
Utility classes for everyday php development

1.0.0 2019-08-07 10:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 23:01:41 UTC


Table of Contents


  • Full name: \Utility\Arr
  • Parent class: \Utility\Collection


Get a value of a $collection by a $key of $separator notation with $default fallback

Arr::get( array|object $collection, string $key = '', mixed $default = null, string $separator = '.' ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$key string
$default mixed
$separator string


Group values from a $collection according to the results of a $callback

Arr::group( array|object $collection, callable $callback ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$callback callable


Get keys from a $collection

Arr::keys( array|object $collection ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object


Remove a $key value in a $collection using $separator notation.

Arr::remove( array|object $collection, string|array $key, string $separator = '.' ): array|object
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$key string|array
$separator string


Set a $value in a $collection using $separator notation.

Arr::set( array|object $collection, string $key, mixed $value, string $separator = '.' ): array|object
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$key string
$value mixed
$separator string


Sort a $collection by value, by a closure or by a property $sorter along a $direction

Arr::sort( array|object $collection, string $direction = 'ASC', null|callable|string $sorter = null ): array|object
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$direction string
$sorter null|callable|string


Sort a $collection by keys or properties by $direction

Arr::sortKeys( array|object $collection, string $direction = 'ASC' ): array|object
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$direction string


Get values from a $collection

Arr::values( array|object $collection ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object


Check if $data abides an array of $rules

Arr::abides( mixed $data, array|callable $rules = array() ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed
$rules array|callable


Check if $data abides any of an array of $rules

Arr::abidesAny( mixed $data, string|array|callable $rules = array() ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed
$rules string|array|callable


Add mixed $data to other mixed data cleverly

Arr::add( mixed $data ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Dump $data and die

Arr::dd( mixed $data ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Dry dump $data for debug

Arr::dump( mixed $data ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Merge mixed $data to other mixed data cleverly

Arr::merge( mixed $data ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Get a simplified type of a variable.

Arr::getShallowType( mixed $data ): string

Return values: string|array|object|number|boolean|unknown

  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Append a $value to an $array

Arr::append( array $array, mixed $value ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$value mixed


Get average value of an $array

Arr::average( array $array, integer $decimals ): float
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$decimals integer


Build an $array from a $ruleset blueprint and fallback $defaults

Arr::blueprint( array $array, array $ruleset, array $defaults = array() ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$ruleset array
$defaults array


Clean all falsy values from an array

Arr::clean( array $array, boolean $normalize = true ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$normalize boolean


Check if a $value is in an $array

Arr::contains( array $array, mixed $value ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$value mixed


Check if $array contains all $values

Arr::containsAll( array $array, array $values ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$values array


Check if $array contains any of the $values

Arr::containsAny( array $array, array $values ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$values array


Divide an $array into to arrays, the first containing the keys, the second the values

Arr::divide( array $array ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array


Flatten a multidimensional $array with $separator notation

Arr::dot( array $array, string $separator = '.', null|string $parent = null ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$separator string
$parent null|string


Iterate over an $array and modify the array's values via $callback function

Arr::each( array $array, callable $callback, boolean $passKey = false ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$callback callable
$passKey boolean


Find all items in an $array that pass a $callback truth test

Arr::filter( array $array, callable $callback, string|integer $pass = 'value', boolean $normalize = false ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$callback callable
$pass string|integer
$normalize boolean


Find the first item in an $array that passes $callback the truth test

Arr::find( array $array, callable $callback, boolean $passKey = false ): void|mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$callback callable
$passKey boolean


Find all items in an $array that passes $callback truth test

Arr::findAll( array $array, callable $callback, boolean $passKey ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$callback callable
$passKey boolean


Get the first $number of values from an $array

Arr::first( array $array, integer $number = 1 ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$number integer


Flatten a multi-dimensional $array into a one-dimenisional array

Arr::flatten( array $array, boolean $preserveKeys = true ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$preserveKeys boolean


Check if an $array has a $key

Arr::has( array $array, integer|string $key ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$key integer|string


