astrotomic / steam-sdk
Interact with Steam API.
- php: ^8.1
- ext-json: *
- illuminate/support: ^9.0 || ^10.0 || ^11.0
- saloonphp/laravel-plugin: ^3.0
- saloonphp/saloon: ^3.0
- spatie/laravel-data: ^3.1
- xpaw/steamid: ^2.0
Requires (Dev)
- astrotomic/phpunit-assertions: ^0.10.0
- laravel/pint: ^1.13.6
- orchestra/testbench: ^7.0 || ^8.0 || ^9.0
- pestphp/pest: ^1.23.1
- pestphp/pest-plugin-laravel: ^1.4
composer require astrotomic/steam-sdk
And you have to define services.steam.api_key
config with your Steam API-Key to use.
$steam = app(\Astrotomic\SteamSdk\SteamConnector::class); $steam->getPlayerSummaries($steamid);
Implemented Requests
HTTP | Path | Method | |
✅ | GET | ISteamApps/GetAppList/v2 |
$steam->getAppList() |
✅ | GET | ISteamNews/GetNewsForApp/v2 |
$steam->getNewsForApp() |
✅ | GET | ISteamUser/GetFriendList/v1 |
$steam->getFriendList() |
✅ | GET | ISteamUser/GetPlayerBans/v1 |
$steam->getPlayerBans() |
✅ | GET | ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v2 |
$steam->getPlayerSummaries() |
✅ | GET | ISteamUser/ResolveVanityURL/v1 |
$steam->resolveVanityUrl() |
✅ | GET | ISteamUserStats/GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp/v2 |
$steam->getGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp() |
✅ | GET | ISteamWebAPIUtil/GetSupportedAPIList/v1 |
$steam->getSupportedApiList() |
✅ | GET | actions/QueryLocations |
$steam->queryLocations() |
✅ | GET | ISteamApps/GetAppList/v1 |
$steam->getAppList() |
✅ | GET | ISteamNews/GetNewsForApp/v1 |
$steam->getNewsForApp() |
✅ | GET | ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v1 |
$steam->getPlayerSummaries() |
✅ | GET | ISteamUserStats/GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp/v1 |
$steam->getGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp() |
🗒️ | GET | IPlayerService/GetBadges/v1 |
🗒️ | GET | IPlayerService/GetCommunityBadgeProgress/v1 |
🗒️ | GET | IPlayerService/GetOwnedGames/v1 |
🗒️ | GET | IPlayerService/GetRecentlyPlayedGames/v1 |
✅ | GET | IPlayerService/GetSteamLevel/v1 |
$steam->getSteamLevel() |
🗒️ | GET | IPlayerService/IsPlayingSharedGame/v1 |
🗒️ | GET | ISteamUser/GetUserGroupList/v1 |
🗒️ | GET | ISteamUserStats/GetGlobalStatsForGame/v1 |
🗒️ | GET | ISteamUserStats/GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers/v1 |
🗒️ | GET | ISteamUserStats/GetPlayerAchievements/v1 |
🗒️ | GET | ISteamUserStats/GetUserStatsForGame/v1 |
🗒️ | GET | ISteamUserStats/GetUserStatsForGame/v2 |
❓️ | GET | ICSGOPlayers_730/GetNextMatchSharingCode/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ICSGOServers_730/GetGameMapsPlaytime/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ICSGOServers_730/GetGameServersStatus/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ICSGOTournaments_730/GetTournamentFantasyLineup/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ICSGOTournaments_730/GetTournamentItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ICSGOTournaments_730/GetTournamentLayout/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ICSGOTournaments_730/GetTournamentPredictions/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IContentServerConfigService/GetSteamCacheNodeParams/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IContentServerDirectoryService/GetClientUpdateHosts/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IContentServerDirectoryService/GetDepotPatchInfo/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IContentServerDirectoryService/GetServersForSteamPipe/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2MatchStats_205790/GetRealtimeStats/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2MatchStats_570/GetRealtimeStats/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_205790/GetLiveLeagueGames/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_205790/GetMatchDetails/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_205790/GetMatchHistory/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_205790/GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_205790/GetTeamInfoByTeamID/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_205790/GetTopLiveEventGame/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_205790/GetTopLiveGame/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_205790/GetTopWeekendTourneyGames/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_205790/GetTournamentPlayerStats/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_205790/GetTournamentPlayerStats/v2 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_570/GetLiveLeagueGames/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchDetails/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistory/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_570/GetTeamInfoByTeamID/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_570/GetTopLiveEventGame/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_570/GetTopLiveGame/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_570/GetTopWeekendTourneyGames/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_570/GetTournamentPlayerStats/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Match_570/GetTournamentPlayerStats/v2 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2StreamSystem_205790/GetBroadcasterInfo/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2StreamSystem_570/GetBroadcasterInfo/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Ticket_205790/GetSteamIDForBadgeID/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Ticket_205790/SteamAccountValidForBadgeType/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Ticket_570/GetSteamIDForBadgeID/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IDOTA2Ticket_570/SteamAccountValidForBadgeType/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_205790/GetEventStatsForAccount/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_205790/GetGameItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_205790/GetHeroes/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_205790/GetItemCreators/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_205790/GetItemWorkshopPublishedFileIDs/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_205790/GetRarities/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_205790/GetTournamentPrizePool/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_570/GetEventStatsForAccount/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_570/GetGameItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_570/GetHeroes/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_570/GetItemCreators/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_570/GetItemWorkshopPublishedFileIDs/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_570/GetRarities/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconDOTA2_570/GetTournamentPrizePool/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_1046930/GetPlayerItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_1269260/GetEquippedPlayerItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_205790/GetEquippedPlayerItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_205790/GetPlayerItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_205790/GetStoreMetaData/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_221540/GetPlayerItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_238460/GetPlayerItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_440/GetPlayerItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_440/GetSchema/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_440/GetSchemaItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_440/GetSchemaOverview/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_440/GetSchemaURL/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_440/GetStoreMetaData/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_440/GetStoreStatus/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_570/GetEquippedPlayerItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_570/GetPlayerItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_570/GetStoreMetaData/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_583950/GetEquippedPlayerItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_620/GetPlayerItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_620/GetSchema/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_730/GetPlayerItems/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_730/GetSchema/v2 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_730/GetSchemaURL/v2 |
