


namespace Tests\Browser;

use Tests\DuskTestCase;
use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseMigrations;

class ExampleTest extends DuskTestCase
     * @var Browser
    protected $browser;

     * A basic browser test example.
     * @return void
    public function testBasicExample()
        $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
            $this->browser = $browser;

    private function visitHome()

    private function seeSomething()

By setting the $this->browser as global I can work one step or function at a time:

  • visit the page
  • enter a form field
  • enter another form field
  • submit
  • look for results

Appending Tests

As here is an example of when you need to add new Scenarios to a feature file and you need to then update the Class file.

For example

Feature: Test Profile Page
  Can See and Edit my profile
  As a user of the system
  So I can manage my profile

  Scenario: Edit Profile
    Given I have a profile created
    And I am in edit mode
    Then I can change the first name
    And the last name
    And and save my settings
    Then when I view my profile it will have those new settings

  Scenario: View Profile
    Given I have a profile created
    And I am in view mode
    Then I can see the first name
    And the last name

We now need to append more to it so we run

pickle append tests/features/test_profile.feature


pickle append --context=browser tests/features/test_profile.feature

This will add the new Scenario and methods making sure not to duplicate Scenarios.


This will not update existing Scenarios

For example you modify this Scenario

  Scenario: Edit Profile
    Given I have a profile created
    And I am in edit mode
    Then I can change the first name
    And the last name
    And and save my settings
    Then when I view my profile it will have those new settings


  Scenario: Edit Profile
    Given I have a profile created
    And I am in edit mode
    Then I can change the first name
    And the last name
    And I can add my photo
    And and save my settings
    Then when I view my profile it will have those new settings

So the new line And I can add my photo will show up as a method

protected function andICanAddMyPhoto() {
   $this->markIncomplete("Time to Code");

but it will not add it to the Scenario step as seen after initialize as

    public function testEditProfile()
        $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
            $this->browser = $browser;

You just need to add it, to the correct ordered location before or after



Initialize (DONE)

The ability to use a Gherkin file to create a Unit or Browser test


Move the work into pickle cli file see at root of app. Simple stuff since it is working in the test

I will take that one asap

Right now the test show it working now I need to add it to the global command

Append Snippets (DONE)

The ability to add more steps and scenarios to existing Unit and Browser tests

So if they add new steps or scenarios to the feature pickle is smart enough to append the scenario(s) (easy stuff there) but also append steps into the scenario as needed.


Everything! I mean I have code to prevent duplicate methods.

Run from Gherkin (DONE)

Running from the Gherkin test either the domain or ui test with nice Gherkin based output


pickle run tests/features/profile.feature --domain

And it would know to use the tests/Feature/ProfileTest.php

and output in that nice Gherkin format like Behat.


I will track these as Issues here

And as much as possible / soon in Projects here


First you need to install the Global Composer Tool to help over all learn more

composer global require consolidation/cgr

Then make sure that ~/.composer/vendor/bin to your $PATH`

You might have this already

eg edit your ~/.bash_profile` and add

export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH

Then type

source ~/.bash_profile

Now if you type

cgr --help

You should get some output like this

The 'cgr' tool is a "safer" alternative to 'composer global require'.
Installing projects with cgr helps avoid dependency conflicts between
different tools.  Use 'cgr' wherever 'composer global require' is recommended.


Now for Pickle

cgr global require alnutile/pickle:dev-master

now you should be able to run from any location on your Mac

pickle help

and to upgrade often since it is a busy project

cgr global update alnutile/pickle


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



1 Feature files are written in Gherkin. You can see some examples here

The "Feature" area gives the feature a title then sense

  • What is being built
  • Who it is being built for
  • What is the business result

Then then leads into the "Scenarios"


You can read more about BDD here


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.