Check if an $array has all $keys

Arr::hasAll( array $array, array $keys ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$keys array


Check if an $array has any of the $keys

Arr::hasAny( array $array, array $keys ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$keys array


Implode an $array

Arr::implode( array $array, string $glue = '' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$glue string


Get everything from $array but the last $number of items

Arr::initial( array $array, integer $number = 1 ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$number integer


Return an array with all elements found in both $a and $b input arrays

Arr::intersection( array $a, array $b ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$a array
$b array


Return if $a and $b input arrays intersect or not

Arr::intersects( array $a, array $b ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$a array
$b array


Check if an $array is associative

Arr::isAssoc( array $array ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array


Check if an $array only has numeric keys

Arr::isNumeric( array $array ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array


Check if $array is a numeric sequential array

Arr::isSequential( array $array ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array


Get the last $number of values from an $array

Arr::last( array $array, integer $number = 1 ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$number integer


Invoke a $callback function on all of the values in an $array

Arr::map( array $array, callable $callback, array $arguments = array() ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$callback callable
$arguments array


Invoke a $vallbackfunction on all of the values in an $array recursively

Arr::mapRecursive( array $array, callable $callback ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$callback callable


Check if all items in an $array match a $callback truth test

Arr::matches( array $array, callable $callback ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$callback callable


Check if any item in an $array matches a $callback truth test

Arr::matchesAny( array $array, callable $callback ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$callback callable


Get the max value of an $array

Arr::max( array $array, null|callable $callback = null ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$callback null|callable


Get the min value of an $array

Arr::min( array $array, null|callable $callback = null ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$callback null|callable


Normalize $array by sorting and filling missing keys

Arr::normalize( array $array ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array


Prepend an $array with a $value

Arr::prepend( array $array, mixed $value ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$value mixed


Get the value per $key from an $array of associative arrays

Arr::pluck( array $array, mixed $key, boolean $preserveKeys = true, boolean $keepEmpty = false ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$key mixed
$preserveKeys boolean
$keepEmpty boolean


Get a $number of random values from an $array

Arr::random( array $array, integer $number = 1 ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$number integer


Generate an array from a range starting from $base to $stop by $step

Arr::range( integer $base, integer $stop = null, integer $step = 1 ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$base integer
$stop integer
$step integer


Return all items from an $array that fail the $callback truth test

Arr::reject( array $array, callable $callback, boolean $passKey = false, boolean $normalize = false ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$callback callable
$passKey boolean
$normalize boolean


Remove the first item from an $array

Arr::removeFirst( array $array ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array


Remove the last item from an array

Arr::removeLast( array $array ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array


Remove a $value from an $array

Arr::removeValue( array $array, mixed $value, boolean $normalize = true ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$value mixed
$normalize boolean


Fill an array with some $data a number of $times

Arr::repeat( mixed $data, integer $times ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed
$times integer


Replace each $search word or pattern with $replacement inside $array

Arr::replace( array $array, string $search, string $replacement ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$search string
$replacement string


Get the last $number of items of an $array.

Arr::rest( array $array, integer $number = 1 ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$number integer


Reverse an $array

Arr::reverse( array $array ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array


Search for the index of a value in an array.

Arr::search( array $array, mixed $value ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$value mixed


Get the size of an array.

Arr::size( array $array ): integer
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array


Unflatten a previously flattened $array using $separator notation

Arr::undot( array $array, string $separator = '.' ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$separator string


Remove duplicates from an array.

Arr::unique( array $array ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array


Return an array without all instances of certain values.

