
PHP LIbrary to communitcate with the searchperience API

8.0.0 2018-09-07 09:33 UTC


Searchperience API Client basics


The PHPApi client can be used to read and write entities from and to searchperience. The single entrypoint in your code is in the idea case the Factory class, that is able to create all repositories with all dependencies:

You can use them in a static context:


will retrieve an instance of the repository that you want.

By now the following entities can be handles:

  • DocumentRepository (Documents):

The most important entity that represents every crawled or imported documents.

  • DocumentService:

Used to execute service operations on documents, like mark them for ReCrawling or ReIndexing

  • EnrichmentRepository (Enrichments):

RuleSets that can be used to "attach" data or boosting to documents based on matching rules. You can used them for example to attach searchterms to documents that do not contain them in there original data source.

  • UrlQueueItemRepository (UrlQueueItems)

Queue of the crawler that contains urls that should be crawled next or can not be crawled because they throw errors or are bloecked for some other reason.

  • UrlQueueStatusRepository (UrlQueueStatus):

Status information about the urlqueue.

Add or update documents

$document = new \Searchperience\Api\Client\Domain\Document\Document();
$document->setContent('some content');

$documentRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getDocumentRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');

Get document from indexer

Get documents by foreign id

$documentRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getDocumentRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');
$document = $documentRepository->getByForeignId(12);

Get documents by query and filters

$documentRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getDocumentRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');
$document = $documentRepository->getAllByFilters(
                'crawl' => array(
                        'crawlStart' => new DateTime(),
                        'crawlEnd' =>  new DateTime()
                'source' => array(
                        'source' => 'magento'
                'query' => array(
                        'queryString' => 'test',
                        'queryFields' => 'id,url'
                'boostFactor' => array(
                        'boostFactorEnd' => 123.00
                'pageRank' => array(
                        'pageRankStart' => 0.00,
                        'pageRankEnd' => 123.00
                'lastProcessed' => array(
                        'processStart' =>  new DateTime(),
                        'processEnd' =>  new DateTime()
                'notifications' => array(
                        'isduplicateof' => false,
                        'lasterror' => true,
                        'processingthreadid' => true

Delete document from indexer

$documentRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getDocumentRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');

Get the status of the document repository from searchperience.

You can retrieve a status object with the searchperience api to get the amount of all documents, deleted, processed, processing and document that have an error.

$documentStatusRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getDocumentStatusRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');
    $status = $documentStatusRepository->get();
echo $status->getErrorCount();


In Searchperience you are able to add special document types. One of them is the "Promotion" document. Depending on the setup of your instance the promotion is rendered in a special way in the frontend.

To create a promotion you can just instanciate am "Promotion" object instead of ad "Document" object and add/update/delete it with the document repository.

The promotion object has some promotion specific methods and creates the xml document that is send to searcperience in the conventional way.

$promotion = new Promotion();
$promotion->setPromotionTitle("Special discount");
$promotion->setPromotionContent("<hr/> This is our special offer");

    $documentRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getDocumentRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');


$urlQueueItemRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getUrlQueueItemRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');
$firstTen = $urlQueueItemRepository->getAllByFilters(0,10);


$urlQueueStatusRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getUrlQueueStatusRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');

$status = $urlQueueStatusRepository->get();

echo $status->getErrorCount();

The example above shows all documents that have an error.


$enrichmentRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getEnrichmentRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');

$enrichment = new Enrichment();
$enrichment->setTitle("test enrichment");

$matchingRule = new MatchingRule();


$fieldEnrichment = new FieldEnrichment();



The example above shows the creation of an enrichment for a document that contains "aoe" in the brand and adds "php" as a word to the field "highboost_words_sm" that is configured as highly relevant for the search.


Sometimes it is useful to replace search terms with its synonyms on index or search time. In searchperience we provide an api to maintain these synonyms.

Depending on the project there can be multiple "instances" of synonym collections, to be able to handle multiple use cases. Each of this "instances" or "synonym collections" are represented by a tag.

