
Laravel OpenAPI generator

v3.0.0 2023-08-08 08:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-08 11:32:26 UTC


Laravel OpenApi generator

This package provides painless OpenApi YML generation from existing routes.

The idea is to have as little work to do as possible in order to generate the API documentation, so the package will try to assume a lot of things such as models from controller names, request and response parameter based on actual tables etc.

For custom inputs/outputs, options will be provided.


Install the package through composer. It is automatically registered as a Laravel service provider.

composer require asseco-voice/laravel-open-api


Running the command php artisan asseco:open-api will generate a new .yml file at project_root/open-api.yml.

What is covered out-of-the-box:

  • read all routes
  • inferring model name from controller name
  • group (tag) them automatically
  • get title and description from
  • generate request and response parameters

For cases not covered by this convention, refer to overriding defaults section.

For additional tweaking, refer to config.

Depending on number of routes, first run may take a few seconds as it is requesting a DB schema for each model it can find. This is cached, so every subsequent run will run much faster.

Simple out-of-the-box example

Given the controller:

class UserController extends Controller
     * Store a newly created resource in storage.    
     * Create new User object and store it in DB.
    public function store(Request $request): JsonResponse
        $user = User::query()->create($request->all());

        return response()->json($user);

  • command will infer User as being the main model for the controller
  • title: Store a newly created resource in storage.
  • description: Create new User object and store it in DB.
  • request data: User model table attributes without id, created_at, updated_at attributes
  • response data: complete User model table attributes

Overriding defaults

Custom cases are handled through controller and method annotations in doc blocks:

 * My controller doc block
 * @annotation random annotation
class MyController extends Controller
     * My method doc block
     * @annotation another random annotation
    public function index()


Groups (tags)

When talking about 'groups', we are actually talking about OpenApi 'tags'.

By default, command will take the controller name, remove Controller from it and split PascalCase with spaces (i.e. SysUserController results in Sys User group name).

  • @group within a controller doc block will override default group.
  • @group within a method doc block will override default group and controller group making it an operator with the highest precedence.

It is possible to stack multiple group annotations.


Model is used to try to automatically generate inputs and outputs for standard Laravel CRUD functions.

Input (request): model DB schema with either only fillable properties or except guarded. Fillable properties have precedence, guarded will be ignored if fillable exists.

Output (response): complete model DB schema without hidden fields.

It is completely valid to have no model associated. In this case, no automatic actions will be performed which require an existing model class.

By default, model name is extracted from controller name. To change this behavior, you have few options:

  • Map a specific controller to a specific model. See config for details.
  • Include @model tag within a controller:
    • Specifying namespaced model will use that model @model My\Namespaced\Model
    • Not specifying the namespace will use controller's namespace @model Model

Controller tag has higher precedence over configuration mapping. If both exist, and controller tag fails, configuration will try to fetch the model as well. Failing on both fronts will result in model being null.

It is possible to exclude part of the model for the request:

  • @exclude attribute1 attribute2 is a space separated list of specified model attributes which will not be included in request data.

Path parameters

By default, path parameter(s) will be set as integer (assuming most of the path parameters are model IDs). In case you want to use UUIDs, this can be changed in asseco-open-api config file by setting service_uses_uuid to true.

Override them by including the following in the method doc block:

  • @path will override what is fetched by default. You must provide it in the following convention @path name type description where:
    • name - parameter name.
    • type - OpenApi data type.
    • description - text which will be set as parameter description (not required, empty by default, so it can be omitted).


@path name type
@path name type Some description

It is not possible to set path parameter required property. It is automatically set to true because OpenApi doesn't support optional path parameters (even though Laravel does).

Operation ID

By default, operationId will be generated for each route, based on the controller/HTTP method mapping and the name of the model. If you want to override the default, you can use @operationId to provide a different suffix to the operation ID (which will replace what would be an auto-generated model).

Prepended controller/HTTP method will stay intact because of possible conflicts when using update routes which map to both PUT and PATCH verbs.


// Provided for an show() method:
@operationId suffix
// this will output getSuffix

// Provided for an update() method:
@operationId suffix
// this will output putSuffix and patchSuffix

Request/response parameters

By default, request/response parameter(s) will be extracted from model.

Override them by including @request or/and @response in the method doc block.

Example for @request, working the same for @response:

  • @request will override what is fetched by default. You must provide it in the following convention @request name type required description where:
    • name - parameter name.
    • type - OpenApi data type.
    • required - boolean true/false value indicating whether the parameter is required (if omitted, will be set to true)
    • description - text which will be set as parameter description (if omitted, will be set to empty string)


@request name type
@request name type true
@request name type false Some description

For multiple parameters it is also possible to adopt a different convention:

name type required description
name type required description
name type required description

In case you want an arbitrary string as a request/response, it can be achieved by using double quotes when setting request/response parameters. This way, all other parameters will be ignored and only the string inside double quotes will be returned.


@response "example"

You can include additional input/output models alongside original model with @requestAppend key Class or @responseAppend key Class in your method doc block. This will append given Class properties on already existing model using the key as a key.

I.e. having original model User (with properties name, email) you want to append Post model (with properties title, description) to it as a list of inputs.

@model User // <-- not needed if it is UserController or you already specified model on the controller

@requestAppend posts Post

This will result in following request:

    "name": "string"
    "email": "string"
    "posts": {
        "title": "string"
        "description": "string"

Response specific

Responses will by default be marked as multiple (indicating collection output, not a single model) when looking at GET request without path parameters.

  • including @multiple true/false in the method doc block will override those defaults

If the variable type is array, you can provide additional property within the parenthesis (be sure not to leave blank space between type and parenthesis) to indicate of what type are the array values:

@response attribute array[string] true Some description

It is also possible to directly append a pivot table to the response, even if it has no model associated with it.

@pivot table_name

For example, if the table was appended to the User model, the following response will be returned:

    "name": "string"
    "email": "string"
    "pivot": {
      "user_id": 0
      "example_id": 0


Models database schema is being cached for performance (1d TTL), if you modify a migration be sure to run php artisan asseco:open-api --bust-cache which will force re-caching.


Publish the configuration with php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Asseco\OpenApi\OpenApiServiceProvider".

Configuration requires your minimal engagement, however there are some things which package can't assume.

  • For models outside of App namespace, be sure to include full namespace to namespaces config key as well so that package can automatically get the model attributes.
  • For controllers not named after their models (in ModelController format) remap in controller_model_mapping config key.