
A library to create CRUD elements in Wordpress

v0.1.4 2015-09-13 21:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-21 22:16:40 UTC


This library has the goal of make simple the creation of CRUD elements in wordpress, such as meta boxes, extra fields in terms and option pages.

Loading library

If you put the library in the wp-content dir, you can load it by the following way:

include_once(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/WD/lib/load.php');

Adding a meta box

You can create a meta box with the function wd_meta_box():

function register_meta_boxes(){
	wd_meta_box('Extra post options') // meta box name
		->setPage('post') // the post type where the meta box will appear (post, page etc)
		->setContext('side') // side, advanced etc...
		->add(Form::text('my_extra_option')->setLabel('Extra option: ')) // add a field to the meta box
		->add(Form::select('author_box')->setLabel('Author box: ')
				->add('top', 'Show author box in top')
				->add('bottom', 'Show author box in bottom')
		->add(Form::checkbox('is_featured')->setLabel('Post featured? '))
		->init(); // init the necessary hooks
add_action('admin_init', 'register_meta_boxes');

See how the UI looks like:

Meta box

You can get information of a post by the following way:

// get
wd_mb()->getAuthorBox($postID); // or wd_mb()->get('author_box', $postID);

// prints
wd_mb()->theAuthorBox($postID); // or wd_mb()->the('author_box', $postID);

// check if is empty
wd_mb()->isMyExtraOptionEmpty($postID); // or wd_mb()->isEmpty('my_extra_option', $postID);

// example:
while(have_posts()): the_post()
	$authorBoxPosition = wd_mb()->getAuthorBox(); // $postID is not necessary in this case
	if($authorBoxPosition == 'top')
	echo 'Title: '; the_title(); // post title
	if($authorBoxPosition == 'bottom')
		echo 'My extra option: '; wd_mb()->theMyExtraOption(); // prints

Adding extra taxonomy fields

wd_taxonomy('category') // which taxonomy you wanna affect
	->add(Form::textarea('extra_info')->setLabel('Extra information: ')) // add field
	->add(Form::text('order')->setLabel('Order')) // another

See how the UI looks like:

Meta box

To get data from a term:

// get
wd_tax()->getOrder($termID); // or wd_tax()->get('order', $termID);

// prints
wd_tax()->theAuthorBox($termID); // or wd_tax()->the('order', $termID);

// check if is empty
wd_tax()->isExtraInfoEmpty($termID); // or wd_tax()->isEmpty('extra_info', $termID);

Creating admin menus

function register_admin_pages(){
	wd_page('Site options') // Page title
		->add(Form::text('video_limit')->setLabel('Video pages show at most: '))
	wd_page('Social Network', 'site-options') // this page is child of Site options ("site-options" is the slug of "Site options")
		->add(Form::text('facebook_link')->setLabel('Facebook: '))
		->add(Form::text('twitter_link')->setLabel('Twitter: '))
		->add(Form::text('flickr_link')->setLabel('Flickr: '))
		->add(Form::text('youtube_link')->setLabel('Youtube: '))
add_action('_admin_menu', 'register_admin_pages'); // the hook _admin_menu happens before the admin_menu hook

See how the UI looks like:

Meta box

To get data from a page option:

// get
wd_opt()->getVideoLimit(); // or wd_opt()->get('video_limit');

// prints
wd_opt()->theVideoLimit(); // or wd_opt()->the('video_limit');

// check if is empty
wd_opt()->isYoutubeLinkEmpty(); // or wd_opt()->isEmpty('youtube_link');