You can use two types of Synonyms:
  1. grouping - where all synonyms are interchangeable (e.g. by searching for one synonym, you effectively search for all)
  2. mapping - where synonyms are replaced by mapped words (e.g. by searching fore a synonym, you effectively search for its mapped words)
  • Synonym field 'synonyms' is a string that can be written as a comm separated list
  • Synonym field 'mappedWords' is a string that can be written as a comm separated list

To figure out which synonym instances exist you can use the SynonymTagRepository to get them:

/* Return SynonymTagRepository, all tags related to synonyms */
$synonymTagRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getSynonymTagRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');
$allTags = $synonymTagRepository->getAll();
foreach($allTags as $tag) {

Get synonyms:

/* initialization of synonym repository */
$synonymRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getSynonymRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');

/* get all, return synonyms collection for all existing tags */

/* get all by tag name, return synonyms collection for defined tag name */

/* get by synonyms, return synonym collection */
$synonymRepository->getBySynonyms("bike", "en");

When you push new Synonyms or Update existing once, you can instantiate a synonym object, with synonyms, tag and mapped words and push them:

$synonymRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getSynonymRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');

$synonym = new \Searchperience\Api\Client\Domain\Synonym\Synonym();


How to delete synonyms:

/* initialization of synonym repository */
$synonymRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getSynonymRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');

/* delete all */

/* delete with synonym object */
$synonym = new \Searchperience\Api\Client\Domain\Synonym\Synonym();

/* delete with synonyms */
$synonymRepository->deleteBySynonyms("bike", "en");


In searchperience we provide an api to maintain stopwords .

Depending on the project there can be multiple "instances" of stopwords collections, to be able to handle multiple use cases. Each of this "instances" or "stopwords collections" are represented by a tag .

To figure out which stopword instances exist you can use the StopwordTagRepository to get them:

/* Return StopwordTagRepository, all tags related to stopwords */
$stopwordTagRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getStopwordTagRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');
$allTags = $stopwordTagRepository->getAll();
foreach ($allTags as $tag) {

Get stopwords:

/* initialization of stopword repository */
$stopwordRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getStopwordRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');

/* get all, return stopwords collection for all existing tags */

/* get all by tag name, return stopwords collection for defined tag name */

/* get by main word, return stopword collection */
$stopwordRepository->getByWord("apple", "en");

When you push new Stopword or Update existing once, you can instantiate a stopword object, with word and tag, and push them:

$stopwordRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getStopwordRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');

$stopword = new \Searchperience\Api\Client\Domain\Stopword\Stopword();

How to delete stopwords:

/* initialization of stopword repository */
$stopwordRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getStopwordRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');

/* delete all */

/* delete with stopword object */
$stopword = new \Searchperience\Api\Client\Domain\Stopword\Stopword();

/* delete with word */
$stopwordRepository->deleteByWord("apple", "en");


Searchperience Insights provide overview information about various statistical data inside the system. Currently only TopsellerArtifact type is supported.

Usage example:

use Searchperience\Common\Factory;

$this->artifactTypeRepository = Factory::getArtifactTypeRepository(

//get all artifact types
$artifactTypeCollection = $this->artifactTypeRepository->getAll();
$firstArtifactType = $artifactTypeCollection[0];

$this->artifactRepository = Factory::getArtifactRepository(

//colllection of all artifact by given type
$artifactCollection = $this->artifactRepository->getAllByType($firstArtifactType);
//get first artifact
$firstArtifact = $artifactCollection[0];
$artifact = $this->artifactRepository->getOne($firstArtifact);

Bulk operation

In Searchperience API we added support of bulk operations over REST API. For example UrlQueueItems now support re-crawl/remove operations for multiple items at once:

Re-crawl multiple items:

use Searchperience\Common\Factory;
use Searchperience\Api\Client\Domain\Command\AddToUrlQueueCommand;

$this->commandExecutionService = Factory::getCommandExecutionService(

$command = new AddToUrlQueueCommand();


Delete multiple UrlQueueItems:

        use Searchperience\Common\Factory;
use Searchperience\Api\Client\Domain\Command\RemoveFromCrawlerQueueCommand;

        $this->commandExecutionService = Factory::getCommandExecutionService(

        $command = new RemoveFromCrawlerQueueCommand();


ReIndex multiple Documents:

        use Searchperience\Common\Factory;
use Searchperience\Api\Client\Domain\Command\ReIndexCommand;

        $this->commandExecutionService = Factory::getCommandExecutionService(

        $command = new ReIndexCommand();



To maintain you search you can use the admin search. This endpoint will return you all admin search instances with a title, description and url.

You can use it in the following way:

use Searchperience\Common\Factory;

$adminSearchRepository = Factory::getAdminSearchRepository(

$adminSearches = $adminSearchRepository->getAll();

Each adminSearch object provides an url, title and description.