Arr::without( array $array, mixed $values ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array
$values mixed


  • Full name: \Utility\Chain


Start a new chain

Chain::__construct( mixed $subject, string|object $class )


Parameter Type Description
$subject mixed
$class string|object


Break the chain and return subject

Chain::break(  ): mixed


Swap Utility class along the chain

Chain::swap( string|object $class ): void


Parameter Type Description
$class string|object


Dispatch method calls to Utility class and pass in subject as the first argument

Chain::__call( string $method, array $arguments ): void


Parameter Type Description
$method string
$arguments array


Start a new chain

Chain::start( mixed $subject, string|object $class ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$subject mixed
$class string|object


  • Full name: \Utility\Collection
  • Parent class: \Utility\Misc


Check if $data abides an array of $rules

Collection::abides( mixed $data, array|callable $rules = array() ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed
$rules array|callable


Check if $data abides any of an array of $rules

Collection::abidesAny( mixed $data, string|array|callable $rules = array() ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed
$rules string|array|callable


Add mixed $data to other mixed data cleverly

Collection::add( mixed $data ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Dump $data and die

Collection::dd( mixed $data ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Dry dump $data for debug

Collection::dump( mixed $data ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Merge mixed $data to other mixed data cleverly

Collection::merge( mixed $data ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Get a simplified type of a variable.

Collection::getShallowType( mixed $data ): string

Return values: string|array|object|number|boolean|unknown

  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Get a value of a $collection by a $key of $separator notation with $default fallback

Collection::get( array|object $collection, string $key = '', mixed $default = null, string $separator = '.' ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$key string
$default mixed
$separator string


Group values from a $collection according to the results of a $callback

Collection::group( array|object $collection, callable $callback ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$callback callable


Get keys from a $collection

Collection::keys( array|object $collection ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object


Remove a $key value in a $collection using $separator notation.

Collection::remove( array|object $collection, string|array $key, string $separator = '.' ): array|object
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$key string|array
$separator string


Set a $value in a $collection using $separator notation.

Collection::set( array|object $collection, string $key, mixed $value, string $separator = '.' ): array|object
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$key string
$value mixed
$separator string


Sort a $collection by value, by a closure or by a property $sorter along a $direction

Collection::sort( array|object $collection, string $direction = 'ASC', null|callable|string $sorter = null ): array|object
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$direction string
$sorter null|callable|string


Sort a $collection by keys or properties by $direction

Collection::sortKeys( array|object $collection, string $direction = 'ASC' ): array|object
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$direction string


Get values from a $collection

Collection::values( array|object $collection ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object


  • Full name: \Utility\Func


Cache the return of a $function and return the value from cache in subsequent calls

Func::cache( callable $function ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$function callable


Call a $function with $arguments whether it is a reference array string or an anonymus function

Func::call( null|callable $function, array $arguments = array() ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$function null|callable
$arguments array


Limit a $function to be only called once

Func::once( callable $function, boolean $unique = false ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$function callable
$unique boolean


Limit a $function to be only called a certain number of $times

Func::only( callable $function, integer $times = 1, boolean $unique = false ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$function callable
$times integer
$unique boolean


Throttle a $function so that it can only be called once in every $miliseconds

Func::throttle( callable $function, integer $miliseconds = 300 ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$function callable
$miliseconds integer


  • Full name: \Utility\Geo


Get lat lng data from an address

Geo::address( string $address, array $apiParameters = array() ): null|string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$address string
$apiParameters array


Calculate the distance between 2 pairs of lat and lng values

Geo::addressDistance( string $address1, string $address2, array $apiParameters = array(), string $unit = 'M' ): float
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$address1 string
$address2 string
$apiParameters array
$unit string


Get the distance between 2 pairs of lat and lng values in various units

Geo::distance( float $lat1, float $lng1, float $lat2, float $lng2, string $unit = 'M' ): null|string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$lat1 float
$lng1 float
$lat2 float
$lng2 float
$unit string


Get geo data from an address

Geo::getAddress( string $address, array $apiParameters = array() )
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$address string
$apiParameters array


Calculate the distance between 2 pairs of lat and lng values

Geo::getDistance( float $lat1, float $lng1, float $lat2, float $lng2 ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$lat1 float
$lng1 float
$lat2 float
$lng2 float


  • Full name: \Utility\Misc


Check if $data abides an array of $rules

Misc::abides( mixed $data, array|callable $rules = array() ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed
$rules array|callable


Check if $data abides any of an array of $rules

Misc::abidesAny( mixed $data, string|array|callable $rules = array() ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed
$rules string|array|callable


Add mixed $data to other mixed data cleverly

Misc::add( mixed $data ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Dump $data and die

Misc::dd( mixed $data ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Dry dump $data for debug

Misc::dump( mixed $data ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Merge mixed $data to other mixed data cleverly

Misc::merge( mixed $data ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Get a simplified type of a variable.

