
Utility class for manage scripts arguments

3.1.0 2018-04-18 13:18 UTC

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Last update: 2024-12-21 20:46:55 UTC


A library to manage scripts arguments

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  • Singleton pattern
  • Auto generate help
  • Manage short and long option (-a --abc)
  • Manage values and multiple values (-v /toto -v /tutu)
  • Manage required options


Check if a parameter (specified via a letter or a name) is set

$Args = \alphayax\utils\cli\GetOpt::getInstance();
$Args->setDescription('This script is a tiny example to show library features');
$verboseOption = $Args->addOpt('v', 'verbose', 'Verbose Mode');


$isVerboseMode = $verboseOption->isPresent();

Get the value of the --file option

$Args = \alphayax\utils\cli\GetOpt::getInstance();
$Args->setDescription('This script is a tiny example to show library features');
$fileOption = $Args->addOpt('f', 'file', 'File name', true);


// Check if file option is specified (via -f or --file)
if( $fileOption->isPresent()){
    $fileName = $fileOption->getValue();

Auto-generated Help

Example of help output (if the -h or --help flag is specified) :

   	This script is a tiny example to show library features
   	/usr/bin/php a.php [OPTIONS]
	-d        	              	Debug mode
	          	--dry-run     	Dry Run mode
	          	--file <value>	Specify the file name
	-h        	--help        	Display help
	-n <value>	              	[REQUIRED] Number of lines
	-v        	--verbose     	Verbose Mode