alsatian / form-bundle
Symfony form types to extend built-in types. Ideal for Select2 AJAX implementations.
Installs: 18 616
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 14
Watchers: 2
Forks: 6
Open Issues: 3
- symfony/config: ^4.4|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0
- symfony/dependency-injection: ^4.4|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0
- symfony/form: ^4.4|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0
- symfony/framework-bundle: ^4.4|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0
- symfony/http-kernel: ^4.4|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0
- symfony/options-resolver: ^4.4|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0
- symfony/routing: ^4.4|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0
Requires (Dev)
- ext-intl: *
- doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle: ^4.3
- symfony/doctrine-bridge: ^4.4|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher: ^4.4|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0
- symfony/http-foundation: ^4.4|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0
- symfony/property-access: ^4.4|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0
- symfony/serializer: ^4.4|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0
This bundle provide FormTypes extending ChoiceType, EntityType and DocumentType to let them accept additional choices added on the client side.
Ideal for Select2 integration.
Use version 1.1 for Symfony >= 4.4 Use version 1.0 for Symfony 2.8 to 4.3
The bundle provide 6 FormTypes designed to automate some common tasks :
ExtensibleChoiceType : Extension for the built-in ChoiceType
Choice type which starts with an empty HTML select and accept each submitted choice which has be added on the client side.
- Configuration : Insert %alsatian_form.parameters.extensible_choice.attr_class% as class for the HTML select.
- Options : 'route' and 'route_params' to render a data-ajax--url tag in the HTML select.
ExtensibleEntityType : Extension for the built-in EntityType
Entity type type which starts with an empty HTML select and accept each existing entity which has be added on the client side.
- Configuration : Insert %alsatian_form.parameters.extensible_entity.attr_class% as class for the HTML select.
- Options : 'route' and 'route_params' to render a data-ajax--url tag in the HTML select.
ExtensibleDocumentType : Extension for the DoctrineMongoDBBundle DocumentType
Document type which starts with an empty HTML select and accept each existing document which has be added on the client side.
- Configuration : Insert %alsatian_form.parameters.extensible_document.attr_class% as class for the HTML select.
- Options : 'route' and 'route_params' to render a data-ajax--url tag in the HTML select.
AutocompleteType : Extension for the built-in TextType
Text type allowing to add some html attributes to expose ajax route for autocompletion.
- Configuration : Insert %alsatian_form.parameters.autocomplete.attr_class% as class for the HTML input.
- Options : 'route' and 'route_params' to render a data-ajax--url tag in the HTML input.
DatepickerType : Extension for the built-in DateType
Date type where the date pattern is rendered as 'pattern' attribute in the HTML input (Using \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT).
- Configuration : Insert %alsatian_form.parameters.date_picker.attr_class% as class for the HTML input.
DateTimepickerType : Extension for the built-in DateTimeType
DateTime type where the date pattern is rendered as 'pattern' attribute in the HTML input (Using \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT).
- Configuration : Insert %alsatian_form.parameters.datetime_picker.attr_class% as class for the HTML input.
Download the bundle with composer
composer require alsatian/form-bundle
Enable the bundle
Add the bundle to app/AppKernel.php :
// app/AppKernel.php class AppKernel extends Kernel { public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Alsatian\FormBundle\AlsatianFormBundle(), ); // ... } // ... }
Add following lines to app/config/config.yml
extensible_choice: ~ # To enable Alsatian\FormBundle\Form\ExtensibleChoiceType
extensible_entity: ~ # To enable Alsatian\FormBundle\Form\ExtensibleEntityType
extensible_document: ~ # To enable Alsatian\FormBundle\Form\ExtensibleDocumentType
For each FormType you can configure a default attr_class parameter, like this :
attr_class: select2 # Adds class="select2" in the HTML select element
attr_class: select2-entity # Adds class="select2-entity" in the HTML select element
attr_class: select2-document # Adds class="select2-document" in the HTML select element
To use these FormTypes :
use Alsatian\FormBundle\Form\ExtensibleChoiceType; use Alsatian\FormBundle\Form\ExtensibleEntityType; use Alsatian\FormBundle\Form\ExtensibleDocumentType; // Without route $builder->add('extensible_choice', ExtensibleChoiceType::class); $builder->add('extensible_entity', ExtensibleEntityType::class,array('class'=>'AppBundle:Article','choice_label'=>'name')); $builder->add('extensible_document', ExtensibleDocumentType::class,array('class'=>'AppBundle:Article','choice_label'=>'name')); // With route (generate the route defined as 'route' option and renders it as 'data-ajax-url' html attribute) $builder->add('extensible_choice', ExtensibleChoiceType::class,array('route'=>'ajax_choices')); $builder->add('extensible_entity', ExtensibleEntityType::class,array('route'=>'ajax_entities','class'=>'AppBundle:Article','choice_label'=>'name')); $builder->add('extensible_document', ExtensibleDocumentType::class,array('route'=>'ajax_documents','class'=>'AppBundle:Article','choice_label'=>'name'));
This will render HTML like :
<!-- if %alsatian_form.extensible_choice.attr_class% = 'select2' --> <select data-ajax--url="%your_route%" class="select2"> </select>
The aim of this bundle is only to do the server side work (allowing "extensible" choices). You have to write your own Javescript adapters to get it work with Select2.
As example, how I use it :
$(document).ready(function(){ $('.select2').each(function(){ var configs={ allowClear: true, width:'resolve', ajax:{ data: function (params) {return {q: params.term};}, dataType:'json',delay: 250, processResults: function (data) { var dataresults = []; $.each(data, function(key, val){ dataresults.push({id: val[0], text: val[1]}); }); return { results: dataresults }; } }; }; $(this).select2(configs); }); });