
User-Interface Scaffolding for Laravel. Powered by Tailwind CSS.

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 00:28:08 UTC


Scaffolding for Laravel. Powered by Tailwind CSS and Livewire.

List of the available components


Since this package relies on a few 3rd party packages, you will need to have the following installed and configured in your project:


Require with composer: composer require arkecosystem/foundation



Composer Scripts

Add those scripts to composer.json

"scripts": [
    "analyse": [
        "vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --configuration=vendor/arkecosystem/foundation/phpstan.neon --memory-limit=2G"
    "format": [
        "vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=vendor/arkecosystem/foundation/.php-cs-fixer.php"
    "refactor": [
        "./vendor/bin/rector process --config=vendor/arkecosystem/foundation/rector.php"
    "test": [
    "test:fast": [
        "./vendor/bin/pest --parallel"
    "test:coverage": [
        "./vendor/bin/pest --coverage --min=100 --coverage-html=.coverage --coverage-clover=coverage.xml"

Working on Components Locally

This package contains a lot of frontend components, but no frontend views itself. So when you need to work on it, you rely on the frontend from another project. Usually this can be done by having composer symlink this package, but in this case there is a second step required to ensure you can run yarn watch, yarn prod etc. 

I'll get into it in detail and will use the project as an example. Let's assume that both the and laravel-foundation git repo's are installed in the /Users/my-user/projects/ folder on our local development machine.

Step 1 - Composer Symlink

In the composer.json file from under "repositories" add the laravel-foundation as a path:

"repositories": [
        "type": "path",
        "url": "../laravel-foundation"

After that run composer require arkecosystem/foundation --ignore-platform-reqs -W. The laravel-foundation package is now symlinked and you can work in your IDE from within your laravel-foundation repo.

Step 2 - Symlink node_modules

If you would run yarn watch from within your repo you'll get a lot of errors because dependencies are not smart enough to know they're in a symlinked directory.

  • Delete the node_modules directory on laravel-foundation.
  • Symlink the node_modules directory from to laravel-foundation by running ln -s /Users/my-user/projects/ node_modules (from within your laravel-foundation repo).

Now, when you go back to your repo, you can run yarn watch.

Don't forget to remove the symlinking after you're done.

Turn those steps into scripts

Keep in mind:

these scripts are written for Mac users. If you use another OS you may need to tweak them accordingly.

unlink:foundation uses git commands to restore the current project.

To improve your workflow you can turn those steps into scripts and use them directly in your command line, like:

$ link:foundation
$ unlink:foundation

You can copy/paste them in your .bashrc, .aliases or whatever file you set up to manage your aliases.

Before jumping into the code, let me explain what you can do with them (skip to code).

For these examples we use and laravel-foundation repos, assuming that both are installed in the same folder (/Users/my-user/projects) on our local development machine.

symlink your current project to laravel-foundation

# move into folder
$ cd /Users/my-user/projects/

# symlink to laravel-foundation repo
$ link:foundation

That's it!

The script automatically tries to guess where the laravel-foundation repo is located and symlinks the current project to it (in this case

If the current project and laravel-foundation repos are not in the same folder, the script tries to move one level back (../../) and tries again. If laravel-foundation is not found, the script exits and outputs an error message.

You can always specify a custom path, by passing it as an argument

$ link:foundation 'Users/john/repos/laravel-foundation'

remove symlink from your current project

# move into folder
$ cd /Users/my-user/projects/

# remove symlink
$ unlink:foundation

Again, that's it!

The script looks for .symlink_foundation temp file (created by link:foundation), that contains the symlinked path. If not found, it tries to guess where the laravel-foundation repo is located and removes the symlink from the current project (in this case

If the current project and laravel-foundation repos are not in the same folder, the script tries to move one level back (../../) and tries again. If laravel-foundation is not found, the script exits and outputs an error message.

You can always specify a custom path, by passing it as an argument

$ unlink:foundation 'Users/john/repos/laravel-foundation'


Scripts are self-explanatory, plus they have comments on each line 😉.

function link:foundation() {

    # Check if already symlinked
    [ -f .symlink_foundation ] && { echo "already symlinked"; return; }

    # Get path from args or guess it
    if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
    elif [ -d ../laravel-foundation ]; then
    elif [ -d ../../laravel-foundation ]; then
        echo "Unable to find `laravel-foundation`"

    # Generate random string
    RANDOM_STRING=$(base64 /dev/urandom | tr -d '/+' | dd bs=6 count=1 2>/dev/null)

    # Set Composer repo
    composer config repositories.${RANDOM_STRING} '{"type": "path", "url": "'${FOUNDATION}'"}'

    # Require arkecosystem/foundation
    composer require arkecosystem/foundation --ignore-platform-reqs -W

    # Remove node_modules folder
    rm -rf ${FOUNDATION}/node_modules

    # Symlink to arkecosystem/foundation node_modules folder
    ln -s $(pwd)/node_modules ${FOUNDATION}/node_modules

    # Create .symlink_foundation temp file
    echo ${FOUNDATION} >> .symlink_foundation

    # Inform user that all went ok
    echo "${FOUNDATION} has been symlinked"

function unlink:foundation() {

    # Get path from .symlink_foundation file or from args or guess it
    if [ -f .symlink_foundation ]; then
        FOUNDATION=$(cat .symlink_foundation)
    elif [ "$1" != "" ]; then
    elif [ -d ../laravel-foundation ]; then
    elif [ -d ../../laravel-foundation ]; then
        echo "Unable to find `laravel-foundation`"

    # Remove symlink
    unlink ${FOUNDATION}/node_modules

    # Remove temp file
    rm -rf .symlink_foundation

    # Clean up repo
    git reset --hard
    git clean -df

    # Inform user that all went ok
    echo "${FOUNDATION} symlink has been removed"