Misc::getShallowType( mixed $data ): string

Return values: string|array|object|number|boolean|unknown

  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


  • Full name: \Utility\Num
  • Parent class: \Utility\Misc


Check if $data abides an array of $rules

Num::abides( mixed $data, array|callable $rules = array() ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed
$rules array|callable


Check if $data abides any of an array of $rules

Num::abidesAny( mixed $data, string|array|callable $rules = array() ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed
$rules string|array|callable


Add mixed $data to other mixed data cleverly

Num::add( mixed $data ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Dump $data and die

Num::dd( mixed $data ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Dry dump $data for debug

Num::dump( mixed $data ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Merge mixed $data to other mixed data cleverly

Num::merge( mixed $data ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Get a simplified type of a variable.

Num::getShallowType( mixed $data ): string

Return values: string|array|object|number|boolean|unknown

  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Parse the $plural or $singular or $none template of a $number

Num::accord( float $number, string $plural, string $singular, string $none = '' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float
$plural string
$singular string
$none string


Get filesize from $bytes

Num::fileSize( float $bytes, integer $decimals ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$bytes float
$decimals integer


Format $number

Num::format( float $number, integer $decimals, \Utility\string $decimalPoint = '.', \Utility\string $thousandSeparator = ',' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float
$decimals integer
$decimalPoint \Utility\string
$thousandSeparator \Utility\string


Check if $number is between $min and $max

Num::isBetween( float $number, float $min, float $max = 1 ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float
$min float
$max float


Check if a $number is even

Num::isEven( float $number ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float


Check if a $number is negative

Num::isNegative( float $number ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float


Check if a $number is odd

Num::isOdd( float $number ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float


Check if a $number is outside of $min and $max

Num::isOutside( float $number, float $min, float $max = 1 ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float
$min float
$max float


Check if a $number is positive

Num::isPositive( float $number, boolean $zeroIncluded = false ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float
$zeroIncluded boolean


Limit $number to $min and $max values

Num::limit( float $number, float $min, float $max = 1 ): float
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float
$min float
$max float


Limit $number to a $max value

Num::max( float $number, float $max ): float
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float
$max float


Limit $number to a $min value

Num::min( float $number, float $min ): float
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float
$min float


Get the ordinal form of a $number using a $template

Num::ordinal( float $number, string $template = '%number<sup>%ordinal</sup>' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float
$template string


Pad a $number to a $length with $pad from a $direction

Num::pad( float $number, integer $length, string $pad = '0', string $direction = 'left' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float
$length integer
$pad string
$direction string


Check the percentage of $number relative to $normal

Num::percentOf( float $number, float $normal = 100 ): float
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number float
$normal float


  • Full name: \Utility\Obj
  • Parent class: \Utility\Collection


Get a value of a $collection by a $key of $separator notation with $default fallback

Obj::get( array|object $collection, string $key = '', mixed $default = null, string $separator = '.' ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$key string
$default mixed
$separator string


Group values from a $collection according to the results of a $callback

Obj::group( array|object $collection, callable $callback ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$callback callable


Get keys from a $collection

Obj::keys( array|object $collection ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object


Remove a $key value in a $collection using $separator notation.

Obj::remove( array|object $collection, string|array $key, string $separator = '.' ): array|object
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$key string|array
$separator string


Set a $value in a $collection using $separator notation.

