
Doctrine Data Fixtures for Laravel

1.0.3 2024-04-10 08:00 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-10 09:00:01 UTC


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Laravel has built-in support for 'seed' data. In seed data, the classes are not namespaced and many developers treat seed data as a one-time import. Seed data often uses auto-increment primary keys. Perhaps these notes are what differentiates seed data from Fixtures.

In my fixtures I want static primary keys and I want to be able to re-run my fixtures at any time. I want the data my fixtures populate to be stored with my fixtures and I want to reference fixture values though class constants within my code.

For instance, to validate a user has an ACL role the code may read:

$acl->hasRole($user, 'admin');

but this use of strings in the code does not read well and may be error-prone. Instead of the above, I want my code to read

use App\ORM\Fixture\RoleFixture;

$acl->hasRole($user, RoleFixture::admin);

This pattern is not possible with seed data because seed data does not have namespaces. So, this repository exists not only as an alternative to Laravel seed data, but as a namespaced-integrated tool for static database data.


Run the following to install this library using Composer:

composer require api-skeletons/laravel-doctrine-data-fixtures

A doctrine-data-fixtures.php configuration file is required. Publish the included config to your project:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config --provider="ApiSkeletons\Laravel\Doctrine\DataFixtures\ServiceProvider"


Doctrine MongoDB, ORM and PHPCR are supported. See the configuration file for details.

This example assumes laravel-doctrine/orm is installed and you'll be using fixtures for ORM data:

return [
    'default' => [  // This is the group name
        'entityManager' => EntityManager::class,
        'executor' => ORMExecutor::class,
        'purger' => ORMPurger::class,
        'fixtures' => [

Fixture Groups

Modeled from api-skeletons/doctrine-data-fixture for Laminas, fixtures are organized into groups. This organization allows fixtures for specific modules, development faker data, different entity managers, and so on.


List Fixtures

List all groups or list all fixtures for a group.

php artisan doctrine:data-fixtures:list [<group>]

The <group> is optional.

Executing a Fixture Group through Artisan command

php artisan doctrine:data-fixtures:import <group> [--purge-with-truncate] [--do-not-append]

The <group> is required.

Append is the default option. This is inversed with --do-not-append


--purge-with-truncate if specified will purge the object manager's tables before running fixtures for the ORMPurger only.

--do-not-append will delete all data in the database before running fixtures.

Executing a Fixture Group from code

For unit testing or other times you must run your fixtures from within code, follow this example:

use use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\Loader;

$config = config('doctrine-data-fixtures')[$groupName];

$objectManager = app($config['objectManager']);
$purger        = app($config['purger']);
$executorClass = $config['executor'];
$loader        = new Loader();

foreach ($config['fixtures'] as $fixture) {

$executor = new $executorClass($objectManager, $purger);

Doctrine data-fixtures

Be sure to read the documentation on the parent library doctrine/data-fixtures