
A Laravel Nova field.

0.5.2 2020-03-12 08:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 14:19:05 UTC


A laravel nova field

Table of Contents


composer require armincms/json


So simple.

  use Armincms\Json\Json;  

  Json::make("ColumnName", [ 
      Select::make(__("Discount Type"), "type")
              'percent' => __('Percent'),
              'amount' => __('Amount'),
      Number::make(__("Discount Value"), "value")
              'min' => 0

Nested Usage

Storing nested data is very like straight data. just like the following; use the Json nested.

  use Armincms\Json\Json;  

  Json::make("ColumnName", [ 
      Select::make(__("Discount Type"), "type")
              'percent' => __('Percent'),
              'amount' => __('Amount'),
      Number::make(__("Discount Value"), "value")
              'min' => 0
      // nested data
      Json::make("discount", [ 
        Select::make(__("Discount Type"), "type")
                'percent' => __('Percent'),
                'amount' => __('Amount'),
        Number::make(__("Discount Value"), "value")
                'min' => 0

Action Usage

It is possible to use the Json in the Action like follow:

use Armincms\Json\Json;

class UpdateTime extends Action
    use InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels; 

     * Perform the action on the given models.
     * @param  \Laravel\Nova\Fields\ActionFields  $fields
     * @param  \Illuminate\Support\Collection  $models
     * @return mixed
    public function handle(ActionFields $fields, Collection $models)

     * Get the fields available on the action.
     * @return array
    public function fields()
        return collect([
            /// some fields
            Json::make(mb_strtolower($meal), [
                Text::make(__("From"), 'from')->rules('required'),
                Text::make(__("Until"), 'until')->rules('required'),  
                Json::make(mb_strtolower($meal), [
                    Text::make(__("From"), 'from'),
                    Text::make(__("Until"), 'until'),  

            /// some fields
        ])->map(function($field) {
            return $field instanceof Json ? $field->fields() : [$field];

Showing And Hiding Fields

you can use the field show/hide methods on the JSON field. so this method will be called on each field under the Json field.The following example will hide all fields from the index view.

  use Armincms\Json\Json;  

  Json::make("ColumnName", [ 
       // fields

Save Last Values

By default; we clean the last data for store new data. but, it's possible to save the last data. for this, call the saveHistory method on parent Json class. this causes us to overwrite the new data without clean the last data. see the follow:

  use Armincms\Json\Json;  

  Json::make("ColumnName", [ 
       // fields

Separated Data

If you want store fields in one column but show in a separate place; you should make multiple Json field by one name.see the following:

  use Armincms\Json\Json;  

  Json::make("ColumnName", [ 
       // fields group 1

  // other feilds

  Json::make("ColumnName", [ 
       // fields group 2

  • ATTENTION: at this situation, you should use saveHistory for next Json field.

Fill The Value

if you want to store the customized value of the field; you can use the fillUsing method and return custom value. see the follow:

  • fillUsing accept three argumnets $request, $attribute, $requestAttribute.
  use Armincms\Json\Json;  

  Json::make("ColumnName", [ 
       Number::make(__("Discount Value"), "value")
                'min' => 0
            ])->fillUsing(function($request, $attribute, $requestAttribute) {
                if($request->exists($requestAttribute)) { 
                    return $request[$requestAttribute];

                return 1000;

Null Values

If there need to store some values as the null; you can use the nullable method that works like the Nova nullable. By default; nullable has the true value which means all values will be stored. But; It's possible to reject the storing of null values via passing the false value into the nullable method.

Auto Casting

If not defined JSON casting for the field attribute; we will convert the field Value into JSON. if you need disable this feature; use the ignoreCasting method;

About Implementation

Maybe there exists a question about how this package works?

I Should say that; this package doesn't have any corresponds component to the Vuejs. this package just uses callback's for data storing. so; won't changed any field.

with this implementation, you have access to your original fields without changes. So; for interacts with other packages or fields, exists toArray method to access to defined fields.