Obj::set( array|object $collection, string $key, mixed $value, string $separator = '.' ): array|object
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$key string
$value mixed
$separator string


Sort a $collection by value, by a closure or by a property $sorter along a $direction

Obj::sort( array|object $collection, string $direction = 'ASC', null|callable|string $sorter = null ): array|object
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$direction string
$sorter null|callable|string


Sort a $collection by keys or properties by $direction

Obj::sortKeys( array|object $collection, string $direction = 'ASC' ): array|object
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object
$direction string


Get values from a $collection

Obj::values( array|object $collection ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$collection array|object


Check if $data abides an array of $rules

Obj::abides( mixed $data, array|callable $rules = array() ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed
$rules array|callable


Check if $data abides any of an array of $rules

Obj::abidesAny( mixed $data, string|array|callable $rules = array() ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed
$rules string|array|callable


Add mixed $data to other mixed data cleverly

Obj::add( mixed $data ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Dump $data and die

Obj::dd( mixed $data ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Dry dump $data for debug

Obj::dump( mixed $data ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Merge mixed $data to other mixed data cleverly

Obj::merge( mixed $data ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Get a simplified type of a variable.

Obj::getShallowType( mixed $data ): string

Return values: string|array|object|number|boolean|unknown

  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Check if an $object has a $key (property or method)

Obj::has(  $object, string $key ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$object ****
$key string


Get all properties from an $object

Obj::properties( object $object ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$object object


Get all methods from an $object

Obj::methods( object $object ): null|array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$object object


Unpack an $attribute from an $object

Obj::unpack( object $data, null|string $attribute = null ): object
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data object
$attribute null|string


  • Full name: \Utility\Str
  • Parent class: \Utility\Misc


Check if $data abides an array of $rules

Str::abides( mixed $data, array|callable $rules = array() ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed
$rules array|callable


Check if $data abides any of an array of $rules

Str::abidesAny( mixed $data, string|array|callable $rules = array() ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed
$rules string|array|callable


Add mixed $data to other mixed data cleverly

Str::add( mixed $data ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Dump $data and die

Str::dd( mixed $data ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Dry dump $data for debug

Str::dump( mixed $data ): void
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Merge mixed $data to other mixed data cleverly

Str::merge( mixed $data ): mixed
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Get a simplified type of a variable.

Str::getShallowType( mixed $data ): string

Return values: string|array|object|number|boolean|unknown

  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$data mixed


Get $plural or $singular string depending on $number

Str::accord( string|float $number, string $plural, string $singular, string $none = '' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number string|float
$plural string
$singular string
$none string


Convert a $string to alpha

Str::alpha( string $string ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Convert a $string to alpha numeric

Str::alphaNumeric( string $string ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Add $append to $string at the end

Str::append( string $string, string $append ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$append string


Convert a $string to ASCII removing all accents

Str::ascii( string $string, string $language = 'en', boolean $removeUnsupported = true ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$language string
$removeUnsupported boolean


Get character at a specific $index from a $string

Str::at( string $string, integer $index, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$index integer
$encoding null|string


Base 64 encode a $string

Str::base64( string $string ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Get part of a $string between $start and $end substrings

Str::between( string $string, string $start, string $end, integer $offset, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$start string
$end string
$offset integer
$encoding null|string


Convert a $string to a bool

Str::bool( string $string, array $trueValues = array(), array $falseValues = array() ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$trueValues array
$falseValues array


Convert a $string to camelCase using a specific $language

Str::camel( string $string, string $language = '' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$language string


Get all distinct characters of a $string as an array

Str::chars( string $string, null|string $encoding = null ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$encoding null|string


Normalize and trim a $string

Str::clean( string $string ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Ensure all white space characters only appear once in a $string

Str::collapse( string $string ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Find a common sub string from $string and $otherString

Str::common( string $string, string $otherString, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$otherString string
$encoding null|string


Find a common prefix from $string and $otherString

Str::commonPrefix( string $string, string $otherString, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$otherString string
$encoding null|string


Find a common suffix from $string and $otherString

Str::commonSuffix( string $string, string $otherString, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$otherString string
$encoding null|string


