
Provides out of the box functionality for Oh Dear Scheduled tasks.

0.1.2 2023-02-10 08:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 16:58:08 UTC


Oh Dear Symfony Abscract Command

Latest Release MIT License Total Downloads

Developed by artack in Zurich, Switzerland.


  • Provides out of the box functionality for Scheduled tasks. That includes:
    • Consumed memory of the command
    • Runtime of the command
    • Exit-Code of the command
    • Failure Message in case of an exception


You can install this color library through Composer:

$ composer require artack/symfony-ohdear-command


Creating a Symfony Command extending the abstract OhDearCommand class:

class YourNewSymfonyCommand extends OhDearCommand

If you configure your Command with the `` method make sure you run the parent method as well.

protected function configure(): void

    # following your own configurations

Instead of the execute method you need to use doExecute for the actual implementation of your command. The rest of the signature of that method is identical to the execute method.

protected function doExecute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int {...}

Now you can run the command with the option --ohdear-uuid and the uuid given by Oh Dear as a value. The uuid is part of the "ping URL" shown by Oh Dear.