
Redirect users based on browser language and ip country to the right language version of the website

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1.0.3 2024-07-04 11:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 12:21:48 UTC


This extension redirect users based on browser language and ip country to the right language version of the website.


composer require andersundsehr/geo_redirect

Go to the TYPO3 Extension Settings and configure as you need.

!!! If you want to use the ip to Country detection with the mmdb file you should add your maxmindLicenseKey (see Extension Settings).
Get your key here:


  • Redirect domain root to detected language
  • Redirect sys_redirect to detected language

How it works

This extension uses the user's Accept-Language header and the country derived from the IP address to find the correct language version of the site.
For IP to Country there are mutliple Implementatinos.
If you use Cloudflare or Sucuri, the extension will use the header that is set by the service.
If you set a maxmindLicenseKey in the extension settings, the extension will use the mmdb file from
Otherwise it will ignore the request origin country. And just use the Accept-Language header.


  • ipCountryIsMoreImportantThanLanguage: If it is more important that the user gets the content for his country than that he gets content for his languages, then turn this option on.
  • maxmindLicenseKey: License Key: if you want to use the mmdb file you should add the license key (

mmdb file

The mmdb file is downloaded from and is updated every 5 weeks automatically.
If you always want the best performance for your users,
you should add the typo3 geo-redirect:update-up-database command to run every month (4 weeks).


If you request the domain with this path: /geo_redirect/debug you will be given a detailed explenation what language was detected.

sys_redirect based on siteLanguage

This feature makes it possible to redirect the user to a specific page based on the siteLanguage.
You don't need to configure anything, for this to work.
All sys_redirect records that use a t3://page?uid= link are automatically redirected to the right language version of the page.
(if no _language= is defined in the redirect)

Extending functionality


get the ip country for the current request:

$ipCountryOrNull = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IpCountryLocatorInterface::class)->getIpCountry();

get the detected language:

$siteLanguage = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(SiteLanguageFinderService::class)->findByRequest($request);
// or if you don't have a request object: (in cli the request object is required)
$siteLanguage = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(SiteLanguageFinderService::class)->findByRequest();
// the siteLanguage is never null, because it will always return the default language

custom redirect definition

if you want a different redirect definition, you can use the \AUS\GeoRedirect\Dto\BeforeSiteLanguageFinderEvent to get all relevant Information and set the siteLanguage and redirectUrl yourself.



namespace AUS\GeoRedirect\EventListener;

final class BeforeSiteLanguageFinderEventListener
    public function __invoke(\AUS\GeoRedirect\Dto\BeforeSiteLanguageFinderEvent $event): void
        $languageId = $this->customLanguageIdFinder($event);
        if ($languageId) {
            $event->siteLanguage = $event->site->getLanguageById($languageId);
    // ...

add custom IpCountryLocator

If you want to add a custom IpCountryLocator, you can do so by adding a class that implements the IpCountryLocatorInterface and add it via the CollectIpCountryLocatorEvent.



namespace AUS\GeoRedirect\EventListener;

final class BeforeSiteLanguageFinderEventListener
    public function __invoke(\AUS\GeoRedirect\Dto\CollectIpCountryLocatorEvent $event): void
        // or
        // or if you want to add it at a specific position:
        $list = $event->getLocatorClasses();
        // manipulate the list as you like

with ♥️ from anders und sehr GmbH

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or you appreciate this Extension 🥰 let us know.

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