Check if $string contains $needle

Str::contains( string $string, string $needle, boolean $caseSensitive = false, null|string $encoding = null ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$needle string
$caseSensitive boolean
$encoding null|string


Check if $string contains all substrings in a $needles array

Str::containsAll( string $string, array $needles, boolean $caseSensitive = false, null|string $encoding = null ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$needles array
$caseSensitive boolean
$encoding null|string


Check if $string contains any substrings in a $needles array

Str::containsAny( string $string, array $needles, boolean $caseSensitive = false, null|string $encoding = null ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$needles array
$caseSensitive boolean
$encoding null|string


Count the characters in $string

Str::count( string $string, null|string $encoding = null ): integer
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$encoding null|string


Delimit $string with dashes instead of spaces

Str::dashed( string $string ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Connect words with $delimiter instead of spaces in $string

Str::delimit( string $string, string $delimiter, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$delimiter string
$encoding null|string


Check if $string ends with $needle

Str::endsWith( string $string, string $needle, boolean $caseSensitive = false, null|string $encoding = null ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$needle string
$caseSensitive boolean
$encoding null|string


Check if $string ends with any of the $needles

Str::endsWithAny( string $string, array $needles, boolean $caseSensitive = false, null|string $encoding = null ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$needles array
$caseSensitive boolean
$encoding null|string


Esnure $string starts with $ensure

Str::ensureLeft( string $string, string $ensure ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$ensure string


Ensure $string ends with $ensure

Str::ensureRight( string $string, string $ensure ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$ensure string


Return a formatted filesize from $bytes

Str::fileSize( float|string $bytes, integer $decimals ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$bytes float|string
$decimals integer


Get first $number characters from $string

Str::first( string $string, integer $number = 1, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$number integer
$encoding null|string


HTML decode $string

Str::htmlDecode( string $string, string $flags = ENT_COMPAT, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$flags string
$encoding null|string


HTML encode $string

Str::htmlEncode( string $string, string $flags = ENT_COMPAT, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$flags string
$encoding null|string


Get position of $needle within $string

Str::index( string $string, string $needle, integer $offset, null|string $encoding = null ): integer
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$needle string
$offset integer
$encoding null|string


Get all positions of $needle within $string

Str::indexes( string $string, string $needle, null|string $encoding = null ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$needle string
$encoding null|string


Push $insert into $string at the $index character

Str::insert( string $string, string $insert, integer $index, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$insert string
$index integer
$encoding null|string


Check if $string is alfa

Str::isAlpha( string $string ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Check if $string is alfa numeric

Str::isAlphanumeric( string $string ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Check if $string is base 64 encoded

Str::isBase64( string $string ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Check if $string is empty or has only white space

Str::isBlank( string $string ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Check if $string is a valid email

Str::isEmail( string $string ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Check if $string is hexadecimal

Str::isHexadecimal( string $string ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Check if $string contains HTML code

Str::isHTML( string $string ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Check if $string is a valid IP address

Str::isIP( string $string ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Check if $string is valid JSON

Str::isJSON( string $string ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Check if $string is lower-case

Str::isLower( string $string ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Check if $string is a valid regex

Str::isRegex( string $pattern ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$pattern string


Check if $string is serialized

Str::isSerialized( string $string ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Check if $string is upper case

Str::isUpper( string $string ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Check if $string is a valid URL

Str::isURL( string $string ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Get the last $number characters of a $string

Str::last( string $string, integer $number = 1, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$number integer
$encoding null|string


Get last position of $needle in $string

Str::lastIndex( string $string, string $needle, integer $offset, null|string $encoding = null ): integer
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$needle string
$offset integer
$encoding null|string


Count length of $string

Str::length( string $string, null|string $encoding = null ): integer
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$encoding null|string


Safely truncate $string in $length

Str::limit( string $string, integer $length, string $append = '...', null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$length integer
$append string
$encoding null|string


Limit $string to a $limit of words

Str::limitWords( string $string, integer $length, \Utility\string $append = '...' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$length integer
$append \Utility\string


