
Doctrine Criteria from Array Parameters

2.0.3 2020-10-05 21:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 06:04:05 UTC


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This library builds a Criteria object from array parameters for use in filtering collections.


Installation of this module uses composer. For composer documentation, please refer to getcomposer.org.

$ composer require api-skeletons/doctrine-criteria

Once installed, add ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\Criteria to your list of modules inside config/application.config.php or config/modules.config.php.


If you use laminas-component-installer, that plugin will install doctrine-criteria as a module for you.

Configuring the Module

Copy config/apiskeletons-doctrine-criteria.global.php.dist to config/autoload/apiskeletons-doctrine-criteria.global.php and edit the list of aliases for those you want enabled. By default all supported expressions are enabled.

Note AND and OR composite expressions are not supported yet.


use Doctrine\Common\Util\ClassUtils;
use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\Criteria\Builder as CriteriaBuilder;

$filterArray = [
        'type' => 'eq',
        'field' => 'name',
        'value' => 'Grateful Dead',
        'type' => 'beginswith',
        'field' => 'state',
        'value' => 'UT',

$orderByArray = [
        'type' => 'field',
        'field' => 'venue',
        'direction' => 'asc',

$criteriaBuilder = $container->get(CriteriaBuilder::class);
$entityClassName = ClassUtils::getRealClass(get_class($collection->first()));
$metadata = $objectManager->getClassMetadata($entityClassName);
$criteria = $criteriaBuilder->create($metadata, $filterArray, $orderByArray);

$filteredCollection = $collection->matching($criteria);


Filters are not simple key/value pairs. Filters are a key-less array of filter definitions. Each filter definition is an array and the array values vary for each filter type.

Each filter definition requires at a minimum a 'type'. A type references the configuration key such as 'eq', 'neq', 'contains'.

Each filter definition requires at a minimum a 'field'. This is the name of a field on the target entity.

Each filter definition may specify 'where' with values of either 'and', 'or'.

Format of Date Fields

When a date field is involved in a filter you may specify the format of the date using PHP date formatting options. The default date format is ISO 8601 Y-m-d\TH:i:sP If you have a date field which is just Y-m-d then add the format to the filter. For complete date format options see DateTime::createFromFormat

    'format' => 'Y-m-d',
    'value' => '2014-02-04',

Included Filter Types


Doctrine Collections does not currently support DateTime Equals comparisons. Any DateTime values sent through the equals filter will always return not equals. This is a shortcoming of doctrine/collections and not this module. Other comparison operators should work as expected.

['type' => 'eq', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']

Not Equals:

['type' => 'neq', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']

Less Than:

['type' => 'lt', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']

Less Than or Equals:

['type' => 'lte', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']

Greater Than:

['type' => 'gt', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']

Greater Than or Equals:

['type' => 'gte', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']


Used to search inside of a string. Comlimentary with Starts With & Ends With, contains matches a string inside any part of the value.

['type' => 'contains', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']

Starts With:

['type' => 'startswith', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']

Ends With:

['type' => 'endswith', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']

Member Of:

Used to search inside an array field to match the matchValue to an array element.

['type' => 'memeberof', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']


Note: Dates in the In and NotIn filters are not handled as dates. It is recommended you use other filters instead of these filters for date datatypes.

['type' => 'in', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'values' => [1, 2, 3]]


Note: Dates in the In and NotIn filters are not handled as dates. It is recommended you use other filters instead of these filters for date datatypes.

['type' => 'notin', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'values' => [1, 2, 3]]


Used to determine if the field is null. There is no corresponding IsNotNull.

['type' => 'isnull', 'field' => 'fieldName']



['type' => 'field', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'direction' => 'desc']