
The missing laravel passport feature for social authentication

v2.0.0 2019-01-30 09:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:49:27 UTC


The missing social authentication plugin (i.e. SocialGrant) for laravel passport.


This package helps integrate social login using laravel's native packages i.e. (passport and socialite). This package allows social login from the providers that is supported in laravel/socialite package.

Getting Started

To get started add the following package to your composer.json file using this command.

composer require schedula/laravel-passport-socialite


When composer installs this package successfully, register the Schedula\Laravel\PassportSocialite\PassportSocialiteServiceProvider::class in your config/app.php configuration file.

'providers' => [
    // Other service providers...

Note: You need to configure third party social provider keys and secret strings as mentioned in laravel socialite documentation


Step 1 - Setting up the User model

Implement UserSocialAccount on your User model and then add method findForPassportSocialite. findForPassportSocialite should accept two arguments i.e. $provider and $id

$provider - string - will be the social provider i.e. facebook, google, github etc.

$id - string - is the user id as per social provider for example facebook's user id 1234567890

And the function should find the user which is related to that information and return user object or return null if not found

Below is how your User model should look like after above implementations.

namespace App;

use Schedula\Laravel\PassportSocialite\User\UserSocialAccount;
class User extends Authenticatable implements UserSocialAccount {
    use HasApiTokens, Notifiable;

    * Find user using social provider's id
    * @param string $provider Provider name as requested from oauth e.g. facebook
    * @param string $id User id of social provider
    * @return User
    public static function findForPassportSocialite($provider,$id) {
        $account = SocialAccount::where('provider', $provider)->where('provider_user_id', $id)->first();
        if($account) {
                return $account->user;

Note: SocialAccount here is a laravel model where I am saving provider and provider_user_id and local database user id. Below is the example of social_accounts table

Step 2 - Getting access token using social provider

I recommend you to not to request for access token from social grant directly from your app since the logic / concept of social login is you need to create account if it doesn't exists or else login if exists.

So here in this case we will be making a custom route and a controller that will recieve the Access Token or Authorization Token from your client i.e. Android, iOS etc. application. Here client fetches access token / authorization token from provider

Our route here can be something like this:

Route::post('/auth/social/facebook', 'SocialLogin@loginFacebook');

And here is how we can write our controller and its method for that :

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Route;
class SocialLogin extends Controller {

	public function loginFacebook(Request $request) {
		try {

			$facebook = Socialite::driver('facebook')->userFromToken($request->accessToken);
			if(!$exist = SocialAccount::where('provider',  SocialAccount::SERVICE_FACEBOOK)->where('provider_user_id', $facebook->getId())->first()){
				// create user account
			return response()->json($this->issueToken($request, 'facebook', $request->accessToken));
		catch(\Exception $e) {
			return response()->json([ "error" => $e->getMessage() ]);
	public function issueToken($request, $provider, $accessToken) {
		* Here we will request our app to generate access token 
		* and refresh token for the user using its social identity by providing access token 
		* and provider name of the provider. (I hope its not confusing)
		* and then it goes through social grant and which fetches providers user id then calls 
		* findForPassportSocialite from your user model if it returns User object then it generates 
		* oauth tokens or else will throw error message normally like other oauth requests.
		$params = [
			'grant_type' => 'social',
			'client_id' => 'your-client-id', // it should be password grant client
			'client_secret' => 'client-secret',
			'accessToken' => $accessToken, // access token from provider
			'provider' => $provider, // i.e. facebook
		$requestToken = Request::create("oauth/token", "POST");
		$response = Route::dispatch($requestToken);
		return json_decode((string) $response->content(), true);

Note: SocialGrant will only accept access token not authorization token, for example google provides authorization token in android when requested server auth code i.e. offline access, so you need to exchange auth code for an access token. Refer here:

Note: SocialGrant acts similar to PasswordGrant so make sure you use client id and secret of password grant while making oauth request

That's all folks