
Async, event-driven access to the Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI)

v0.3.1 2016-11-01 13:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:16:36 UTC


Simple async, event-driven access to the Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) Custom version

The Asterisk PBX is a popular open source telephony solution that offers a wide range of telephony features. The Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) allows you to control and monitor the PBX. Among others, it can be used to originate a new call, execute Asterisk commands or monitor the status of subscribers, channels or queues.

  • Async execution of Actions - Send any number of actions (commands) to the asterisk in parallel and process their responses as soon as results come in. The Promise-based design provides a sane interface to working with out of bound responses.
  • Event-driven core - Register your event handler callbacks to react to incoming events, such as an incoming call or a change in a subscriber state.
  • Lightweight, SOLID design - Provides a thin abstraction that is just good enough and does not get in your way. Future or custom actions and events require no changes to be supported.
  • Good test coverage - Comes with an automated tests suite and is regularly tested against versions as old as Asterisk 1.8+

Table of contents

Quickstart example

Once installed, you can use the following code to access your local Asterisk Telephony instance and issue some simple commands via AMI:

$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$factory = new Factory($loop);

$factory->createClient('user:secret@localhost')->then(function (Client $client) {
    echo 'Client connected' . PHP_EOL;
    $sender = new ActionSender($client);
    $sender->listCommands()->then(function (Response $response) {
        echo 'Available commands:' . PHP_EOL;


See also the examples.



The Factory is responsible for creating your Client instance. It also registers everything with the main EventLoop.

$loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$factory = new Factory($loop);

If you need custom DNS or proxy settings, you can explicitly pass a custom instance of the ConnectorInterface:

$factory = new Factory($loop, $connector);


The createClient(string $amiUrl): PromiseInterface<Client> method can be used to create a new Client. It helps with establishing a plain TCP/IP or secure SSL/TLS connection to the AMI and issuing an initial login action.

    function (Client $client) {
        // client connected and authenticated
    function (Exception $e) {
        // an error occured while trying to connect or authorize client

Note: The given $amiUrl must include a host, it should include a username and secret and it can include a scheme (tcp/ssl) and port definition.


The Client is responsible for exchanging messages with the Asterisk Manager Interface and keeps track of pending actions.

If you want to send outgoing actions, see below for the ActionSender class.


The on(string $eventName, callable $eventHandler): void method can be used to register a new event handler. Incoming events and errors will be forwarded to registered event handler callbacks:

$client->on('event', function (Event $event) {
    // process an incoming AMI event (see below)
$client->on('close', function () {
    // the connection to the AMI just closed
$client->on('error', function (Exception $e) {
    // and error has just been detected, the connection will terminate...


The close(): void method can be used to force-close the AMI connection and reject all pending actions.


The end(): void method can be used to soft-close the AMI connection once all pending actions are completed.


Creating Action objects, sending them via AMI and waiting for incoming Response objects is usually hidden behind the ActionSender interface.

If you happen to need a custom or otherwise unsupported action, you can also do so manually as follows. Consider filing a PR though :)


The createAction(string $name, array $fields): Action method can be used to construct a custom AMI action. A unique value will be added to "ActionID" field automatically (needed to match incoming responses).


The request(Action $action): PromiseInterface<Response> method can be used to queue the given messages to be sent via AMI and wait for a Response object that matches the value of its "ActionID" field.


The ActionSender wraps a given Client instance to provide a simple way to execute common actions. This class represents the main interface to execute actions and wait for the corresponding responses.

$sender = new ActionSender($client);


All public methods resemble their respective AMI actions.

$sender->ping()->then(function (Response $response) {
    // response received for ping action

Listing all available actions is out of scope here, please refer to the class outline.


Sending actions is async (non-blocking), so you can actually send multiple action requests in parallel. The AMI will respond to each action with a Response object. The order is not guaranteed. Sending actions uses a Promise-based interface that makes it easy to react to when an action is fulfilled (i.e. either successfully resolved or rejected with an error):

    function (Response $response) {
        // response received for ping action
    function (Exception $e) {
        // an error occured while executing the action
        if ($e instanceof ErrorException) {
            // we received a valid error response (such as authorization error)
            $response = $e->getResponse();
        } else {
            // we did not receive a valid response (likely a transport issue)

Custom actions

Using the ActionSender is not strictly necessary, but is the recommended way to execute common actions.

If you happen to need a new or otherwise unsupported action, or additional arguments, you can also do so manually. See the advanced Client usage above for details. A PR that updates the ActionSender is very much appreciated :)


The Message is an abstract base class for the Response, Action and Event value objects. It provides a common interface for these three message types.

Each Message consists of any number of fields with each having a name and one or multiple values. Field names are matched case-insensitive. The interpretation of values is application specific.


The getFieldValue(string $key): ?string method can be used to get the first value for the given field key. If no value was found, null is returned.


The getFieldValues(string $key): string[] method can be used to get a list of all values for the given field key. If no value was found, an empty array() is returned.


The getFields(): array method can be used to get an array of all fields.


The getActionId(): string method can be used to get the unique action ID of this message. This is a shortcut to get the value of the "ActionID" field.


The Response value object represents the incoming response received from the AMI. It shares all properties of the Message parent class.


The getCommandOutput(): ?string method can be used to get the resulting output of a "command" Action. This value is only available if this is actually a response to a "command" action, otherwise it defaults to null.

$sender->command('help')->then(function (Response $response) {
    echo $response->getCommandOutput();


The Action value object represents an outgoing action message to be sent to the AMI. It shares all properties of the Message parent class.


The Event value object represents the incoming event received from the AMI. It shares all properties of the Message parent class.


The getName(): ?string method can be used to get the name of the event. This is a shortcut to get the value of the "Event" field.


The recommended way to install this library is through Composer. New to Composer?

This will install the latest supported version:

$ composer require clue/ami-react:^0.3

See also the CHANGELOG for details about version upgrades.


In order to run the tests, you need PHPUnit:

$ phpunit

The test suite contains both unit tests and functional integration tests. The functional tests require access to a running Asterisk server instance and will be skipped by default. If you want to also run the functional tests, you need to supply your AMI login details in an environment variable like this:

$ LOGIN=username:password@localhost phpunit