Get an array of lines in $string

Str::lines( string $string, boolean $trimEachLine = false ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$trimEachLine boolean


Convert $string to lower case

Str::lower( string $string, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$encoding null|string


Convert the first character of each word in $string to lower case

Str::lowerFirst( string $string, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$encoding null|string


Check if $string matches $pattern

Str::matches( string $string, string $pattern ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$pattern string


Convert punctuation characters to a standardised, simpler version

Str::normalize( string $string ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Get ordinal version of $number according to $template

Str::ordinal( string|float $number, string $template = '%number<sup>%ordinal</sup>' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$number string|float
$template string


Add $pad to $string until it reaches $length

Str::pad( string $string, integer $length, string $pad = ' ', string $direction = 'right', null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$length integer
$pad string
$direction string
$encoding null|string


Add $pad to both ends of a $string until it reaches $length

Str::padBoth( string $string, integer $length, string $pad = ' ', null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$length integer
$pad string
$encoding null|string


Add $pad to the left side of a $string until it reaches $length

Str::padLeft( string $string, integer $length, string $pad = ' ', null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$length integer
$pad string
$encoding null|string


Add $pad to the right side of a $string until it reaches $length

Str::padRight( string $string, integer $length, string $pad = ' ', null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$length integer
$pad string
$encoding null|string


Convert $string to PascalCase

Str::pascal( string $string ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Add $prepend at the beginning of $string

Str::prepend( string $string, string $prepend ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$prepend string


Generate random or $readable random string of $length

Str::random( integer $length = 10, boolean $readable = true ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$length integer
$readable boolean


Replace $pattern with $replacement in $string

Str::regexReplace( string $string, string|array $pattern, string|array $replacement ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$pattern string|array
$replacement string|array


Remove $search pattern from $string

Str::remove( string $string, string $search ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$search string


Remove $needle from the beginning of $string

Str::removeLeft( string $string, string $needle, boolean $caseSensitive = false, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$needle string
$caseSensitive boolean
$encoding null|string


Remove $needle from the end of $string

Str::removeRight( string $string, string $needle, boolean $caseSensitive = false, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$needle string
$caseSensitive boolean
$encoding null|string


Repeat $string $times

Str::repeat( string $string, \Utility\int $times ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$times \Utility\int


Replace $search string with $replacement in $string

Str::replace( string $string, string $search, string $replacement ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$search string
$replacement string


Reverse the characters of $string

Str::reverse( string $string, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$encoding null|string


Randomly shuffle the characters of $string

Str::shuffle( string $string, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$encoding null|string


Cut $string from $start to $end

Str::slice( string $string, integer $start, null|integer $end = null, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$start integer
$end null|integer
$encoding null|string


Convert $string to slug-case

Str::slug( string $string, string $language = 'en' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$language string


Remove special characters and change whitespace characters with $delimiter in $string

Str::slugify( string $string, string $delimiter = '-', string $language = 'en' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$delimiter string
$language string


Convert $string to snake_case

Str::snake( string $string, string $language = 'en' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$language string


Convert spaces to tabs in $string

Str::spacesToTabs( string $string, integer $tabLength = 4 ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$tabLength integer


Split $string at $pattern

Str::split( string $string, string $pattern = '', null|integer $limit = null ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$pattern string
$limit null|integer


Check if $string starts with $needle

Str::startsWith( string $string, string $needle, boolean $caseSensitive = false, null|string $encoding = null ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$needle string
$caseSensitive boolean
$encoding null|string


Check if $string starts with any $needles

Str::startsWithAny( string $string, array $needles, boolean $caseSensitive = false, null|string $encoding = null ): boolean
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$needles array
$caseSensitive boolean
$encoding null|string


Swap $search with $replacement in $string

Str::stringReplace( string $string, string $search, string $replacement ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$search string
$replacement string


Remove all white space characters from $string

Str::stripWhitespace( string $string ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Cut $string from $start to a certain $length

Str::sub( string $string, integer $start, null|integer $length = null, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$start integer
$length null|integer
$encoding null|string


