
This bundle provides a Twig functions that generate js function to send ajax request.

Installs: 62

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 1

Forks: 2


v1.1 2014-02-19 16:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 10:21:53 UTC


JQueryAjaxBundleEnx for Symfony2. fork of mabs/jquery-ajax-bundle


To install this bundle on your project, add this line to composer.json file:

"analyzer666/jquery-ajax-bundle-enx": "dev-master"

How to use:

Prepare to use Ajax...

###On client side:

  1. Twig: Making some div which will show before ajax request is go on the server and will hiding after get respone:

  2. Twig: Adding div to update data. Content of this div will be replaced by returned data

  3. CSS: Adding CSS styles to this div

    #ajax-loading {
    position: fixed; z-index: 1000; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; background-color:#c5523f; opacity: .8; display: none; }

    .ajax-loader { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; margin-left: -32px; /* -1 * image width / 2 / margin-top: -32px; / -1 * image height / 2 */ display: block;

Thats all preparing for client side.

###On server side:

  1. Controller: Making controller to get response


    • @Route("/gallery/get/galleries/{category_id}", name="gallery_renderGalleries") */ public function getGalleriesAction($category_id = null) { $selectedCategory = $this->getDoctrine() ->getRepository('AppBundle:GalleryCategory') ->findOneById($category_id) ; $galleries = $selectedCategory->getGalleries(); if (count($galleries)>1) { return $this->render( 'default/gallery/render_galleries.html.twig', array( 'selectedCategory' => $selectedCategory, ) ); } elseif (count($galleries)==1) { return $this->getGalleryPhotosAction($galleries->first()->getId()); } }

Thats all for server part.

Lets use Ajax! Just insert into the twig this code:

{{ ja_link({
    'update': '#galleries', 
    'url': url('gallery_renderGalleries', {'category_id'}), 
	'text': 'Gallery',
    'after': set_after,
	'loading': '#ajax-loading'
}) }}

this code get us working link to send ajax request.

<a href=""
 	url: '',
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'html',
    beforeSend: function(){$('#ajax-loading').show(); },
    success: function( data ){ 
	    $('#ajax-loading').hide(); }
  	});	return false;">PhotoGallery</a>`

This wirking example of using this plagin.

This bundle add 3 Twig functions:

##1 - ja_request:

To generate a js code to send an ajax request:

  1. twig

    {{ ja_request({'update': '#reponse', 'url': path('new') }) }}


{{ ja_request({
	'update': '#reponse', 
    'url': path('new'), 
    'after': 'alert("after");', 
    'before': 'alert("before");', 
    'complete': 'alert("complete");'  }) 

=> html

    url: "/app_dev.php/new", 
	type: "POST", 
    dataType: "html",
    beforeSend: function(){alert("before");},
    success: function( data ){$( "#reponse" ).html(data);alert("after");}

Options for jQuery ajax request:

*    -$options['type']			: type: '...'; default - POST
*    -$options['dataType']      : dataType: '$dataType'; default - html 
*    +$options['url']           : url: "..."
*    -$options['before']        : beforeSend: function(){"..."}
*    +$options['update']        : success: function( data ){"...").html(data)
*    -$options['after']         : adding to the end of success:
*    -$options['complete']      : complete: function(){"..."}
*    -$options['loading']       : div id to show and hideand hide

##2 - ja_link:

To generate a link:


{{ ja_link({'update': '#reponse', 'url': path('new'), 'text': 'new link'  }) }}`

To add a confirm action on click, you just have to use 'confirm': true, by default the text is "Are you sure you want to perform this action?" then if you want to replace it, use 'confirm_msg': "***".

You can also use those parameters 'before' and 'after' to execute JS code. Lets upderstand all options:

Options for link (/) element:

*   -$options['confirm']        : true-false:
*   -$options['confirm_msg']    : message to confirm ajax request
*   -$options['class']          : <a class="..."
*   -$options['id']             : <a id="..."
*   +$options['href']           : <a href="..."
*   +$options['text']           : <a>...</a>


{{ ja_link({
    'update': '#photos', 
	'url': url('gallery_renderGalleryPhotos', {'gallery_id'}), 
	'after': unitegallery_function,
    'loading': 'ajax-loading'
}) }}

##3 - ja_button

Options of button elements:

*   -$options['confirm']        : true-false:
*   -$options['confirm_msg']    : message to confirm request
*   -$options['class']          : <button class="..."
*   -$options['id']             : <button id="..."
*   -$options['type']           : <button type="..."
*   -$options['data-toggle']    : <button data-toggle="..."
*   -$options['data-target']    : <button data-target="..."
*   -$options['data-dismiss']   : <button data-dismiss="..."
*   -$options['aria-label']     : <button aria-label="..."
*   +$options['text']           : <button>...</button>
*   -$options['data']           : data: ...; 
    $(this.form.elements).serializeArray() for form submit

jQuery options same like in ja_link function:


This bundle is available under the MIT license.