apdev / configurator-php
Generic configurator object for fast configurators develop in PHP
2022-01-27 16:34 UTC
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-28 00:03:21 UTC
$ composer require apdev/configurator-php
Basic Usage with PHP sessions
<?php session_start(); //IMP use Configurator\Manager; if( is_null($_SESSION['filled_data']) ){ $_SESSION['filled_data'] = []; } $input = $_POST; // or $_GET $filled = $_SESSION['filled_data']; // or cookies $config = [ //step 1 [ 'fields' => [ //field 1 [ 'name' => 'field_1_name', 'type' => 'radio', //optional condition 'hide_if' => [ [ 'other_field_name' => 'valueX' ] ], 'choices' => [ //choice 1 [ 'label' => 'Choice 1 Label', 'value' => 'A', //optional conditions 'hide_if' => [ [ 'field_name' => 'valueX' ],//OR [ 'field_name' => 'valueY' ], ... ], ], //choice 2 [ 'label' => 'Choice 2 Label', 'value' => 'B', ], //additional choices ... ], ], //additional fields ... ], ], //additional steps ... ]; //create instance $configurator = new Manager($config,$input,$filled); //base url should be always set to current url (without params) $configurator->setBaseUrl("https://base.url/configurator-page"); //update filled data $_SESSION['filled_data'] = $configurator->filled(); if($configurator->isCompleted()){ // do stuff with filled data } $step = $configurator->current(); //get current step //utility functions $configurator->getStepsNumber(); //gets total steps $configurator->getCurrentStepNumber(); $configurator->isFirstStep(); $configurator->isLastStep(); $configurator->getPrevLink(); $configurator->getResetLink(); $configurator->getFormAction();
In Twig template
... <form method="POST" action="{{ configurator.getFormAction() }}"> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="{{ configurator.getCurrentStepNumber() + 1 }}"> {% for field in step.fields() %} <h2>{{ field.title }}</h2> <div>{{ field.content }}</div> {% for choice in field.choices() %} <div class="form-group"> <input type="{{ choice.type }}" name="{{ field.name }}" value="{{ choice.value }}" {{ choice.value == field.value() ? 'checked' }}> <label>{{ choice.label }}</label> </div> {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% if not configurator.isFirstStep() %} <a href="{{ configurator.getPrevLink() }}">Back</a> {% endif %} <input type="submit" value="Next"> </form>