Convert tabs to spaces in $string

Str::tabsToSpaces( string $string,  $tabLength = 4 ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$tabLength ****


Replace template variables in $string according to associate $data array

Str::template( string $string, array $data = array(), string $varSymbol = '%' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$data array
$varSymbol string


Count how many times $string contains $needle

Str::timesContains( string $string, string $needle, boolean $caseSensitive = false, null|string $encoding = null ): integer
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$needle string
$caseSensitive boolean
$encoding null|string


Convert $string to Title Case

Str::title( string $string, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$encoding null|string


Convert $string to Title Case with an $ignore list of words that would not be converted to uppercase

Str::titlize( string $string, array $ignore = array(), null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$ignore array
$encoding null|string


Trim $characters from each end of a $string

Str::trim( string $string, string $characters = ' ' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$characters string


Trim $characters from the left side of $string

Str::trimLeft( string $string, string $characters = ' ' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$characters string


Trim $characters from the right side of $string

Str::trimRight( string $string, string $characters = ' ' ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$characters string


Replace spaces with _ (underscores) in $string

Str::underscored( string $string ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string


Convert string to UPPER CASE

Str::upper( string $string, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$encoding null|string


Upper Case first character of each word in $string

Str::upperFirst( string $string, null|string $encoding = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$encoding null|string


Get an array of words from $string

Str::words( string $string, boolean $unique = true ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string
$unique boolean


  • Full name: \Utility\URL


Add $user and $pass to a $url

URL::auth( null|string|array $url, string $user, null|string $pass = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$user string
$pass null|string


Build a URL from a parsed array

URL::build( array $url ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url array


Get the current URL or its $parts

URL::current( array $parts = array() ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$parts array


Get or $set the fragment of a $url

URL::fragment( null|string|array $url, null|string $set = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$set null|string


Set $fragment part of a $url

URL::fragmentSet( null|string|array $url, string $fragment ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$fragment string


Get or $set the host of a $url

URL::host( null|string|array $url, null|string $set = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$set null|string


Set $host part of a $url

URL::hostSet( null|string|array $url, string $host ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$host string


Consistently parse $url

URL::parse( string $url ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url string


Get $parts of a $url

URL::parts( null|string|array $url,  $parts = array('scheme', 'host', 'path') ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$parts ****


Get the pass part of a $url

URL::pass( null|string|array $url ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array


Get or $set the path of a $url

URL::path( null|string|array $url, null|string $set = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$set null|string


Remove $search string or pattern from $url path

URL::pathRemove( null|string|array $url, \Utility\string $search ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$search \Utility\string


Set $path part of a $url

URL::pathSet( null|string|array $url, null|string $path ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$path null|string


Get or $set the port of a $url

URL::port( null|string|array $url, boolean $set = false ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$set boolean


Set $port part of a $url

URL::portSet( null|string|array $url, string|integer $port ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$port string|integer


Get or $set the query of a $url

URL::query( null|string|array $url, boolean $set = false ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$set boolean


Add a parameter $key and $value to the query of the $url

URL::queryAdd( null|string|array $url, string $key, mixed $value ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$key string
$value mixed


Get the array of query args from a $url

URL::queryArray( null|string|array $url ): array
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array


Get a query parameter from a URL

URL::queryGet( null|string|array $url, string $parameter ): string|null
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$parameter string


Remove a parameter by $key from the query of the $url

URL::queryRemove( null|string|array $url,  $keys ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$keys ****


Set the $url path part to $data

URL::querySet( null|string|array $url, string|array $data ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$data string|array


Get or $set the scheme of a $url

URL::scheme( null|string|array $url, null|string $set = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$set null|string


Set $scheme part of a $url

URL::schemeSet( null|string|array $url, null|string $scheme ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$scheme null|string


Get the user part of a $url

URL::user( null|string|array $url, null|string $set = null ): string
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$url null|string|array
$set null|string

This document was automatically generated from source code comments on 2019-08-07 using phpDocumentor and cvuorinen/phpdoc-markdown-public