PHP library for IO operations

v1.2.2 2025-02-04 08:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 08:38:48 UTC


PHP library for IO operations.

The main goal of this library is to abstract IO operations to make different kind of IO elements, e.g. files and streams, interchangeable and allow writing code that doesn't depend on the filesystem, but feature interfaces that can be implemented for any kind of IO backend, e.g. network based storages.


composer require aternos/io

Basic Usage

use Aternos\IO\System\File\File;
use Aternos\IO\System\Directory\Directory;

$file = new File("path/to/file.txt");
$file->write("Hello World!");
echo $file->read($file->getSize());

$directory = new Directory("path/to/directory");
foreach ($directory->getChildrenRecursive() as $child) {
    echo $child->getPath() . PHP_EOL;

IO Elements

Name Class Description
File Aternos\IO\System\File\File Regular filesystem file
TempDiskFile Aternos\IO\System\File\TempDiskFile Temporary disk file, created and deleted automatically
TempMemoryFile Aternos\IO\System\File\TempMemoryFile Temporary file in memory
TempMemoryDiskFile Aternos\IO\System\File\TempMemoryDiskFile Temporary file in memory, moved to disk when size exceeds a threshold
Directory Aternos\IO\System\Directory\Directory Regular filesystem directory
TempDirectory Aternos\IO\System\Directory\TempDirectory Temporary directory, created and deleted automatically
FilteredDirectory Aternos\IO\System\Directory\FilteredDirectory Directory that filters its children
Link Aternos\IO\System\Link\Link Generic filesystem link
FileLink Aternos\IO\System\Link\FileLink Filesystem link to a file, can be used like a file
DirectoryLink Aternos\IO\System\Link\DirectoryLink Filesystem link to a directory, can be used like a directory
SocketStream Aternos\IO\System\Socket\Stream\SocketStream Stream for reading from and writing to sockets
SocketReadStream Aternos\IO\System\Socket\Stream\SocketReadStream Stream for read only sockets
SocketWriteStream Aternos\IO\System\Socket\Stream\SocketWriteStream Stream for write only sockets

You can get the correct IO element from a path using FilesystemElement::getIOElementFromPath().

use Aternos\IO\System\FilesystemElement;

$element = FilesystemElement::getIOElementFromPath("path/to/element");


You can and should use the provided interfaces when writing your code to make it more flexible and interchangeable.

The basic interface for all IO elements is Aternos\IO\Interfaces\IOElementInterface.

Feature Interfaces

The feature interfaces define specific features that an IO element can have, e.g. reading or writing. You should limit the required type in your code to the specific features that you need. All feature interfaces are listed here: src/Interfaces/Features.


use Aternos\IO\Interfaces\Features\ReadInterface;
use Aternos\IO\Interfaces\Features\GetSizeInterface;

function readEntireFile(ReadInterface&GetSizeInterface $file): string {
    return $file->read($file->getSize());

Type Interfaces

For convenience, this library also provides type interfaces that combine multiple feature interfaces for common IO elements. All type interfaces are listed here: src/Interfaces/Types.