❓️ | GET | IEconItems_730/GetStoreMetaData/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconService/GetTradeHistory/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconService/GetTradeHoldDurations/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconService/GetTradeOffer/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconService/GetTradeOffers/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconService/GetTradeOffersSummary/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IEconService/GetTradeStatus/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGCVersion_1046930/GetClientVersion/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGCVersion_1046930/GetServerVersion/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGCVersion_1269260/GetClientVersion/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGCVersion_1269260/GetServerVersion/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGCVersion_205790/GetClientVersion/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGCVersion_205790/GetServerVersion/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGCVersion_440/GetClientVersion/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGCVersion_440/GetServerVersion/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGCVersion_570/GetClientVersion/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGCVersion_570/GetServerVersion/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGCVersion_583950/GetClientVersion/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGCVersion_583950/GetServerVersion/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGCVersion_730/GetServerVersion/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGameServersService/GetAccountList/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGameServersService/GetAccountPublicInfo/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGameServersService/GetServerIPsBySteamID/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGameServersService/GetServerSteamIDsByIP/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGameServersService/QueryByFakeIP/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IGameServersService/QueryLoginToken/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IInventoryService/GetPriceSheet/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IPortal2Leaderboards_620/GetBucketizedData/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IPublishedFileService/GetDetails/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IPublishedFileService/GetSubSectionData/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IPublishedFileService/GetUserFileCount/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IPublishedFileService/GetUserFiles/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IPublishedFileService/GetUserVoteSummary/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IPublishedFileService/QueryFiles/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamApps/GetSDRConfig/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamApps/GetSDRConfig/v2 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamApps/GetServersAtAddress/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamApps/UpToDateCheck/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamBroadcast/ViewerHeartbeat/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamDirectory/GetCMList/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamDirectory/GetCMListForConnect/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamDirectory/GetSteamPipeDomains/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamEconomy/GetAssetClassInfo/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamEconomy/GetAssetPrices/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamRemoteStorage/GetUGCFileDetails/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamUserAuth/AuthenticateUserTicket/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamUserOAuth/GetTokenDetails/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamUserStats/GetSchemaForGame/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamUserStats/GetSchemaForGame/v2 |
❓️ | GET | ISteamWebAPIUtil/GetServerInfo/v1 |
❓️ | GET | IStoreService/GetAppList/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ITFItems_440/GetGoldenWrenches/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ITFItems_440/GetGoldenWrenches/v2 |
❓️ | GET | ITFPromos_440/GetItemID/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ITFPromos_620/GetItemID/v1 |
❓️ | GET | ITFSystem_440/GetWorldStatus/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IBroadcastService/PostGameDataFrameRTMP/v1 |
❓️ | POST | ICSGOTournaments_730/UploadTournamentFantasyLineup/v1 |
❓️ | POST | ICSGOTournaments_730/UploadTournamentPredictions/v1 |
❓️ | POST | ICheatReportingService/ReportCheatData/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IClientStats_1046930/ReportEvent/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IContentServerConfigService/SetSteamCacheClientFilters/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IContentServerConfigService/SetSteamCachePerformanceStats/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IDOTA2Ticket_205790/SetSteamAccountPurchased/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IDOTA2Ticket_570/SetSteamAccountPurchased/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IGameNotificationsService/UserCreateSession/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IGameNotificationsService/UserDeleteSession/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IGameNotificationsService/UserUpdateSession/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IGameServersService/CreateAccount/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IGameServersService/DeleteAccount/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IGameServersService/ResetLoginToken/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IGameServersService/SetMemo/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IHelpRequestLogsService/GetApplicationLogDemand/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IHelpRequestLogsService/UploadUserApplicationLog/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IInventoryService/CombineItemStacks/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IInventoryService/SplitItemStack/v1 |
❓️ | POST | IPlayerService/RecordOfflinePlaytime/v1 |
❓️ | POST | ISteamCDN/SetClientFilters/v1 |
❓️ | POST | ISteamCDN/SetPerformanceStats/v1 |
❓️ | POST | ISteamRemoteStorage/GetCollectionDetails/v1 |
❓️ | POST | ISteamRemoteStorage/GetPublishedFileDetails/v1 |
❓️ | POST | ISteamUserAuth/AuthenticateUser/v1 |
❓️ | POST | ISteamWebUserPresenceOAuth/PollStatus/v1 |
❓️ | POST | ITFPromos_440/GrantItem/v1 |
❓️ | POST | ITFPromos_620/GrantItem/v1 |
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If you discover any security related issues, please check SECURITY for steps to report it.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
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