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Magento extensible template filter directive support

Installs: 566

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 6

Watchers: 41

Forks: 5

Open Issues: 0


v3.0.0 2015-08-24 14:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 17:57:09 UTC



Aoe_ExtendedFilter Magento Module


OSL v3.0



  • Model Rewrites
    • core/email_template_filter
    • cms/template_filter
    • widget/template_filter
  • Module Dependencies
    • Mage_Core
    • Mage_Cms
    • Mage_Widget


This module extends the core, cms, and widget filter models to make adding new directives a simple process. After installation you can add new directives with a simple addition to the config.xml of your module and a new model class. The config.xml of this module includes two new directives, 'config' and 'translate', that are added using the new XML config.


The element name for your directive is the name used to call the directive. NB: Directive names are currently limited to 10 characters and limited to a-z. The regex pattern used is [a-z]{0,10}.

{{translate ... }}

The new directive model class needs to implement the Aoe_ExtendedFilter_Model_Directive_Interface interface

class Aoe_ExtendedFilter_Model_Directive_Translate implements Aoe_ExtendedFilter_Model_Directive_Interface

Usage of the new directives is identical to the existing directives.

{{translate text="Hello World"}}
{{config path="general/store_information/phone"}}

Dev Notes

The $params array passed to the process() method on a directive is the result of a preg_match_all call and as such the 0 index is the full matched text, 1 is the directive name, and 2 is everything else. The 2 index should be passed to the parameter parser in most, but not all, cases. This will result in key/value pairs of data that were passed as arguments to the directive. It will also resolve any template variables to their final value. So, given this directive in template:

{{translate text="Hello World"}}

Then the initial $params array passed to the process() method would be:

$params[0] === 'translate text="Hello World"';
$params[1] === 'translate';
$params[2] === ' text="Hello World"';

After parsing with the following code:

// Re-parse the third parameter with the tokenizer and discard original parameters
$params = $filter->getIncludeParameters($params[2]);

You will get:

$params['text'] === 'Hello World';