Command Logs

Command logs provide you information about all indexer commands runs from logs table

You can use it in the following way:

use Searchperience\Common\Factory;

$commandLogRepository = Factory::getCommandLogRepository(

$commandLogs = $commandLogRepository->getAllByFilters(0,10);

Get command logs by query and filters

$commandLogRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getCommandLogRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');
$commandLogs = $commandLogRepository->getAllByFilters(
                'time' => array(
                        'startTime' => new DateTime(),
                        'endTime'   => new DateTime()
                'duration' =>  array(
                        'duration'     => 80, // in seconds, filter equal
                        'durationFrom' => 60,
                        'durationTo'   => 120,
                'query' => array(
                        'queryString' => 'crawler',
                        'queryFields' => 'processid,log,binary,command'
                'status' => array(
                        'status' => "finished"

Each $commandLogs object provides an command name, log message, binary, start and end time, execution time and status.

Activity Logs

Activity logs provide you information about all activitys

You can use it in the following way:

use Searchperience\Common\Factory;

$activityLogsRepository = Factory::getActivityLogsRepository(

$activityLogs = $activityLogsRepository->getAllByFilters(0,10);

Get activity logs by query and filters

$activityLogsRepository = \Searchperience\Common\Factory::getActivityLogsRepository('', 'customerKey', 'username', 'password');
$activityLogs = $activityLogsRepository->getAllByFilters(
                'sevirity' => array(
                                'severityStart' => 1,
                                'severityEnd'   => 3
                'logTime'  => array(
                                'logtimeStart'  => new DateTime(),
                                'logtimeEnd'    => new DateTime()
                'query'    => array(
                                'queryString'   => 'LinkAnalyser',
                                'queryFields'   => 'id,message,classname,methodname,processid,tag'

Each $activityLogs object provides an id, message, processid, severity, classname, methodname, additionaldata, tag and logtime.

Option requests

API provides self-descriptive interface by sending OPTIONS requests for any specified(valid) route:




<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <link href="documents?mimeType=_mime_&amp;amp;content=_content_&amp;amp;foreignId=_foreignId_&amp;amp;generalPriority=_generalPriority_&amp;amp;temporaryPriority=_temporaryPriority_&amp;amp;source=_source_&amp;amp;url=_url_&amp;amp;noIndex=_noIndex_&amp;amp;isProminent=_isProminent_&amp;amp;boostFactor=_boostFactor_" title="Adds a document"/>
        <link href="documents" title="Get all documents. Also here can be used additional filters like: 'query', 'crawlStart', 'crawlEnd', 'boostFactorStart', 'boostFactorEnd', 'pageRankStart', 'pageRankEnd', 'processStart', 'processEnd', 'isduplicateof', 'lasterror', 'processingthreadid', 'queryFields'"/>
        <link href="documents?foreignId=xyz" title="Get document by foreignId. Usually max 1 document should be in result collection"/>
        <link href="documents?url=" title="Get document by Url. Usually max 1 document should be in result collection"/>
        <link href="documents?source=foo" title="deletes a document by source"/>

Currently OPTIONS request supported by following routes:

  • /###yourinstancename###/documents
  • /###yourinstancename###/urlqueueitems
  • /###yourinstancename###/enrichments
  • /###yourinstancename###/status/urlqueue
  • /###yourinstancename###/status/document

Trouble shooting

There is a HTTP_DEBUG mode which can be easy enabled.

\Searchperience\Common\Factory::$HTTP_DEBUG = TRUE;

Installing via Composer

The recommended way to install Searchperience API client is through [Composer](

  1. Add aoemedia/searchperience-api-client as a dependency in your project's composer.json file:
        "require": {
                "aoepeople/searchperience-api-client": "*"
        "require-dev": {
                "guzzle/plugin-log": "*"

Consider tightening your dependencies to a known version when deploying mission critical applications (e.g. 1.0.*).

  1. Download and install Composer:
curl -s | php
  1. Install your dependencies:
php composer.phar install
  1. Require Composer's autoloader

Composer also prepares an autoload file that's capable of autoloading all of the classes in any of the libraries that it downloads. To use it, just add the following line to your code's bootstrap process:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

You can find out more on how to install Composer, configure autoloading, and other best-practices for defining dependencies at