
Command line argument and option parser for Hack

0.1.1 2016-05-03 21:33 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 22:33:30 UTC


A command line argument parser better than the builtin getopt for Hack/HHVM.

It got its name because it parses CLI opt ions.

Packagist Build Status


You can install this library using Composer:

$ composer require appertly/cleopatra
  • The master branch (version 0.x) of this project requires HHVM 3.12 and has no dependencies.


Releases of this library will conform to Semantic Versioning.

Our code is intended to comply with PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4. If you find any issues related to standards compliance, please send a pull request!


Users can specify command line options pretty much how you'd expect from typical shell conventions.

  • Short options
    • Multiple short options can be bundled together (e.g. -abcdef)
    • Short options with required values can be specified either with a space or without (e.g. -d2 or -d 2)
    • Short options with optional values must be specified without a space (e.g. -d2)
    • Short options without values can be bundled with those with values (e.g. -abcd 2)
  • Long options
    • Long options with required values can be specified either with an equals sign or a space (e.g. --foo bar or --foo="bar")
    • Long options with optional values must be specified with an equals sign (e.g. --foo or --foo="bar")
  • Normal arguments
    • Options can be specified in any order among regular arguments (e.g. command -a value -b argument1 --opt="value" -c argument2 argument3)
      • A real-world example of this: aws --profile mine ec2 start-instances --instance-ids i-123456
    • Arguments can be separated from all options with a double dash (e.g. command -a value -xyz -- argument1 argument2 argument3)
  • Automatic help documentation



For simplicity, we stuck to a combination of PHP's own getopt function and Perl's Getopt::Long.


  • The label contains aliases for the option, separated with a pipe (|), e.g. l|length
    • Labels must only consist of alphanumeric characters and the dash (e.g. [a-zA-Z0-9\-])
  • The constraint dictates how the option can be used
    • A plus (+) marks an option as incremental (e.g. -vvv)
    • A colon (:) marks an option as having a required value
    • Two colons (::) marks an option as non-required; a value can be specified with equals (e.g --option="foo")
  • The type can be used to specify how the argument value is evaluated
    • s = string, i = integer, f = float, d = DateTimeImmutable
    • A trailing at sign (@) will store multiple arguments in a Vector (e.g. -d 1.txt -d 2.txt -d 3.txt)


l|length    = Boolean parameter with no argument (-l or --length)
v|verbose+  = Incremental option; value increased each time used
d|dir:      = Option with required value (-d stuff, --dir stuff)
d|dir::     = Option with optional value (--dir, --dir="stuff")
f|file:@    = Required option with multiple values (-f a.txt -f b.txt -f c.txt)
dir:s       = Required option will be evaluated as a string
dir::i      = Optional option will be evaluated as an integer
dir:f       = Option will be evaluated as a float
dir:d       = Option will be evaluated as a `DateTimeImmutable`
dir:s@      = Multiple options will result in a `Vector<string>`


Here's a quick example.

The contents of test.hh:

require "vendor/autoload.php";

use Cleopatra\Parser;
use Cleopatra\OptionSet;
use Cleopatra\Option;

$optionSet = new OptionSet(
    new Option("help", "Display this help"),
    new Option("version", "Shows version information"),
    new Option("v|verbose+", "Enables verbose output; use multiple times to increase verbosity"),
    new Option("e|exclude:s@", "Excludes files and folders from processing"),
    new Option("nice:i", "Sets the process nice value"),
    new Option("profile:", "Specifies which profile to use"),
    new Option("q|quiet", "Disables all output to stdout"),
    new Option("x|experimental", "Enables experimental features"),
    new Option("log::", "Enables log output; default is syslog, but you can specify a log filename")
$parser = new Parser($optionSet);
$cmd = $parser->parse($_SERVER['argv']);
$options = $cmd->getOptions(); // ImmMap<string,mixed>
$arguments = $cmd->getArguments(); // ImmVector<string>
if ($arguments->isEmpty() || $options->containsKey('help')) {
    echo $optionSet->getHelp(), PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo "You executed: " . $cmd->getProgram(), PHP_EOL;
    echo "With options: " . json_encode($options), PHP_EOL;
    echo "With arguments: " . implode(", ", $arguments), PHP_EOL;

You run:

hhvm test.hh -qe foo -e bar --nice 123 run-tests -vvv -v --log=errors.log -v -xebaz src

You get:

You executed: test.hh
With options: {"q":true,"e":["foo","bar","baz"],"nice":123,"v":5,"log":"errors.log","x":true}
With arguments: run-tests, src

You run:

hhvm test.hh --help

You get:

  --help             Display this help
  --version          Shows version information
  -v --verbose       Enables verbose output; use multiple times to increase
  -e --exclude       Excludes files and folders from processing
  --nice             Sets the process nice value
  --profile          Specifies which profile to use
  -q --quiet         Disables all output to stdout
  -x --experimental  Enables experimental features
  --log              Enables log output; default is syslog, but you can specify
                     a log filename